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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Lennie, Thomas

Thomas Lennie

Assistant Professor

Philosophy and Psychology Department

  Lennie, Thomas

  BAC 301




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Journal Articles

Jakubowski, K., Ahmad, N., Armitage, J. E., Barrett, L., Edwards, A., Galbo, E., Gómez-Cañón, J. S., Graves, T. A., Jadzgevičiūtė, A., Kirts, C., Lahdelma, I., Lennie, T. M., Ramatally, A., Schlichting, J. L., Steliou, C., Vishwanath, K., & Eerola, T. (in press). Participant and musical diversity in music psychology research. Music & Science. 

Lennie, T. M., & Eerola, T. (2022). The CODA model: A review and skeptical extension of the constructionist model of emotional episodes induced by music. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 822264.​ 

Chapters in Monographs

Timmers, R., Bannister, S., & Lennie, T. M. (2024). Aesthetic emotions in music: Theory, measurements, and cross-cultural comparison. In B. Bogunović, R. Timmers, & S. Nikolić (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on musical experiences and skills: Research in the Western Balkans and Western Europe (pp. 73-96). Open Book Publishers.


Lennie, T. M. (2023). The constructivistly-organised dimensional-appraisal (CODA) model and evidence for the role of goal-directed processes in emotional episodes induced by music [Doctoral dissertation, Durham University]. Durham E-Theses Online.