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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Department of Media Studies

About MES Department

Agile. Fluid. Always-on. Cross-platform. Transmedia. Mulitmedia. Social Media. There has been a revolution in journalism and communication over the past decade, and the only certainty in this fast-paced world is that things will continue to change. That’s why our primary focus is to challenge our students to think on their feet. To hone their craft. To practice, write and rewrite, design and deliver messages that speak to their intended audiences and reach them via the most suitable platform.

MES students learn how to relate to other people, how to ask questions and tell stories. They also learn how to understand and apply ethical principles in design, photography, videography and digital editing. Expect to contribute to democracy via the art of persuasion and representation, and to practice your skills in real-life settings. At AUBG we have a wide variety of student media, including the AUBG DAILY online news publication.  We also have a student-run radio station, and opportunities to create TV programs as well as direct, produce, shoot and edit documentaries. 

In 2024 the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) changed its name to Department of Media Studies (MES).

Discover more about the Department of Media Studies