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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Crombois, Jean

Jean Crombois

Associate Professor (PE)

  Crombois, Jean

  MB 212

  +359 73 888 432 



  Google Scholar



Crombois, J. (2011). Camille Gutt and postwar international finance. Pickering & Chatto.

Crombois, J. (2000). Camille Gutt: Les finances et la guerre, 1940-1945 [In French] [Camille Gutt. Finances and War 1940-1945]. Quorum.

Crombois, J. (1994). L’Univers de la sociologie en Belgique de 1900 à 1940  [In French] [The Universe of Sociology in Belgium from 1900 to 1940]. Free University of Brussels Press.

Book Chapters

Crombois, J. (2021). Small country and European security: The case of Bulgaria-Russia relations since 2014. In T. Weiss & G. Edwards (Eds.), Small states and security in Europe: Between national and international policymaking. Routledge.

Crombois, J. (2018). Existe-t-il une diplomatie européenne? Le cas du partenariat oriental [Is there a EU diplomacy? The case of the Eastern partnership]. In G. Rouet & R. Gura (dir.), Diplomatie purielle: Acteurs et enjeux [Plural diplomacies: Actors and stakes] (pp. 169-184). L'Harmattam.

Crombois, J. (2017). Crises de la construction européenne et politisation: pour une re-politisation du projet européen [Crises and European integration and politicization: For a re-politicization of the European project]. In P. Gueorguieva & A. Todorov (dir.), A la recherche de la représentation perdue. Nouvelles voies à l’ouest, à l’est et au sud [Searching for the lost representation. New ways in the West, the East and in the South] (pp. 67-80). L’Harmattan.

Crombois, J. (2014). United Nations and European construction: The international monetary fund and European regional monetary cooperation 1946-1957/58. In G. Migani & L. Mechi (Eds.), Networks of global governance. International organisations and European integration in a historical perspective (pp. 39-60). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Crombois, J. F. (2011). Bulgaria’s foreign policy. In C.Yenegun & F. Gjana (Eds.), Balkans. Foreign affairs, politics and socio-cultures (pp. 413-434). Epoka University Publications.

Crombois, J. (2010). EU crisis management and ESDP operations in the Eastern neighborhood. In F. Attina & D. Irrera (Eds.), Multilateral security and ESDP operations (pp. 145-162). Ashgate Publishing.

Crombois, J. (2010). L’Humanité comme type social? Paul Otlet et la Sociologie [In French] [Humanity as Social Type? Paul Otlet and Sociology].  In Paul Otlet. Fondateur du Mundaneum (1868-1944). Architecte du savoir. Artisan de paix  [Paul Otlet. Founder of the Mundaneum (1868-1944). Architect of Knowledge. Craftman of Peace]. Les Impressions Nouvelles.

Crombois, J. (2009). International organizations and regional integration: The IMF and the EPU (1946-1957). In E. Remacle & P. Winand (Eds.), L'Amérique, l'Europe, l'Afrique, 1945-1973 [America-Europe-Africa 1945-1973] (pp. 67-82). P.I.E. Peter Lang.

Crombois, J. (2008). The ENP and EU actions in the field of conflict management: Comparing Eastern Europe and the Maghreb. In K. Nikolov (Ed.), The European neighbourhood policy: Time to deliver (pp. 85-108). BECSA.

Crombois, J. (2007). L’associabilité comme engagement citoyen: La participation Bulgaredans les groupesd’intérêtseuropéens [In French] [Associability as a way for engaging citizenship: The particpiation of Bulgarian interest groups in European interest groups]. In A. Todorov & A. Kratseva (Eds.), L’engagement citoyen (pp. 206-217). Nouvelle Universite Bulgare.

Crombois, J. (2005). Free trade agreements as foreign policy instruments: Comparing the US FTA with Morocco and the EU Free trade zone with the Mediterranean countries. In The Implications of free trade agreements on African states: Moroccan & South African FTAs with the United States (pp. 109-122). Al Akhawayn University Press.

Journal Articles

Crombois, J. (2023). Contesting the west? Domestic contestation in Bulgarian foreign policy from 2014 to 2022. Baltic Journal of Law and Politics, 16(1), 174 – 189.

Crombois, J. (2023). The Ukraine war and the future of the eastern partnership. European View, 22(1).

Crombois, J. (2022, February 21). Another missed opportunity in the Western Balkans? Future Europe.

Crombois, J. (2020). Lilliput effect revisited: Small states and EU foreign policy. European View, 19(1), 80-87.

Crombois, J. (2019). Bulgaria’s foreign policy and EU sanctions against Russia: Europeanization, politicization and small country diplomacy. Southeastern Europe, 43(2), 158-186.

Crombois, J. (2019). The Eastern partnership: Geopolitics and policy inertia. European View.

Crombois, J. (2019). Central and Eastern European business interest associations and EU policy making. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(1), 1-8.

Crombois, J. F. & Elagina, D. (2018). La crise ukrainienne: un défi pour la diplomatie européenne [The crisis in Ukraine: A challenge for EU diplomacy]. Hermes. La Revue, 81(2), 133-140.

Crombois, J. F. (2018). Bulgarie: présidence européenne sous pression [Bulgaria: A European Presidency under Presure]. Revue des Deux Mondes, 146-153.

Crombois, J. (2017). Conflicting Narratives? Geopolitical and Normative Power Narratives in the EU Eastern Partnership. Politeja, 49, 109-125.

Crombois, J. F. (2016). How well do constitutions travel across time and space?: The Belgian Constitution of 1831 in Bulgarian constitutional history 1879-1940. Legal History Review, 84(3–4), 502-525.

Crombois, J. (2015). Which geopolitics for the European Union? The EUs Eastern partnership. International Relations and Diplomacy, 3(7), 480–486.

Crombois, J. (2009). The gas crisis in the Balkans. Contemporary Review, 291(1693), 174-178.

Crombois, J. (2008). Corruption and populism in Bulgaria. Contemporary Review, 290(1691), 456-459.

Crombois, J. (2008). The ENP and EU Actions in conflict management: Comparing between Eastern Europe and the Maghreb. Perspectives: Central European Review of International Affairs, 16(2), 29-51. 

Crombois, J. (2008). L’influence de la Constitution Belge de 1831 sur la Constitution Bulgare de 1879. État de la question [In French] [The influence of the Belgian Constitution of 1831 on the Bulgarian Constitution of 1879: State of the question]. Studia Politica, Romanian Political Science Review, 8(1), 15-20.

Crombois, J. (2005). The US-Morocco free trade agreement. Mediterranean Politics, 10(2), 219-223.

Crombois, J. (2004). Le Fonds Monétaire International, le plan Marshall et la reconstruction des économies européennes 1946-1951 [In French] [The IMF, the Marshall Plan and the reconstruction of Western European economies]. Revue Belge De Philologie Et D'Histoire, 82(4), 995-1019.

Crombois, J. (1999). Camille Gutt et la création du Fonds Monétaire International [In French] [Camille Gutt and the Founding of the IMF]. Relations Internationales, 99, 289-305.

Crombois, J. (1998). Finance, économie et politique en Belgique à la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939-1940 [In French] [Finance, economy and politics in Belgium on the eve of the Second World War]. Cahiers D’Histoire Du Temps Présent, 5, 171-206.

Conference Proceedings

Crombois, J. F. (2016). Politicization and crises of European integration: For a re-politicization of the European Union. In 5th International Conference: Thinking Contemporary Europe: The Politicization of Europe and the Integration/Disintegration Nexus in the European Union. Bologna (Italy).

Crombois, J. (2009). Curriculum development in European studies at the American University of Bulgaria: Challenges and prospects. Proceedings University of Ruse, 48(52), 140–146.

Crombois, J. (2005). Comparing modes of governance: The EU and the US free trade strategies towards. In International Conference Organized by the CSGR, CIGI and UNU-CRIS, Regionalisation and the Taming of Globalisation. Warwick, UK.

Book Review

Crombois, J. F. (2008). [Review of book Old Europe, New Europe: Evolution for a complex world, by J. Adamski, M. T. Johnson & C. M. Schweiss (Eds.)]. Journal of International Relations & Development, 11(2), 210-212.


Pauwels, J. R. (2005). Le mythe de la bonne guerre. Les Etats-Unis et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale par [The Myth of the Good War. The USA and the Second World War] (J. F. Crombois, Trans.). Aden.