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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Bonev, Stoyan

Stoyan Bonev

Emeritus Professor (COS)

  MB 249

  +359 73 888 419




Nikolov, L., & Bonev, S. B. (2005). Формални езици и езикови процесори [In Bulgarian] [Formal languages and language processors]. Technical University.

Bonev, S. (2000). Технология на програмирането. Сиела.

Book Chapter

Bonev, S. (1983). Chapter 7. PL/I under DOS/EC control [In Bulgarian] [Глава 7. PL/I под управлението на ДОС/ЕС]. In D. Batanov, V. Stanchev, L. Lukov & S. Bonev (Eds.), Manual for DOS/EC operation at HIMEE computing center (pp. 155-219). ВМЕИ „Ленин“. 

Books Editor

Bonev, S. B. (Ed.), & Tomova, A. (Trans.). (2010). Динамични уеб приложения с PHP и MySQL. Дуо дизайн.

Bonev, S. B. (Ed.), & Tomova, A. (Trans.). (2010). Динамични уеб приложения с XML и Java. Дуо дизайн.

Journal Articles

Bonev, S. B., Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J., & Christozov, D. (2013). Arrays and programming languages. Elektrotechnika & Elektronica, 48(9-10), 31-36.

Bonev, S. B. (2011). Създаване и ползване на библиотеки от програми. Автоматика и Информатика, 45(1), 61-66.

Bonev, S. B., & Kotusevski, G. (2008). Алтернативи за създаване на Windows приложения. Автоматика и Информатика, 42(2), 31-36.

Bonev, S. B., Christozov, V., Galletly, J. E., & Karagiozov, V. (2007). Evolving a computer science curriculum in a liberal arts setting. Електротехника и Eлектроника E+Е, 42(1-2), 20-23.

Milev, M., & Bonev, S. B. (2004). Програмният език  С към С++ входно-изходен конвертор. Автоматика и Информатика, 38(2), 21-24.

Kaneva, T., Bonev, S. B., & Popov, A. (2002). Езикът за програмиране JAVA в света на вградените системи. Автоматика и Информатика, 36(6), 29-33.

Bonev, S. B. (2000). Развитие на концепцията подпрограма в процедурно-ориентираното програмиране (C/C++, Pascal, Java). Автоматика и Информатика, 34(4), 16-19.

Bonev, S. B. (1999). Разпознаватели за продукции на контекстно свободни граматики. Електротехника и Електроника E+E, 34(5-6), 11-13.

Bonev, S. B. (1997). С++ библиотека за потребителски достъп до манипулатор мишка. Електротехника и Електроника E+E, 32(3-4), 19-22.

Bonev, S. B. (1997). Формализми за описание на системи за реализация на езикови процесори. Автоматика и Информатика, 31(1), 21-24.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. (1997). Изследване на лява рекурсия в контекстносвободни граматики. Автоматика и Информатика, 31(4), 17-20.

Bonev, S. B. (1996). Iteration or recursion: Advantages and disadvantages [In Bulgarian] [Итерация или рекурсия – предимства и недостатъци]. PC&MAC World Bulgaria, 4, 54-58.

Bonev, S. B. (1996). Ефективност на итеративни и рекурсивни функции за пресмятане на рекурентни зависимости. Автоматика и Информатика, 30(6), 19-21.

Bonev, S. B. (1995). Curious details for C/C++ developers: Pt.2. PC&MAC World Bulgaria, 7, 49-55.

Bonev, S. B. (1995). Curious details for C/C++ developers: Pt.1. PC&MAC World Bulgaria, 6, 63-64.

Bonev, S. B. (1995). From C to C++. PC&MAC World Bulgaria, 1, 18-23.

Bonev, S. B. (1995). Изследване на рекурсия и итерация в процедурното програмиране. Годишник на Техническия Университет София, 48(4), 297-302.

Bonev, S. B. (1995).  С/С++ функции за въвеждане на данни с ехо в графичен режим. Автоматика и Информатика, 29(6), 50-54.

Bonev, S. B. (1992). On the possibilities for software printer control: Part 2. [In Bulgarian] [Възможности за програмно управление на принтер: Част 2.]. Млад Конструктор, 25(4), 29.

Bonev, S. B. (1992). On the possibilities for software printer control: Part 1. [In Bulgarian] [Възможности за програмно управление на принтер: Част 1.]. Млад Конструктор, 25(3), 23.

Yankov, B.Y., & Bonev, S. B. (1991). Algorithms to check for reduced context-free grammars [In Bulgarian] [Определяне на коректност на контекстносвободни граматики]. Автоматика и Информатика, 25(7-8), 3-4.

Yankov, B.Y., & Bonev, S. B. (1990). A control table generator for top-down parsing. Автоматика, Изчислителна Техника , Автоматизирани Системи, 6(5), 14-18.

Yankov, B.Y., & Bonev, S. B. (1990). Software portability and self-compiling compilers. Автоматика, Изчислителна Техника, Автоматизирани Системи, 6(3), 14-21.

Bonev, S., & Ganev H. (1989). Smooth interpolation using an effective mechanical model. Теоретична и Приложна Механика, 20(1), 37-44.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1988). Application programs in BASIC: Dictionary for foreign languages learning. Млад Kонструктор, 4, 4-5.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1988). Application programs in BASIC: Integral for numeric integration of functions. Млад Kонструктор, 8, 23-24.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1988). Application programs in BASIC: ROOT to find solutions of equations F(x)=0. Млад Kонструктор, 1, 19-20.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1988). Application programs in BASIC: SPECTRE for harmonic analysis. Млад Kонструктор, 6, 21-23.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1988). Application programs in BASIC: STAT for statistical analysis. Млад Kонструктор, 3, 20-22.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1988). Home computer MUK600: Software. Млад Kонструктор, 6, 1-16.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1987). Application programs in BASIC: FUNCTION to draw graphs of one-argument functions. Млад Конструктор, 10, 21-22.

Yankov B., Bonev, S. B., & Zahariev, G. (1987, December). Операционна среда за реализация на програмен език MBPL на микрокомпютър ПРАВЕЦ’82. Компютър за вас.

Yankov B., Nikolov, L., & Bonev, S. B. (1985). MBPL microprocessor development cross-system: The emulator subsystem. Информатика, 9(4), 113-116.

Yankov B., Nikolov, L., & Bonev, S. B. (1985). MBPL microprocessor software development system: Assembler subsystem. Vortragsreihe D Technische Informatik, 3, 255-258.

Yankov, B., Bonev, S., & Nikolov, L. (1985, November-December). A portable compiler for microcomputers. Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 16(4-5), 221-226.

Yankov B.Y., Nikolov, L. I., & Bonev, S. B. (1984).  An emulator of a virtual processor. Journal of Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 39(6), 155-165.

Bonev, S. (1978). A possibility for implementing code compatibility between EC and IZOT 0310 Computers. Автоматизирани системи за управление, 11(5-6), 81.

Conference Proceedings

Galletly, J., Karagiozov, V., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2013). Towards the creation of a new program in informatics. In Sixth Balkan Conference in Informatics (pp. 18-21). Thessaloniki, Greece.

Galletly, J., Karagiozov, V., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2012). Program assessment via a Capstone project. In Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics (pp. 21-24). Novi Sad, Serbia.

Bonev, S. (2011). Comparing alternate exception handling facilities in C++. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference - Computer Science’2011 (pp. 164-170). Ohrid: University for Information Science and Technology “St. Paul The Apostol.”

Christozov, D., Galletly, J., Miree, L., Bonev, S., & Karagiozov, V. (2011). Accreditation: A tale of two systems. In 6th International Conference of Computer Science, Workshop on Supercomputer Architectures and Applications (pp.140-145). Ohrid, Macedonia.

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2009). Cooperative learning: The role of extra-curricular activities. In Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’09 (pp. 65-69). Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Bonev, S., & Tashkov, V. (2009). XML as FSA description language. In Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference - Computer Science’2009 (pp. 383-388). Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., Bonev, S., & Eastergard, A. (2009). The design of a new program in informatics.  In Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference - Computer Science’2009 (pp. 366-371). Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Bonev, S. (2008). An adaptable FSA simulator. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing - CompSysTech ’08 (p. II.3). New York, USA: ACM Press.

Bonev, S. B. (2008).  An adaptable FSA simulator. In B. Rachev & A. Smrikarov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies and Workshop for PhD Students in Computing (pp. 1-6). Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Bonev, S., & Christozov, D. (2008). Facilities and support for teaching computer science at the American University in Bulgaria. In Proceedings of the 4th International Bulgarian-Greek Scientific Conference Computer Science and International Workshop Biocomputing (Pt. 2, pp. 635-640). Kavala, Greece.

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2007). Learning by doing: The way to develop computer science professionals. In Proceedings of the Informatics Education Europe II Conference IEEII 2007, South-East European Research Center (SEERC) (pp. 53-59). Thessaloniki, Greece.

Papushev, E., & Bonev, S. B. (2007). A tale of three LR(1) syntax analyzers. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’07 (pp. 1-6). New York: ACM [Awarded with the Crystal Cube Prize for authoring and presenting at section II (Software)].

Bonev, S. B., Christozov, D., & Karagiozov, V. (2006). Ever green reverse Polish notation. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference Computer Science (Pt. 1, pp. 309-314). Istanbul, Turkey.

Bonev, S. B., Galletly, J. E., Christozov, D., & Karagiozov, V. (2005). Computer science curriculum in a liberal arts institution: Transition from ACM/IEEE curriculum model 1992 to 2001. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Computer Science (Vol. 2, pp. 213-217). Khalkidhiki, Greece.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2005). E-learning in a liberal arts institution: An open source solution: Тhe AUBG experience. In Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Computer Science’2005 (Vol. 2, pp.218-223). Kavala, Khalkidhiki, Greece.

Bonev, S. B. (2004). A flexible table driven LR(1) parser. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-learning) CompSysTech (pp. 1-5). Rousse, Bulgaria. [Received an award “Best paper” in section 3B].

Stamatova, E., & Bonev, S. B. (2004).  Preprocessor for subset C in Bulgarian. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Computer Science (pp. 38-41). Sofia: Technical University of Sofia.

Bonev, S. B. (2003). Comparing scanner implementation using module oriented, structure oriented and object oriented approaches. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference “Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research” SAER’03 (pp. 161-165). Varna, Bulgaria.

Stoyanov, I., & Bonev, S. B. (2003). Resolving non-determinism in NFA. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-learning) CompSysTech (pp. 1-5). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B. (2002). Implementation of LR(1) parsers. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference “Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research” SAER’02 (pp. 149-153). Varna, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B., & Elmasllari, E. (2001). Implementing finite state automata using object oriented programming. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference “Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research” SAER’01 (pp. 172-176). Varna, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B, & Nikolov, P. (2000). From structure oriented to object oriented scanner design. In National Conference CompSysTech’2000 (pp. 1-4). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B. (1999). Time performance of scanning and parsing algorithms. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference “Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research” SAER` 99 (pp. 150-152). Varna, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B. (1997).  Computer aided process of context free grammars. In Proceeding of 11th International Conference “Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research” SAER` 97 (pp. 171-174). Varna, Bulgaria.

Yankov, B., Bonev, S., & Nikolov, L. (1993).  A compiler generator based on LL(1): Parsing and extended SDTS. In Proceedings of the 11th IASTED International Symposium on Applied Informatics (pp. 54-55). Annecy, France.

Bonev, S. B. (1990).  Statistical evaluation of MBPL programs. In Proceedings of 25th  Radio Day May 7th Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Yankov, B., & Bonev, S. B. (1987).  A resident disc file system for 8-bit personal computers.  In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Personal Computers PERSCOMP’87 (Vol.1, pp. 199-205). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Yankov, B., Bonev, S. B., & Nikolov, L. (1987).  Design and implementation of a portable operating system.  In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Personal Computers PERSCOMP’87 (pp. 16-17). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Yankov, B. Y., Nikolov, L. I., & Bonev, S. B. (1985). MBPL microprocessor software development system: Assembler subsystem. In 30th International Wissenschaftliches Colloquium, Technische Hochschule Ilmenau (pp. 255-258). Germany.

Yankov, B. Y., Nikolov, L. I., & S.Bonev, S. B. (1985). System for design of portable software for 8-bit microprocessor systems. In Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Personal Computers PERSCOMP’85. (Vol.1, pp. 212-218). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Yankov, B. Y., Bonev, S. B., & Nikolov, L. I. (1985). Text editor for a microprocessor programming language. In Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications (SMMA), Oct. 15-17 (Vol. 1, pp. 270-275). Budapest, Hungary.

Yankov, B.Y., Nikolov, L. I., & Bonev, S. B. (1983). An assembler for a virtual processor. In Proceedings of the 6th National Conference “Microprocessor systems”, Nov. 17-19 (p. 77). Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Yankov, B. Y., Nikolov, L. I., & Bonev, S. (1983). Lexical analyzer for the MBPL language. In Proceedings of 18th Radio Day May 7th Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ganev, H.G., Gochev, V. A. & Bonev, S. B. (1982). Improving the mechanical model: Leading to “smooth interpolation” with high precision. In Proceedings of 8th Summer School Application of Mathematics to Technics, Mathematical Modeling (pp. 176-177). Varna, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B., & Bezrukov, N. (1980). NEATFOR: A program reformatter of FORTRAN source texts. In Proceedings of 15th Radio Day May 7th Conference (pp. 192-195). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B., & Batanov, D. N. (1979). On the program compatibility between EC and IZOT-0310 computers. In Proceedings of Radio Day May 7th Conference (pp. 226-231). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bonev, S. B., & Aladjem, M. (1978). FORTRAN macroprocessor for EC1020 Computer. In Proceedings of the 7th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (pp. 241-248). Sofia, Bulgaria.


Bonev, S. B. (1988). Software portability for mini- and micro-computers [In Bulgarian] [Изследване на възможностите за реализация на преносимо програмно осигуряване за мини и микро ЕИМ] (Doctoral dissertation). Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Sofia.