Associate Professor
History and Civilizations Department
MB 202C
Симеонов, С. (2024). Франсиско де Миранда на Балканите: Раждането на идеята за независимост на Латинска Америка (2nd ed.). Издателство „Фабер.“
Симеонов, С. (2022). Франсиско де Миранда на Балканите: Раждането на идеята за независимост на Латинска Америка [Francisco de Miranda in the Balkans: The Birth of the Idea of Latin American Independence]. Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките.
Симеонов, С. (2023). От международна изолация към институционална интеграция. Сравнителен и преплетен анализ на добруджанските консулства в късния XIX век. В И. Русев, Г. Георгиева, Н. Тодоров, & П. Добрев (Ред.), Регионалните изследвания. Извори, методи, перспективи (с. 175–201). Тендрил.
Симеонов, С. (2022). Служить нации, представлять империю: консулы России на Балканах (1774–1878 гг.) [In Russian] [To Serve the Nation, to Represent the Empire: Russian Consuls in the Balkans (1774–1878)]. В Т.В. Волокитина, К.В. Мельчакова, & М.М. Фролова (Ред.), Балканы знакомые и незнакомые: незнакомые события, личности, нарративы XVIII–XXI вв. (с. 73–81). Москва: РАН.
Simeonov, S. A. (2020). The consular Caribbean: consuls as agents of colonialism and decolonisation in the revolutionary Caribbean (1795–1848). In J. Webb, R. Westmaas, M. del P. Kaladeen, & W. Tantam (Eds.), Memory, Migration and (De)Colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond, (pp. 117–132). University of London Press.
Симеонов, С. (2024). Бариери пред стопанското развитие на Източното Средиземноморие според докладите на френския консул Луи-Феликс Огюст Божур [In Bulgarian] [Barriers to the economic development of the Eastern Mediterranean according to the reports of the French consul Louis Félix-Auguste Beaujour]. Известия на ЦСИИ, 9, 79-89.
Simeonov, S. A. (2024). Reciprocal sovereignty: The Franco-American consular convention, 1778–1788, and the meaning of American independence. Federal History, 16, 13-38.
Симеонов, С. (2023). Монархия и република в балканските пътеписи на Франсиско де Миранда. Балкани, 12, 51-61.Балкани-12-2023-53-63.pdf
Симеонов, С. (2023). Австрийското вицеконсулство в Русе и Унгарската революция през 1848–1849 година [In Bulgarian] [The Austrian Vice-Consulate in Rousse and the Hungarian Revolution (1848–1849)]. История, 31(1), 36–48.
Симеонов, С. (2023). “Има ли Срба у Серезу”? Сръбското консулство в Сяр и Македонският въпрос на прага на ХХ век [In Bulgarian] [“Are There Serbs in Serres”? The Serbian Consulate in Serres and The Macedonian Question at The Turn of the Twentieth Century]. История, 31(5), 443–454.
Симеонов, С. (2023). Консулствата като фактори на икономическия растеж в Българското възраждане [In Bulgarian] [Consulates as Factors of Economic Growth in the Bulgarian Revival]. Известия на ЦСИИ, 8, 82–92.
Simeonov, S. A. (2022). Amelioration or abolition? British consulship, Haitian recognition, and the question of colonial emancipation. Atlantic Studies–Global Currents.
Simeonov, S. A. (2022). Consular Recognition, Partial Neutrality, and the Making of Atlantic Diplomacy (1776–1825). Diplomatic History, 46(1), 144–172.
Simeonov, S. A. (2021). Conference Report: “Empire, Sovereignty, and Labor in the Age of Global Abolition”. Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo y Trabajadores, 2, 259-265.
Simeonov, S. A. (2021). Jacksonian Consular Reform and the Forging of America’s First Global Bureaucracy. Journal of Policy History, 33(4), 401–428.
Simeonov, S. A. (2021). Miranda in the Balkans: decadent despotism, consulship, and the making of a south-eastern revolutionary in the Age of Revolution. Journal of Global History, 16(3), 375–394.
Симеонов, С. (2020). Дипломация в условията на капитализъм [In Bulgarian] [Diplomacy in the Conditions of Capitalism]. Българска Наука, 133, 95-106.
Simeonov, S. A. (2020). ‘Insurgentes, Self-Styled Patriots’: Consuls, Privateers, Slavers, and Mariners in the Making of the Privateering Archipelago. Journal of Global Slavery, 5(3), 291–321.
Simeonov, S. A. (2020). ‘With What Right Are They Sending a Consul:’ Unauthorized Consulship, U.S. Expansion, and the Transformation of the Spanish American Empire, 1795–1808. Journal of the Early Republic, 40(1), 19–44., S.A. (2023). Imperial Pasts, National Futures [Review of the book Imagined Empires Tracing Imperial Nationalism in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, by D. Stamatopoulos (Ed.)]. Budapest, Études Balkaniques, 59(1), 144–150.
Simeonov, S.A. (2023). Postcolonial Travel-Writing, Past and Present [Review of the book Voyage et idéologie: Les politiques de la mobilité (Orient, Afrique, Asie, XXе siècle), by M. Alfaro, V. Lalagianni, & O. Polycandrioti (Eds.)]. Études Balkaniques, 59(4), 950–954.
Simeonov, S.A. (2023). [Review of the book Eastward of Good Hope: Early America in a Dangerous World, by D. Morrison]. H-Diplo Roundtable, 24(27), 19–21.
Simeonov, S.A. (2023). Whither the Balkan revolutions? [Review of the book Aux origines des nationalismes balkaniques. La révolution française et le sud-est de l’Europe, by P. Kitromilides]. Études Balkaniques, 59(3), 636–640.
Simeonov, S.A. (2022). [Review of the book Cities in the Balkans: Spaces, Faces, Memories, by R.I. Preshlenova (Ed.)]. Slavic Review, 81(3), 761–763.
Simeonov, S.A. (2022). [Review of the book Underwriters of the United States: How Insurance Shaped the American Founding, by H. Farber]. Journal of the Early Republic, 42(3), 507-509.
Peterpaul, C., Ivanov, M., & Simeonov, S. A. (n.d.). Mapping the Early American Foreign Service [Online map].
Simeonov, S. A. (2020, March 3). The Banality of the State. Panorama: Expansive Views from the Journal of the Early Republic.
Simeonov, S. A. (n.d.). Nicholas Brown and the U.S. Consular Service in the Italian 1848. Brown University Digital Publications.