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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Computer Science

About COS Department

There is hardly a sphere of human activity that doesn’t depend on technology to make it run efficiently. Ambitious undergraduates increasingly opt for computer science because of its potential for making an impact and changing lives.

Computer science is a fast-growing field offering a wide array of career options to students, from scientific inquiry and technical excellence to entrepreneurial and business ventures (and AUBG Computer Science graduates have themselves founded successful technology enterprises both in Bulgaria and abroad.) 

The AUBG Computer Science program is focused on helping students gain the necessary skills to be productive leaders in the computing and related industries. As such, our graduates are expected to be highly competent, well-qualified computer professionals, having a broad training in software development, as well as being well prepared for graduate study.

The department works in close cooperation with the computing industry, as well as with other universities and alumni, to provide a modern and challenging curriculum. Students have many interest clubs, hosting workshops, competitions and industry events. 

Explore more about the Computer Science Department.