History and Civilizations Department
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Gradeva, R., & Konstantinova, Y. (Eds., & Pref.). (2022). Salonica - Solun - Thessaloniki: The Bulgarian traces. The Isis Press.
Gradeva, R. (2014). Frontiers of Ottoman space, frontiers in Ottoman society (1st ed.). The Isis Press.
Gradeva, R. (2008). War and peace in Rumeli: 15th to beginning of 19th century. The Isis Press. [(2nd ed. (2010) Gorgias Press-The Isis Press].
Gradeva, R. (2004). Rumeli under the Ottomans, 15th-18th centuries: Institutions and communities. The Isis Press. [(2nd ed. (2010). Gorgias Press-The Isis Press].
Градева, Р. (Ed., Comp. & Pref.). (2001). История на мюсюлманската култура по българските земи: Vol. 7 [In Bulgarian] [History of Islamic Culture in Bulgarian Lands]. Международен център по проблемите на малцинствата и крултурните взаимодействия.
Градева, Р. & Иванова, С. (Eds., Comps., & Pref). (1998). Мюсюлманската култура по българските земи: Изследвания. Vol. 2 [In Bulgarian]. [Muslim Culture in Bulgarian Lands. Studies]. Международен център по проблемите на малцинствата и крултурните взаимодействия.
Chapters in Monographs
Gradeva, R. (2023). Ottoman Sofia through the eyes of its denizens and visitors: Late 14th–first half of 16th century. In H. Çelik, Y. Köse, & G. Procházka-Eisl (Eds.), “Buyurdum ki….” – The Whole World of Ottomanica and Beyond (184–215). Brill.
Gradeva, R., & Kuneralp, S. (2022). The murder of the consuls in Salonica, 1876: The Bulgarian trace. In R. Gradeva & Y. Konstantinova (Eds., & Pref.), Salonica - Solun - Thessaloniki: The Bulgarian traces (pp. 207-238). The Isis Press.
Gradeva, R. (2016). Sofia’s Rotunda and its neighbourhood in Ottoman times. In J. Zimmermann, C. Herzog, R. Motika, & M. Ursinus (Eds.), Osmanische Welten: Quellen und Fallstudien : Festschrift für Michael Ursinus (pp. 177-207). University of Bamberg Press.
Градева, Р. (2016). За съдбата на софийската църква „Св. Георги“ - Ротонда под османска власт. In С. Г. Първева, О. Т. . Тодорова, & Е. Грозданова (Eds.), Из живота на европейските провинции на Османската империя през ХV - ХIХ век : Сборник изслведвания в памет на проф. д.и.н. Елена Грозданова (pp. 592–604). Гутенберг.
Gradeva, R. (2016). Late Antique church buildings in Ottoman Sofia, fifteenth to beginning of nineteenth centuries. In M. Hartmuth, A. Dilsiz, & A. Wharton (Eds.), Christian art under Muslim rule : proceedings of a workshop held in Istanbul on May 11/12, 2012 (pp. 167–193). Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Γκράντεβα, Ρ. (2014). Ο καθεδρικός ναός της Σόφιας 15ος - αρχές του 19ου αι. In Αλεξάνταρ Κόστοφ, Εκατερίνα Νίκοβα, Ράια Ζαΐμοβα, & Ροσίτσα Γκράντεβα (Eds.), Τα Βαλκάνια – εκσυγχρονισμός, ταυτότητες, ιδέες. Συλλογή κειμένων προς τιμήν της καθηγήτριας Νάντιας Ντάνοβα (p. 884). Ηράκλειο Νάντιας .
Gradeva, R. (2013). A Kadi court in the Balkans: Sofia in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In C. Woodhead (Ed.), The Ottoman world (pp. 57–71). Routledge.
Gradeva, R. (2012). From the Bottom Up and Back Again, Until Who Knows When: Legal Procedures for the Repairs and Reconstruction of Non-Muslim Houses of Worship (Seventeenth-Eighteenth Centuries). In A. Anastasopoulos (Ed.), Political initiatives “from the bottom up” in the Ottoman Empire (pp. 135–163). Crete University Press.
Gradeva, R. (2012). Conversion to Islam in Bulgarian Historiography. In J. S. Nielsen (Ed.), Religion, Ethnicity and Contested Nationhood in the Former Ottoman Space (pp. 187-222). Brill Academic Pub.
Gradeva, R. (2011). Bulgarie: Introduction and Notices D 1 – D 86. In G. Grivaud & A. Popović (Eds.), Les conversions à l’islam en Asie mineure et dans les Balkans aux époques seldjoukide et ottomane : bibliographie raisonnée, 1800-2000 (pp. 355–359). École française d’Athènes.
Градева, Р. (2011). Софийската катедрална църква, XV- нач. на XIX век. In : Е. Никова, Р. Заимова, Р. Градева, & А. Г. Костов & Ю. Константинова (Eds.), Балканите - модернизация, идентичности, идеи : Сборник в чест на проф. Надя Данова (pp. 567–586). Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките.
Gradeva, R. (2010). The church in the life of Sofia citizens: 15th to 18th century (preliminary notes). In G. Valtchinova (Ed.), Religion and boundaries: Studies from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Turkey (pp. 47-79). The Isis Press.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Orthodox Christians and Ottoman authority in late-seventeenth-century Crete. In A. Anastasopoulos (Ed.), The Eastern Mediterranean under Ottoman rule: Crete 1645-1840 (pp. 177-201). Crete University Press.
Градева, Р. (2008). За немюсюлманите и техните храмове в османските владения: Някои наблюдения върху процедурите по получаване на разрешения за ремонт и поправка на немюсюлманските култови сгради през пред-Танзимацкия период. In S. Ivanova (Ed.), Етнически и културни пространства на Балканите: Сборник в чест на Проф. Цветана Георгиева (Vol. 1, pp.126-163). Университетско издателство “Св. Климент Охридски”.
Gradeva, R. (2007). On ‘Frenk’ objects in everyday life in Ottoman Balkans: The case of Sofia, mid-17th- mid-18th centuries. In Relazioni economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico, secc. XIII-XVIII/ Europe’s Economic relations with the Islamic World, 13th-18th centuries (pp. 769-799). Datini.
Gradeva, R. (2007). Secession and revolution in the Ottoman Empire: Osman Pazvantoğlu and Rhigas Velestinlis. In A. Anastasopoulos & E. Kolovos (Eds.), Ottoman Rule and the Balkans, 1760-1850, Conflict, Transformation, Adaptation (pp. 73-94). Crete University Press, Department of history and archaeology.
Gradeva, R. (2006). On judicial hierarchy in the Ottoman Empire: The case of Sofia from the Seventeenth to the beginning of the Eighteenth century. In M. Masud, R. Peters & D. Powers (Eds.), Dispensing justice in Islam: Qadis and their judgments (pp. 271-298). Brill.
Gradeva, R. (2006). On Zimmis and their church buildings: Four cases from Rumeli. In E. Kermeli & O. Özel (Eds.), The Ottoman Empire: Myths, realities and “Black Holes”. contributions in honour of colin imber (pp. 203-237). The Isis Press.
Gradeva, R. (2006). Osman Pazvantoğlu of Vidin: Between old and new. In F. Anscombe (Ed.), The Ottoman Balkans, 1750-1830, (pp. 115-161). Markus Wiener Publishers.
Gradeva, R. (2005). The Ottoman Balkans: A zone of fractures or a zone of contacts?. In A. Bues (Ed.), Zones of fracture in modern Europe: The Baltic countries, the Balkans, and Northern Italy (pp. 61-75). Harrassowitz Verlag.
Gradeva, R. (2004). Jews and Ottoman authority in the Balkans: the cases of Sofia, Vidin and Ruse, 15th-17th centuries. In R. Gradeva (Ed.), Rumeli under the Ottomans, 15th-18th centuries: Institutions and communities (pp. 225-285). The Isis Press.
Gradeva, R. (2003). Towards the portrait of “the Rich” in Ottoman provincial society: Sofia in the 1670s. In A. Anastasopoulos (Ed.), Provincial elite in the Ottoman Empire (pp. 149-199). Crete University Press.
Gradeva, R. (2002). Administrative system and provincial government in the Central Balkan territories of the Ottoman empire, 15th century. In H. C. Güzel, C. C. Oğuz, & O. Karatay (Eds.), The Turks: Vol. 3. Ottomans (pp. 498-507). Yeni Türkiye Publications.
Gradeva, R. (2002). Orta Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Idarî sistemi ve Taşra Idaresi (XV. Yüzyıl). In H. Güzel, K. Çiçek, & S. Koca (Eds.), Türkler: Vol. 9, Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, Ankara (pp. 916-925). Yeni Türkiye Publications.
Градева, Р. (2002). Война и мир по Долния Дунав: Видин в края на XVII-началото на XVIII век. In S. Eldarov (Ed.). Балканите между мира и войната: Сборник научни изследвания: Vol. 4. Българска историческа библиотека (pp. 84-114). Иврай.
Gradeva, R. (2001). Osmanlı ve Bulgar Kaynaklarından Orta Balkan Topraklarındaki Depremler (17. ve 18. Yüzyıllar) In E. Zachariadou (Ed.), Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda doğal afetler (pp. 59-71). Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı
Градева, Р. (2001). Турците в българската книжнина: XV-XVIII век [In Bulgarian] [Turks in Bulgarian Letters, 15th–18th cc.]. In N. Chernokozhev & N. Aretov (Eds.) Балкански идентичности. (Vol. 1, pp. 112-134). Институт за изследване на интеграцията.
Gradeva, R. (2000). Shipping along the lower course of the Danube (end of the 17th century). In E. Zachariadou (Ed.), The Kapudan Pash: His office and his domain (pp. 301-323). Crete University Press.
Gradeva, R. (1999). Ottoman and Bulgarian sources on earthquakes in Central Balkan lands (17th–18th Centuries). In E. Zachariadou (Ed.), Natural disasters in the Ottoman Empire (pp. 55-65). Crete University Press.
Градева, Р. (1999). Кадийският съд в българските земи: XV-XVIII век [In Bulgarian] [The kadi court in Bulgarian lands, 15th–18th centuries]. In M. Radeva (Ed.). Българското общество: XV-XVIII век (pp. 162-204). Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“.
Градева, Р., & Иванова, С. (Comp.). (1998). Въведение. Изследване на историята и съвременното състояние на мюсюлмаската култура по българските земи: Народен и висок пласт. In Р. Градева & С. Иванова (Eds.), Мюсюлманската култура по българските земи. Изследвания: Vol. 2, Съдбата на мюсюлманските общности на Балканите ( pp. 9-53). Международен център по проблемите на малцинствата и културните взаимодействия.
Градева, Р. (1996). Към въпроса за религиозната атмосфера в Османската империя: София в средата на XVI век. In Б. Христова, et al. (Eds.). Българският XVI век (pp.149-185). НБКМ.
Градева, Р. (1995). Българи и турци, XIV-XVIII век. In N. Danova et al. (Eds.), Представата за „другия” на Балканите (pp. 47-54). БАН.
Градева, Р. (1993). Административна система и провинциално управление в българските земи през XV век. In B. Raykov et al. (Eds.), Българският петнадесети век: Сборник доклади за общата и културна история на българите през 15 век (pp. 39-52). НБКМ.
Градева, Р. (1990). О некоторых проблемах формирования османской системы управления (ХIV - начало ХVI вв.). In S. Oreshkova et al. (Eds.), Османская империя. Государственная власть и социально-политическая структура. (pp. 40-65). Мысль.
Edited Monographs
Ханиоглу, М. Ш. (2024). Ататюрк. История на Идеи [Atatürk: An Intellectual Biography] (Я. Сидеров, прев., Р. Градева, ред.). Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски.“ (Original work published 2011).
Journal Articles
Gradeva, R. (2024). The Balkans, 15th – 19th century, on the pages of Études Balkaniques, 2014 – 2023. Etudes Balkaniques, 60(2), 311 – 332.
Градева, Р. (2021). София на границата на две епохи (втората половина на XIV - началото на XVI век). Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 12(1), 341-365.
Градева, Р. (2014). Османските Балкани в епохата на ранното ново време – зона на конфликт, на контакт или на съжителство?. Балкани, (3), 23–38.
Gradeva, R. (2009). Between the hinterland and the frontier: Ottoman Vidin, fifteenth to eighteenth century. The Frontiers of the Ottoman World: Proceedings of the British Academy, A. Peacock (Ed.), 156, 331-351.
Gradeva, R. (2006). Villagers in international trade: The case of Chervena Voda, Seventeenth to the beginning of Eighteenth Century. The Ottomans and Trade, Oriente Moderno [Special Issue], E. Boyar & K. Fleet (Eds.), XXV (n.s.)/1, 1-20.
Gradeva, R. (2005). On the judicial functions of Kadi Courts: Glimpses from Sofia in the Seventeenth Century, Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit, 5(2), 15-43.
Gradeva, R. (2005). Osman Pazvantoğlu of Vidin: Between old and new. Princeton Papers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 13, 115-161.
Gradeva, R. (2002). On Kadis of Sofia, 16th-17th centuries. International Journal of Turkish Studies, 26(1), 265-292.
Градева, Р. (2002). Селяни в международната търговия: Червена вода, XVII-началото на XVIII век. Алманах за историята на Русе, 4, 92-112.
Gradeva, R. (2001). War and peace along the Danube: Vidin at the end of the seventeenth century. The Ottomans and the Sea Oriente Moderno [Special Issue], K. Fleet (Ed.), XX (n.s.)/1 (pp. 149-175)..
Gradeva, R. (2001). In memoriam: Prof. Strashimir Dimitrov. Etudes Balkaniques, 1, 171-176.
Gradeva, R., & Ivanova, S. (2001). Researching the past and the present of Muslim culture in Bulgaria: The “popular” and “high” layers. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 12(3), 317-337.
Gradeva, R. (2000, September). Apostasy in Rumeli in the middle of the Sixteenth Century. Arab Historical Review for Ottoman Studies, 22, 29-73.
Gradeva, R. (1999). The activities of a Кadi Court in 18th-century Rumeli: The case of Hacioğlu Pazarcik. The Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century, Oriente Moderno [Special Issue], K. Fleet (Ed.), 18 (n.s.)(1), 177–190.
Gradeva, R. (1997). Orthodox Christians in the Kadi Courts: The practice of the Sofia Sheriat Court, Seventeenth Century. Islamic Law and Society, 4(1), 37–69.
Gradeva, R. (1996). Turks in Eighteenth-century Bulgarian literature: Historical roots of Present-day attitudes in Bulgaria. The European legacy: Toward new paradigms, 1(2), 421-426.
Gradeva, R. (1995). Turks and Bulgarians: Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. European Perception of the Ottomans, Journal of Mediterranean Studies [Special Issue], I. Beller-Hann & K. Fleet (Eds.), 5(1), 173–187
Gradeva, R. (1994). Ottoman policy towards Christian church buildings. Etudes Balkaniques, 4, 14–36.
Градева, Р. (1993). За правните компетенции на кадийския съд през XVII век, Исторически преглед, 2, 98–120.
Градева, Р. (1989). Налагане на кадийската институция на Балканите и мястото ѝ в провинциалната администрация: XIV-началото на XV век, Балканистика, 3, 33–52.
Encyclopedia Entries
Gradeva, R. (2009). Adakale. In Encyclopaedia of Islam (3rd ed.) (Part 3, pp. 37-39). Brill.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Alemdar Mustafa Pasha. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (pp. 29-30). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Ali Pasha of Tepelen. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (p. 37). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Bulgaria. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (pp. 99-102). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Bulgarian National Awakening. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (pp. 102-103). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Bulgarian Orthodox Church. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (pp. 103-104). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Danube Province: Tuna Vilayeti. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (pp. 172-173). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Haydud. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (p. 252). Facts-on-File.
Gradeva, R. (2008). Osman Pazvantoglu. In G. Agoston & B. Masters (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire (pp. 447-448). Facts-on-File.
Градева, Р. (2007). Кадия. In С. Евстатиев (Ed.), Ислямът. Кратък справочник (2nd ed.). Изток - Запад.
Градева, Р. (2006). Шейхюлислям. In С. Евстатиев (Ed.), Ислямът. Кратък справочник (2nd ed., 2007). Изток - Запад.
Градева, Р. (2006). Ислямът по българските земи [In Bulgarian] [Islam in Bulgarian lands]. In С. Евстатиев (Ed.), Ислямът. Кратък справочник (2nd ed., 2007). Изток - Запад.
Градева, Р. (1996). Тугра. In Енциклопедия България (Vol. 7). БАН.
Градева, Р. (1996). Ферман. In Енциклопедия България (Vol. 7). БАН.
Градева, Р. (1996). Хас. In Енциклопедия България (Vol. 7). БАН.
Градева, Р. (1988). Тимар. In Енциклопедия България (Vol. 6). БАН.
Radushev, E., Ivanova, S., & Kovachev, R. (Comp.). (2003). Inventory of Ottoman Turkish documents about Waqf preserved in the Oriental Department at the St St Cyril and Methodius National Library: Pt. 1: Registers. (R. Gradeva, Trans.). NBKM.
Kiel, M. (2002). Art and society in Bulgaria under Turkish rule. (R. Gradeva, Trans.). Любомъдрие-Хроника. (Original work published 1984).
Radushev, E., & Kovachev, R. [Comp.]. (1996). Inventory of registers from the Istanbul Ottoman archive at the general directorate of the State Archives of the Republic of Turkey. (R. Gradeva, Trans.). NBKM.
Ivanova, Z. & Stoilova, A. (1995). The Holy Qur'an through the centuries: A catalogue of the exhibition of manuscripts (R. Gradeva, Trans.). St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library.
Gradeva, R. (Trans.). (1995). Tetraevangelıa and Qur’ ans [English trans. of The Qur’ an part] [CD]. St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library.
Gradeva, R. (Trans.). (1987). The travel accounts of John Burbury. In М. Тодорова (Ed.), Английски пътеписи за Балканите края на XVI- 30-те години на XIX век (pp. 143-170). Наука и изкуство.
Gradeva, R. (Trans.). (1987). The travel accounts of John Covel. In М. Тодорова (Ed.), Английски пътеписи за Балканите края на XVI- 30-те години на XIX век (pp. 194-262). Наука и изкуство.
Градева, Р. (1989). Кадийската институция на Балканите ХV-ХVІІ век [In Bulgarian] [The Kadı Institution in the Balkans, 15th-17th centuries]. Institute of Balkans Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.