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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Karagiozov, Volin

Volin Karagiozov

Emeritus Professor (COS)



Karagiozov, V., & Christov, P. (1996). Internet for everyone: World scenarios for communications. Xpress.

Journal Articles

Bonev, S., Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J., & Christozov, D. (2013). Arrays and programming languages. E+E Electrotechnica & Electronica, 49(9-10), 31-36.

Bonev, S., Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., & Karagiozov, V. (2007). Evolving a computer science curriculum in a liberal arts setting. E+E Electrotechnica & Electronica, 42(1-2), 20-33.

Karagiozov, V. (2007). Link-resolvers: Нови приложения на open source [Link-resolvers: New applications in open source software]. Годишник на Българския Информационен Консорциум [Yearbook of the Bulgarian Information Consortium], 19-26.

Janev, N., Ivanov, K., Karagiozov, V., Starbanova, I., & Anastasova, Y. (2003). Възможности за приложение на web интерфейс при работа с база данни за минното производство [Opportunities for implementation of web interface in data base works in the mining industry]. Годишник на Минно-геоложкия университет [Annual of the University of Mining and Geology], 46(pt.3), 185-190.

Karagiozov, V., & Karagiozova, D. (1996). Chaotic phenomena in the dynamic buckling of an elastic-plastic column under an impact. Nonlinear Dynamics, 9(3), 265-280. 

Conference Proceedings

Galletly, J., Christozov, D., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2013). Towards the creation of a new program in informatics. In 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’13. Thessaloniki.

Galletly, J., Karagiozov, V., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2012). Program assessment via a capstone project. In 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’12. Novi Sad.

Miree, L., Galletly, J., Christozov, D., Bonev, S., & Karaziozov, V. (2011). Accreditation: A tale of two systems. In 6th International Conference of Computer Science, Workshop on Supercomputer Architectures and Applications. Ohrid, Macedonia.

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2009). Cooperative learning: The role of extra-curricular activities. In Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’09 (pp. 65-69). Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., Bonev, S., & Eastergard, A. (2009). The design of a new program in informatics. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference: Computer Science (Vol. 2, pp. 366-371). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Bonev, S., & Christozov, D. (2008). Facilities and support for teaching computer science at the American University in Bulgaria. In Proceedings of the 4th International Bulgarian-Greek Scientific Conference Computer Science and International Workshop Biocomputing (Pt. 2, pp.635-640). Kavala, Greece.

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2007). Learning by doing: The way to develop computer science professional. In Proceedings of the 2nd  Informatics Education Europe Conference (pp. 53-59). Thessaloniki, Greece.

Bonev, S. B., Christozov, D., & Karagiozov, V. (2006). Ever green reverse Polish Notation. In Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Scientific Conference Computer Science (Pt. 1, pp. 309-314). Istanbul, Turkey.

Bonev, S. B., Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., & Karagiozov, V. (2005). Computer science curriculum in a liberal art institution: Transition from ACM/IEEE curriculum model 1992 to 2001. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Computer Science (Pt. 2, pp. 213-217). Kavala, Khalkidhiki, Greece.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. B. (2005). E-learning in a liberal arts institution: An open source solution: The AUBG experience. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Computer Science (Pt. 2, pp. 218-223). Kavala, Khalkidhiki, Greece.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Dimitrova, J., Gyulev, I., & Gabuja, E. (2004). An open source solution for course content management. In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on New Technologies in Education and Training (pp. 96-105). Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., & Filtchev, L. (2004). Using a web-based course content management system for electronic instruction. In Proceedings of the National Conference on e-Learning in Higher Education (pp. 69-72). Kiten, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V. (2003). Using innovative teaching techniques in transition from teacher-centered to learner-centered education. In Proceedings of the International Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) Conference (pp. 105-108). Philadelphia, PA.

Karagiozov, V., et al. (1997). Networking the third Millennium. In O. B. Popov (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd CEENet Workshop on Network Technology (pp. 89-91). Zagreb, Belgrade.

Karagiozov, V. (1996). Expanding internet access in Bulgaria: The role of commercial IP providers in connecting Bulgarian universities to the internet. In Proceedings of the INet ‘96 Conferences. Montreal, Canada.

Karagiozov, V., et al. (1996). A gateway to cyberspace. In O. B. Popov (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd CEENet Workshop on Network Technology (pp. 116-118). Budapest, Hungary.

Karagiozov, V.A., Ivanov, I. B., & Dimitrov, D. P. (1989). Influence of the periodical variations in sun disturbing potential on the Earth seismic activity. In Proceedings of the 6th  International Symposium: Geodesy and Physics of the Earth: Pt. 3. Recent Crustal Movements (pp. 112-122). Potsdam, Germany.