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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Nilsen, Jeffrey

Jeffrey Nilsen

Associate Professor (ECO)

  Nilsen, Jeffrey

  BAC 315

  +359 73 888 489



  Google Scholar


Book Chapter

Nilsen, J., Schwobel, A., & Teickner, S. (2006). Switzerland. In Global Corruption Report 2006: Transparency International, 257-261.

Journal Articles

Kim, D., & Nilsen, J. (2023). A Gordon growth formula for wealth-income ratios and its implications on cross-country differences. Finance Research Letters, 58(D).

Joo, S., Kim, D., & Nilsen, J. (2021). Monetary policy and long-term interest rates in Korea: A decomposition analysis. The Korean Economic Review, 37(2).

Kim, D., & Nilsen, J. (2021). Testing the presence of borrowing constraints from consumption responses to housing deposit changes. Journal of Asian Economics, 74.

Kim, D., & Nilsen, J. (2014). Why is the Inter-firm credit market in Korea special? An agency view of trade credit use by Chaebols. Global Economic Review, 43(4), 429–452.

Nilsen, J. (2013). Delayed production and raw materials inventory under uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 146(1), 337–345.

Daripa, A., & Nilsen, J. (2011). Ensuring sales: A theory of inter-firm credit. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 3, 245–279.  

Daripa, A., & Nilsen, J. (2005). Subsidizing inventory: A theory of trade credit and prepayment. Birkbeck Working Papers in Economics and Finance

Nilsen, J. H. (2002). Trade credit and the bank lending channel. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 34(1), 226–253.

Nilsen, J. H., & Rovelli, R. (2001). Investor risk aversion and financial fragility in emerging economies. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 11(3–4), 443–474.  

Nilsen, J. H. & Rovelli, R. (1999). Modeling financial fragility in transition economies. SSRN Electronic Journal, (22), 38.

Nilsen, J. H. (1999). Trade credit and the bank lending channel (No. 9904). SSRN Electronic Journal.

Nilsen, J. H. (1998). Why did Czech banks switch from loans in 1995? (No. 9803). SSRN Electronic Journal.

Conference Proceedings

Nilsen, J. H. (1998). Borrowed reserves, Fed funds rate targets and the term structure. In I. Angeloni & R. Rovelli (Eds.), Monetary Policy and Interest rates: Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by Banca d’Italia, Centro Paolo Baffi and the Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER) (pp. 80–120). New York: St. Martin’s Press.


Nilsen, J. (1994). The impact of credit markets on monetary policy. Princeton University.