Adjunct Professor
Computer Science Department
MB 203
+359 73 888 425
Тупарова, Д., Тупаров, Г., & Тотков, Г. (2010). Е-обучението в информационното общество: Технологии, модели, системи, достъпност и качество. Университетско издателство, Пловдив “Паисий Хилендарски.”
Dureva-Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2009). Информационни технологии 8 клас: Учебно пособие [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Тупаров, Г., & Тупарова, Д. (2008). Електронно обучение. Технологии и модели. Университетско издателство “Неофит Рилски”.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2008). Информационни технологии 7 клас: Книга на учителя [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2008). Информационни технологии 7 клас: Работна тетрадка: Учебно пособие [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2008). Информационни технологии 7 клас: Учебно помагало [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Dureva-Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2007). Информационни технологии 6 клас: Книга на учителя [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2007). Информационни технологии 6 клас: Работна тетрадка: Учебно пособие [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova-Stoianova, K. (2007). Информационни технологии 6 клас: Учебно помагало [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Gureva, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova, K. (2006). Информационни технологии 5 клас: Книга на учителя [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Gureva, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova, K. (2006). Информационни технологии 5 клас: Работна тетрадка [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, G., Gureva, D., Marcheva, K., & Mikhova, K. (2006). Информационни технологии 5 клас: Учебно помагало [In Bulgarian]. Сиела.
Tuparov, D., & Peneva, J. (2004). Бази от данни: II част [In Bulgarian]. Регалия 6.
Chapters in Monographs
Stankova, M., Tuparova, D., Mihova, P., Kamenski, T., Tuparov, G., & Mehandzhiyska, K. (2022). Educational Computer Games and Social Skills Training. In: M. Ivanović, A. Klašnja-Milićević, L.C. Jain (Eds.), Handbook on Intelligent Techniques in the Educational Process. Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems (vol. 29, pp. 361–392). Springer, Cham.
Tuparova, D., Al-Sabri, A. R., & Tuparov, G. (2018). Mobile device or personal computer for online learning – students’ satisfaction in Yemeni universities. In M. Auer, D. Guralnick & I. Simonics (Eds.), Teaching and learning in a digital world. ICL 2017. Advances in intelligent systems and computing (Vol. 715, pp. 383-389). Springer, Cham.
Dureva-Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., Doneva, R., & Staevski, N. (2010). E-learning in Bulgaria. In U. Demiray (Ed.), Book e-learning practices (Vol. 1, ch.3). Anadolu University Press.
Journal Articles
Stankova, M., Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., & Mihova, P. (2021). Barriers to the Use of Serious Computer Games in the Practical Work with Children with Educational Difficulties. TEM Journal, 10(3), 1175 – 1183.
Borissova, D., Keremedchiev, D., & Tuparov, G. (2020). Multi-criteria model for questions selection in generating e-education tests involving gamification. TEM Journal, 9(2), 779 – 785.
Tuparova, D., Goranova, E., Voinohovska, V., Asenova, P., Tuparov, G., & Gyudzhenov, I. (2015). Teachers’ attitudes towards the use of E-assessment – Results from a Survey in Bulgaria. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 2236-2240.
Tuparova, D., Goranova, E., Voinohovska, V., Asenova, P., Tuparov, G., & Gyudzhenov, I. (2015). Teachers’ attitudes towards the use of E-assessment – Results from a Survey in Bulgaria. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, 2236-2240.
Tuparova, D., Kaseva, M., & Tuparov, G. (2014). Development of key competences through ICT in primary school. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116(2), 2952-2956.
Tuparov, G., Tuparova, D., & Jordanov, V. (2014). Teaching sorting and searching algorithms through simulation-based learning objects in an introductory programming course. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 2962-2966.
Tuparov, G., Tuparova, D., & Tsarnakova, A. (2012). Using interactive simulation-based learning objects in introductory course of programming. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46(12), 2276-2280.
Tuparova, D., & Tuparov, G. (2010). Automated real-live performance-based assessment of ICT skills. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2.
Tuparova, D., & Tuparov, G. (2010). Management of students’ participation in e-Learning collaborative activities. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2009). Modelling of adaptive learning scenario in e-Learning environments. Communication & Cognition Journal, 42(2), 19-34.
Tuparov, G., & Borisova, N. (2008). Интерактивна проверка на уменията за работа с MS Word [In Bulgarian]. Математика и математическо образование.
Tuparov, G. (2007). Assessment models in e-Learning environments. Communication & Cognition Journal, 40(1-2), 95-102.
Tuparov, G., & Tuparova, D. (2007). e-Learning in Bulgaria: The state of the art. Journal e-Learning Papers, 4(1), 28-32.
Tuparov, G. (2007). Utilization of UML in Bulgarian SME: Possible training strategies. Communication and Cognition Journal, 23(1-4), 56-62.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2006). Софтуер с отворен код за цифрови библиотеки [In Bulgarian]. Годишник на Български информационен консорциум [Yearbook of the Bulgarian Information Consortium], 3, 31-39.
Tuparov, G., & Tuparov, D. (2005). One approach of modelling of adaptive scenarios in e-Learning environments. Scientific Research eJournal, 4.
Tuparov, G. T. (2003). Изграждане на динамичен модел на автоматизирани производствени системи [In Bulgarian]. Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, 10, 3(66) 192-196.
Tuparov, G. T. (2003). Ролята на информацията в условията на глобална автоматизация на процеси и дейности [In Bulgarian]. Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, 10, 3(66), 52-57.
Tuparov, G. T. (2002). Изграждане на функционален модел на високоавтоматизирани производствени системи [In Bulgarian]. Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, 9, 2(58), 160-164.
Tuparov, G. T. (2000). Изграждане на обектен модел на високоавтоматизирани производствени системи [In Bulgarian]. Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, 7, 2(53), 408-413.
Tuparov, G.(2000). Обектно-ориентиран подход при моделирането на високоавтоматизирани производствени системи [In Bulgarian]. Научни известия на Научно-техническия съюз по машиностроене, 7, 2(53), 414-419.
Conference Proceedings
Tuparov, G., & Tuparova, D. (2023). The ecosystem of computer science education in Bulgarian primary school – State of the art. In T. Zlateva, & G. Tuparov (Eds), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: Vol. 514. Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. (pp. 335–346). Springer, Cham.
Zlateva, T., & Tuparov, G. (Eds.). (2023). Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: Vol. 514 [Editorial]. Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. Springer, Cham.
Tuparov, G. (2022). Database schemas used in SQL university courses – State of the Art. In T. Zlateva, & R. Goleva (Eds.), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: Vol. 450. Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (pp. 196–204). Springer, Cham.
Tuparov, G. (2022). Sandbox databases in SQL university courses - State of the Art. CEUR Workshop Proceedings of 15th International Conference Education and Research in the Information Society: Vol. 3372 (pp. 82 – 89).
Tuparov, G., & Tuparova, D. (2021). Gamification in higher education - A pilot study with SQL course. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings of 14th International Conference Education and Research in the Information Society: Vol. 3061 (pp. 81 - 90).
Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., & Mehandzhiyska, K. (2021). Learning topic “Safe Internet” in low secondary school through games. In 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (pp. 716-723).
Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., & Orozova, D. (2020). Educational computer games and Gamification at the higher education – students’ points of view. In 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (pp. 1579-1584).
Tuparova, D. Mehandzhiyska, K., & Tuparov, G. (2020). Usability testing of educational computer games on the topic “Safe Internet”. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education: Vol.1 (pp. 694-701).
Tuparov, G., & Keremedchiev, D. (2020). Assessing students’ SQL knowledge and skills in gamification manner. In 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (pp. 1531-1536).
Keremedchiev, D., Borissova, D., & Tuparov, G. (2020). An algorithm for assessment of students using gamification. In 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO) (pp. 636-640).
Tuparov, G., Al-Sabri, A., & Tuparova, D. (2019). Technological model for implementation of m-learning in higher education in Republic of Yemen. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech '19) (pp. 337–341).
Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., & Veleva, V. (2019). Girls' and boys' viewpoint on educational computer games. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning (pp. 757–76).
Tuparova D., Veleva V. & Tuparov G. (2019). About some barriers in usage of educational computer games by teachers in STEM. In 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) (pp. 727 - 730).
Tuparov, G., Keremedchiev, D., Tuparova, D., & Stoyanova, M. (2018). Gamification and educational computer games in open source learning management systems as a part of assessment. In 17th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training, ITHET 2018.
Tuparov, G., & Tuparova, D. (2018). Approaches for integration of educational computer games in e-learning environments. In 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2018 - Proceedings, (pp. 772-776).
Tuparova, D., Tuparov, G., Veleva, V., & Nikolova, E. (2018). Educational computer games and gamification in informatics and information technology education - teachers' points of view. In 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, MIPRO 2018 - Proceedings, (pp. 766-771).
Tuparov, G., Alsabri, A. A. A., & Tuparova, D. (2015, November). Students' readiness for mobile learning in Republic of Yemen - A pilot study. In Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL), 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL) (pp. 190-194). IEEE.
Tuparov, G., Kostadinova, H., Tuparova, D., & Raykova, M. (2014). Approaches for competencies assessment in open source e-Learning environments. In 2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 529-532).
Тупаров, Г. (2011). Защо да преоткриваме колелото или за приложението на информационните системи за електронно обучение в средното училище. In Математика и математическо образование (p. 5).
Tuparova, D., & Tuparov, G. (2011). Implementation of blended learning scenarios for training of school teachers. In 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2011 - 11th International Conference Virtual University, VU’11 (pp. 285-289).
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2011). Implementation of blended learning scenarios for training of school teachers. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). Piestani, Slovakia.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2011). За подготовката на студентите: Бъдещи учители по информатика и информационни технологии [In Bulgarian]. In Национална конференция "Образованието в информационното общество" [National Conference “Education in Information Society”]. Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Dureva, D., & Tuparov, G. (2010). Training primary school teachers to use e-Learning technologies: A pilot study. In Proceedings of the International Conference REMIA. Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Dureva, D., & Tuparov, G. (2009). Educational process management in Moodle. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference South-West University, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science (FMNS). Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., & Tapankova, S. (2009). Interactive performance-based assessment of ICT skills. In Proceedings of 6th Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education MEDCONF2009. Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D., & Zafirova, I. (2009). The “Jigsaw” collaborative method in blended learning course “Computer Games and Education” realization in Moodle. In Proceedings of the International Conference Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL). Villach, Austria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D., & Zafirova, I. (2009). The “Jigsaw” collaborative method in e-Learning environment Moodle. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'09 and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing.
Tuparov, G. (2009). Възможности за управление на учебния процес в система за е-обучение Moodle [In Bulgarian]. In 38-ма Пролетна конференция на СМБ [The 38th Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians]. Borovets, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Ivanov, S., & Peneva, J. (2008). Finalizing of UP2UML project. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Workshop on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. Borovets, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2008). Learning styles testing in Moodle. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'2008. (pp. 1-6). Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2008). On-line testing implementation in Open Source e-Learning environments. In 4th International Conference Computer Science'2008. Kavala, Greece.
Tuparov, G. (2008). The “Rainbow” of assessment activities in e-Learning: Didactical and technological issues. In 11th International Conference "Interactive Computer Aided Learning" ICL2008. Villach, Austria.
Tuparov, G. (2008). Интерактивна проверка на уменията за работа с MS Word 2. Модул за изследване стиловете на учене в системата за е-обучение Moodle [In Bulgarian]. In 37th Пролетна конференция на СМБ [The 37th Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians]. Borovets, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2007). Communication and collaborative activities in open source e-Learning environments. In Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI'2007). Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2007). Modelling of adaptive learning scenario in e-Learning environments. In Proceedings of the 4th e-Learning Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
Tuparov, G., Asenova, P., Peneva, J., & Ivanov, S. (2007). Upskilling to Object-oriented software development with UML. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'2007. Russe,Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2007). Upskilling to object-oriented software development with UML. In 36th Пролетна конференция на СМБ [The 36th Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians]. Varna, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2007). Модул за изследване на стиловете на учене в LMS Moodle [In Bulgarian]. In 5th Национален семинар по електронно обучение "Електронно обучение - теория и практика". Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2006). Assessment models in e-Learning environments 2: Utilization of UML in Bulgarian SME: Possible training strategies. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'2006. Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2006). A framework of comparing the testing capabilities in the e-Learning platforms. In 35th Пролетна конференция на СМБ [The 35th Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians]. Borovets, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2006). Learning paths in open source e-Learning environments 2: Teacher's attitude towards e-Learning courses in Bulgarian Universities. In 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (m-ICTE2006), Nov, 22-25. Seville, Spain.
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D., Ivanov, S., Karashtranova, E., & Peneva, J. (2006). Teachers’ attitude towards e-Learning courses in Bulgarian universities. In 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education (m-ICTE2006). Seville, Spain.
Tuparov, G. (2006). За готовността на учителите да прилагат технологии за електронно обучение [In Bulgarian]. In Национална конференция "Образованието в информационното общество". Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2006). Технологически и дидактически модели за проверка и оценка на знанията в среди за електронно обучение [In Bulgarian]. In 3rd Национален семинар по електронно обучение "Методология и технология на електронното обучение". Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2005). Didactical issues of e-Learning: Problems and future trends. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'2005. Varna, Bulgaria. Retrieved from:
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2005). One approach of modelling of adaptive scenarios in e-Learning environments. In 3rd Congress of Mathematicians. Struga, Republic of Macedonia.
Tuparov, G., Peneva, J. (2005). One approach of teaching data management courses: Didactical issues of E-learning: Problems and future trends. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'2005. Varna, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2005). Testing in open source e-Learning platforms: Didactical and technological issues. In Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2005). Технологични аспекти на електронното обучение [In Bulgarian]. In International Scientific Conference of South-West University, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science (FMNS). Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva-Tuparova, D., & Peneva, J. (2004). Didactical and technological issues during the development process of e-Learning courses. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech'2004. Russe, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2004). Simulation of failure and repair in discrete manufacturing systems by Colored Petri Net’s. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Application (ICDMA7) (pp. 89-97). Bansko, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Shtrakov, S., Dureva, D., Kovachev, D., & Khristov, B. (2004). Един модел на електронно обучение за студенти в областта на публично правните науки [In Bulgarian]. In Национална конференция по електронно обучение във висшето образование. Kiten, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2004). Квалификацията на учителите по информатика и информационни технологии: Състояние и перспективи [In Bulgarian]. In Пролетна конференция на СМБ [Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians]. Borovets, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2004). Методически аспекти при проектирането на курсове за електронно обучение [In Bulgarian]. In Национална конференция по електронно обучение във висшето образование. Kiten, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D. (2003). A didactical model for learning content management system. In ICL2003 Conference of Interactive Computerbased Learning. Villach, Austria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D., Bratanov, R., & Dimitrov, M. (2003). A Web-based model of system for development and delivering of On-line courses. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’2003 (pp.623-628).
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D., & Peneva, J. (2003). Един модел на интегрирана система за поддържане и разработване на курсове за онлайн обучение. In Научно-практическа конференция с мвждународно участие “Новите технологии в образованието и професионалното обучение”. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., (2002). Object-oriented approach for modeling of discrete production systems. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Application. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2002). One model of Web-based virtual environment for open and distance education. In International Conference Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL). Villach, Austria.
Tuparov, G., Dureva, D., Bratanov, R., & Dimitrov, M. (2002). A Web-based model of the system for knowledge assessment "Didacta-test 3.0". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’2002. (pp. 623-628).
Tuparov, G. (2002). Он-лайн подпомагано обучение: Проблеми и перспективи в университетското образование [In Bulgarian]. In 2nd Научно практическа конференция “Качеството на университетското образование”. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2001). Teaching of information technology by Web-based learning activity packages. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies,CompSysTech’2001. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov G., & Peneva J. (2001). Web-based communication and student support systems for distance learning courses. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Internet environment for New Technologies (pp.295-302).Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (2001). Мястото на университетските курсове по информатика и информационни технологии в учебните планове за неспециалисти. In 31st Пролетна конференция на СМБ [The 31st Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians]. Borovets, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., & Dureva, D. (2000). Design of On-line learning support system. In Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Macedonian Mathematicians. Ohrid, Republic of Mecedonia.
Tuparov, G., Peneva, J., & Dureva, D. (2000). Development of web-based assessment system. In Математика и математическо образование [Mathematics and Education of Mathematics] Proceedings of the29th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Peneva, J., & Rashev, R. (1999). Web-enabled approach for managing library information sources. In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) International '99, Adjunct Conference Proceedings. IRB-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
Tuparov, G., & Peneva, J. (1999). Web-enabled library information system. In Математика и математическо образование [Mathematics and Education of Mathematics] Proceedings of the28th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G. (1998). Приложение на HTML документи за разработване на учебни материали [In Bulgarian]. In Математика и математическо образование [Mathematics and Education of Mathematics] Proceedings of the27th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Tuparov, G., Marcheva, K., & Dureva, D. (1996). Приложение на модулното обучение по информатика и информационни технологии [In Bulgarian]. In Математика и математическо образование [Mathematics and Education of Mathematics] Proceedings of the25th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicions. Sofia, Bulgaria.