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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Raad, Ali

Ali Raad

Assistant Professor

Mathematics and Science Department

  Raad, Ali




Journal Articles

Raad, A. I. (2024). C*-diagonals in AH-algebras arising from generalized diagonal connecting maps: Spectrum and uniqueness [Preprint]. arXiv.

Meyer, R., Raad, A. I., & Taylor, J. (2024). Inductive limits of noncommutative Cartan inclusions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 152(1), 337 - 344. 

Li, X., & Raad, A. I. (2023). Constructing C*-diagonals in AH-algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 376(12), 8857 – 8875. 

Raad, A. I. (2022). A generalization of Renault's theorem for Cartan subalgebras. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 150(11), 4801 – 4809. 


Raad, A. I. (2021). Existence and uniqueness of inductive limit Cartan subalgebras in inductive limit C*-algebras. (Publication No. 2021-82456) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Glasgow]. Enlighten Theses.