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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Phillips, Robert

Robert Phillips, Jr.

Associate Professor (PE)

  Phillips, Jr., Robert

  BAC 316

  +359 73 888 492

  Google Scholar



Phillips, R. (2021). The American University… Where?. Amerian University in Bulgaria.

Sardamov, I., & Phillips, R. (2011). Power and liberty in the modern state: A reader (1st ed.). Paradigma.

Nikolov, K. Y. (Ed.). (2008). The European neighbourhood policy: Time to deliver (1st ed.) [R. Jr. Phillips, Copy Ed.]. Centre for European Studies.

Nikolov, K. (Ed.). (2008). Adapting the enlarged union to the citizen (1st ed.) [R. Jr. Phillips, Copy Ed.]. BESCA.

Phillips, R., Jr., & Sardamov, E. (Eds.) (2007). The liberal democratic state. Janet 45.

Book Chapter

Phillips, R., Jr. (2009). New media for “New actors in a new environment”. In K. Hristova-Valcheva (Ed.), New actors in a new environment: Accession to the European Union, civil society and multi-level governance (pp. 85-103). Bulgarian European Community Studies Association (BESCA).

Journal Articles

Phillips, R., Jr. (2009, November). Разбитaта мозайка [In Bulgarian] [Shattered mosaic]. Rolling Stones [Bulg. Ed.], 1, 30-35.

Tanasoiu, C., & Phillips, R., Jr. (2007). Bulgaria’s relations with the European Union: Pre-and post-accession jitters. Central and Eastern European Review, 1

Phillips, R., Jr. (2004). The American University in Bulgaria and U.S. Agency for international development relationship. International Journal of Public Administration, 27(11-12), 883-891.

Phillips, R., Jr., & Chuleva, G. (2004, Winter). Educating for democracy: Designs for learning in the Balkans and beyond. PeerReview, 6(2), 12-15.

Phillips, R., Jr., & Sharman, J. C. (2004). An internalist perspective on party consolidation and the Bulgarian union of democratic forces. European Journal of Political Research, 43(3), 397–420.

Phillips, R., Jr. (2001, Fall). Higher education in the US. Образование и кариера2.

Phillips, R., Jr., & Fike, M. (1994, Fall). Lessons learned: Thoughts on teaching East European students. International Education Journal.

Newspaper Articles

Филипс, Р. (2013, November). София през 2033. Ако протестите не успеят. Капитал.

Филипс, Р. (2007, July 12). Лятото на нашето недоволство. Дневник.

Новакова, И., & Филипс, Р. (2003, June 3). Професор Робърт Филипс: Доста хора не разбират, че ЕС е клуб със собствени правила. Дневник.

Magazine Article

Phillips, R. (2012). The American University... Where? AUBG Today, 47, 8–13.