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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Georgiev, Vladimir

Vladimir Georgiev

Associate Professor (COS)

  Georgiev, Vladimir

   MB 260

   +359 73 888 437



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Journal Article

Stoikov, J., Nikolova, A., & Georgiev, V. (2022). Advanced record linkage techniques for improving the data matching between cultural heritage datasets from different sources. TEM Journal, 11(4).

Nikolova, A., & Georgiev, V. (2022). A comparative analysis of tools for presenting cultural-historic resources in education. TEM Journal, 11(3).

Georgiev, V., & Nikolova, A. (2020). Tools for creating and presenting online learning resources for preschool kids. TEM Journal, 9(4), 1692-1696. 

Pavlova-Draganova, L., Georgiev, V., & Draganov, L. (2007). Virtual encyclopaedia of the Bulgarian iconography. International Journal Information Technologies and Knowledge, 1(3), 267–271.

Conference Proceedings

Christozov, D., Georgiev, V., & Stoilov, A. (2023). Computing Education for Challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In Proceedings of the 63rd International Association for Computer Information Systems Conference (IACIS) (pp. 23-24). Clearwater, Florida.

Mitreva, E., Nikolova, A., Georgiev, V., & Gigova, A. (2023). Personalization approaches for cultural heritage study. 13th International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 13, 181-188.

Georgiev, V., Nikolova, A., & Stoikov, J., (2022). Spatial perception of the solar system: A 3D visualization e-learning module. 15th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (pp. 4401-4405). Palma, Spain.

Nikolova, A., & Georgiev, V. (2021). Using serious games in e-learning for kids. 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 621-625).

Georgiev, V., & Nikolova, A. (2021). Virtual reality simulations for presenting cultural-historic content in e-learning for kids. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 11, (pp. 267-272). Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

Mitreva, E., Nikolova, A., & Georgiev, V. (2021). Web mining techniques applicable for cultural heritage observations. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 11, 253-259. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

Nikolova A., Georgiev V. (2018). Using applications with digital cultural-historic content for children development. In 10th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN18 Proceedings)(pp. 3954-3957). Spain.

Nikolova A., Georgiev V., Mitreva E. (2018). Storytelling with digital cultural-historic content for children development. In 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2018 Proceedings) (pp. 8403-8406). Spain

Georgiev, V., Nikolova, A., & Mitreva, E. (2018). Using unity and shield UI for displaying 3D medical education objects in the web browser. Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, 8, 221-224. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

Nikolova, A., & Georgiev, V. (2017). A framework for evaluating and improving skills and knowledge of children up to 6 years of age. In 2017 South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM) (pp. 1-5). Kastoria, Greece: IEEE. doi: 10.23919/SEEDA-CECNSM.2017.8088229

Nikolova A., Georgiev V. (2017).  A method for assessing the development of children under six years of age. In Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, Veliko Tarnovo, 7-10 September 2017, Bulgaria (pp. 223-227). Veliko Tarnovo: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – BAS.

Georgiev, V., Milkov, L., Angelov, Y., & Dimitrov, S. (2016). Online 3D knowledge management system for human anatomy. In Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (pp. 227–231). Veliko Tarnovo: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS.

Mitreva, E., & Georgiev, V. (2015). Using document store for 3D virtual collections. In Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (pp. 331–336). Veliko Tarnovo: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS.

Georgiev, V. (2015). Tools for presenting 3D objects and virtual collections online. In Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (pp. 285–292). Veliko Tarnovo: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS.

Georgiev, V. (2014). A web application for creating and presenting 3D object expositions. In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (pp. 79–86). Veliko Tarnovo: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS.

Georgiev, V. (2013). 3D rendering in the web browser. In Proceedings of the Forty Second Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (pp. 282–287). Borovetz: Bulgarian Academic of Sciences.

Georgiev, V., & Mitreva, E. (2013). 3D environment for virtual collections. In Proceedings of Third International Conference for Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (pp. 126–132). Veliko Tarnovo: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS.

Paneva-Marinova, D., Pavlova-Draganova, L., Draganov, L., Georgiev, V., & Georgiev, V. (2012). Ontological presentation of analysis method for technology-enhanced learning. In B. Rachev & A. Smrikarov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies - CompSysTech ’12 (pp. 384–390). Ruse: ACM Press.