Emeritus Professor
Mathematics and Science Department
BAC 309
+359 73 888 483
Journal Articles
Stoytchev, O. (2022, September). On efficient presentations of the groups PSL (2, m). International Journal of Group Theory, 11(3), 131-150. https://ijgt.ui.ac.ir/article_25822.html
Stoytchev, O. (2017, January). From Foucault’s Pendulum to the Gauss–Bonnet theorem. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.01666.pdf
Hajdini, I., & Stoytchev, O. (2016, July). The fundamental group of SO(n) via quotients of braid groups. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.05876.pdf
Stoytchev, O. (2009). A note on topologically trivial braids. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0907/0907.2318v1.pdf
Stojanoska, V., & Stoytchev, O. (2008). Touching the Z2 in three-dimensional rotations. Mathematics Magazine, 81(5), 345-357.
Stoytchev, O. (2007). Modular conjugation and the implementation of supersymmetry. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 79(3), 235-249.
Stoytchev, O. (2002). Irreducible representations of a class of current algebras of Etingof and Frenkel. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 61(1), 51-61.
Stoytchev, O. (1997). Irreducible representations of current algebras in two dimensions. Reports on Mathematical Physics, 40(3), 579-584.
Donkov, S., & Stoytchev, O. (1996). On some representations of current algebras in two dimensions and their central extensions. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37(2), 942-952.
Stoytchev, O. (1993). The modular group and Super-KMS functionals. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 27(1), 43-50.
Dobrev, V., & Stoytchev, O. (1986). Structural analysis and elementary representations of SL(4,R) and GL(4,R) and their covering groups. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 27(4), 883-899.
Palev, T. D., & Stoytchev, O. (1982). Finite-dimensional representations of the lie superalgebra sl(1,n). Доклади на БАН [Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences], 35, 733-736.
Palev, T. D., & Stoytchev, O. (1982). Typical representations of the lie superalgebra sl(1,n). Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, E5-82-54.
Conference Proceedings
Stoytchev, O. (2016). Binary symmetry groups of polytopes as quotients of braid groups. In International Conference Groups and Rings “Theory and Applications”. http://www.math.bas.bg/algebra/GRiTA2016/Abstracts/Stoytchev.pdf
Stoytchev, O. (2016). Central extensions of finite groups from braid groups. In AUBG 10th Annual Student Faculty Research Conference “Fellowship of the Mind”.
Stoytchev, O. (2009). Three-dimensional rotations: A mathematical playground. In Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America.
Stoytchev, O. (2008). Supersymmetry in thermal background: Reconstruction theory. In Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop (pp. 316-322). Sofia: Heron Press.
Stoytchev, O. (2004). The experiments in a general-educational physics course. In Proceedings of the 32nd National Conference on Physics Education Interdisciplinary Approach to Physics Teaching. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.
Jaffe, A., & Stoytchev, O. (1990). The modular group and super-KMS functions (Short communication). Lecture Notes in Physics, 375, 382-384.