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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Home


Welcome to AUBG Faculty Bibliography, a service provided by Panitza Library!

This online institutional collection is an updated version of the 2011 Faculty Bibliography, printed by Panitza Library. It offers high visibility and increased access to published research by faculty members who are currently teaching at the American University in Bulgaria. Included in the comprehensive bibliographic database are citations of publications of current and emeritus faculty. With the help of this LibGuide, this data is now available to everyone!

The list of publications illustrates the rich diversity and broad application of scholarship across AUBG campus. It is ordered alphabetically by department and by last name of the faculty member, utilizing the APA 7th referencing style as it is the most commonly used when citing sources from the field of social sciences. The last tab of this LibGuide is a list of all faculty members to have ever taught at AUBG.

We express our sincere gratitude to all AUBG faculty who have helped us gather and compile the data that is included in this bibliography.

Special thanks to all our colleagues from the offices of the Provost and Accreditation for their support and contribution!

Please contact us should you have any questions or would like to suggest corrections, additions, or improvements of the bibliography. The publications will be updated for current faculty only.

Best regards,

Panitza Library team


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Radina Damyanova
“Svoboda Bachvarova” Str. 8
Blagoevgrad 2700
+359 73 888 341