Assistant Professor
Philosophy and Psychology Department
MB 253
(+359 73) 888 438
Journal Articles
Floyd, K., Woo, N. T., Custer, B. E., Dinsmore, D. R., Duncan, K., & Maré, J. (2022). Examining the social signaling and person perception functions of loneliness. OBM Neurobiology, 6(2), 6-29.
Hesse, C., Floyd, K., Rains, S. R., Mikkelson, A. C., Pauley, P. M., Woo, N. T., Custer, B. E., & Duncan, K. (2021). Affectionate communication and health: A meta-analysis. Communication Monographs, 88(2), 194-218.
Lapierre, M. A., & Custer, B. E. (2021). Testing relationships between smartphone engagement, romantic partner communication, and relationship satisfaction. Mobile Media & Communication, 9(2), 155-176.
Floyd, K., Matheny, R., Dinsmore, D. R., Custer, B. E., & Woo, N. T. (2019). “If you disagree, unfriend me now”: Exploring the phenomenon of invited unfriending. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 7(1), 20-29.
Lapierre, M. A., Zhao, P., & Custer, B. E. (2019). Short-term longitudinal relationships between smartphone use/dependency and psychological well-being among late adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(5), 607-612.
Floyd, K., Woo, N. T., & Custer, B. E. (2020). The biology of affectionate communication. In K. Floyd, & R. Weber (Eds.), The handbook of communication science and biology (pp. 308-318). Routledge.
Encyclopedia Entries
Floyd, K., & Custer, B. E. (2020). Affection exchange theory. In J. Nussbaum (Ed.), Oxford research encyclopedia of communication. Oxford University Press.
Custer, B. E. (2020). Bad boys, bad boys, who’s gotta thing for you?: Examining the sexual appeal of the bad boy archetype (Publication No. 28261894) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.