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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Galletly, John

John Galletly

Emeritus Professor (COS)





Galletly, J. E. (1996). Occam 2 (2nd ed.). UCL Press.

Galletly, J. E. (1990). Occam 2. Pitman.

Book Chapters

Miree, L. F., & Galletly, J. E. (2018). Telerik: Minding your own business and making Progress. In B. K. Liza Castro Christiansen, Michal Biron, Elaine Farndale (Eds.), The global human resource management casebook (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Miree, L. F., & Galletly, J. E. (2011). Bulgaria - Telerik: HRM in a Bulgarian software company. In J. Hayton, M.Biron, L.C.Christiansen, & B. Kuvaas (Eds.), Global human resource management casebook [ch.11]. Routledge.

Ikonomou, A., Galletly, John E., & Daniel, R. (1998). Solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems using tabu search. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos (Ed.), Intelligent systems for manufacturing (pp. 311–322). Springer.

Galletly, J. E., Butcher, W., & Lim-How, J. (1989). Towards an intelligent syntax checker. In K. Cameron. (Ed.), Computer assisted language learning: Program structure and principles (pp. 81-100). Ablex Publishing Corp.

Galletly, J. E. (1988). The use of the personal computer in education at the University of Buckingham. In M. Malitza (Ed.), The introduction of new information technologies in higher education (pp. 112-118). The European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO).

Journal Articles

Galletly J., & Bonev S. (2019). Functional programming features supported by Kotlin and Swift. Elektrotechnica and Elektronica, 54(5-6), 98-104.

Bonev, S., Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J., & Christozov, D. (2013). Arrays and programming languages. E+E Electrotechnica & Electronica, 49(9–10), 31–36.

Bonev, S., Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., & Karagiozov, V. (2007). Evolving a computer science  curriculum in a liberal art settings. Електротехника и електроника E+E, 42(1-2), 20-23.

Kolovski, V., Jordanov, S., & Galletly, J. E. (2004). An electronic learning assistant.  Information Technologies and Control, 2(4), 37-40.

Galletly, J. E., & Carew, O. (1994). Simulating models of the immune system with parallel cellular automata. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 14(3-4), 17-35.

Helberg, C., Galletly, J. E., & Bicheno, J. (1994). Simulating activity‑based costing. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 94(9), 3-8.

Loukatzikos, C., & Galletly, J. E. (1994). Constructing neural networks from expert system rules. Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 17(1), 35-53.

Maksymowicz, A. Z., Galletly, J. E., Magdon, M. S., & Maksymowicz, I. L. (1994). A genetic algorithm approach for the Ising model. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 133(1-3), 40-41.

Schrunder, C., Galletly, J. E., & Bicheno, J. (1994). Fuzzy, knowledge‑based decision support tool for production operations management. Expert Systems, 11(1), 3-11.

Fiedler, K., Galletly, J. E., & Bicheno, J. (1993). Expert advice for JIT implementation. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 13(6), 23-30.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). Genetic algorithms: An overview. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences, 21(6), 26-30.

Galletly, J. E., Butcher, W., & Daryanani, S. (1992). Hypertext and cognate language learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 8, 25-36.

Krueger, R., Galletly, J. E., & Bicheno, J. (1992). Simulating MRP: A new perspective for training. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 92(1), 7-13.

Butcher, W., Galletly, J. E., & Wong, A. (1991). Prolog and language analysis: Intelligent response to comprehension replies. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 3, 27-36.

Gabriel, T., Bicheno, J., & Galletly, J. E. (1991). JIT manufacturing simulation. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 91(4), 3-7.

Mellish, A., & Galletly, J. E. (1991). The concurrency models of ada and occam-a practical  comparison. Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 14(4), 363-377.

Macfarlane, D., Webb-Johnson, M., & Galletly, J. E. (1989, July). PC‑ occam. Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 12(3), 191-212.

Dance, M., & Galletly, J. E. (1985, January). A network of sixteen BBC microcomputers. Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 8(1), 87-96.

Donald, R., Galletly, J. E., Edwards, D., De Billy, L., & Baubillier, M. (1972). Direct s-channel effects in the final state K1 0K1 0ω0 in the region of the T-meson. Physics Letters B, 40(5), 586-588. 

Duboc, J., Goldberg, M., Makowski, B., Touchard, A., Donald, R., Galletly, J. E., & et al. (1972). Analysis of and resonances produced in annihilations at 1.2 GeV/c. Nuclear Physics B, 46(2), 429-448. 

Duboc, J., Goldberg, M., Makowski, B., Touchard, A., Donald, R., & Galletly, J. E. (1971). Evidence for neutral F1 production in annihilations at 1.1‑1.2 GeV/c. Physics Letters B, 34(4), 343-345.

Conference Proceedings

Galletly J., & Vukicevic M. (2015). Orchestrating music queries via the semantic web. In 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technology (ICIST 2015). Kopaonik, Serbia.

Galletly, J., Christozov, D., Bonev, S., Karagiozov, V., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2013). Towards the creation of a new program in informatics. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 1036, pp. 104–10).

Nazarov, R., & Galletly, J. (2013). Native browser support for 3D rendering and physics using WebGL, HTML5 and Javascript. In CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol. 1036).

Galletly, J., Karagiozov, V., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2012). Program assessment via a capstone project. In 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’12. Novi Sad.

Galletly, J., Christozov, D., Bonev, S., & Karagiozov, V. (2011). Accreditation: A tale of two systems. In 6th International Conference of Computer Science, Workshop on Supercomputer Architectures and Applications. Ohrid, Macedonia.

Borisov, H., & Galletly, J. E. (2010). A data mining-driven decision support system. In The Second International Conference Software, Services & Semantic Technologies. Varna, Bulgaria.

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2009). Cooperative learning: The role of extra curricular activities. In Proceedings of the 4th Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’09 (pp. 65-69). Thessaloniki, Greece.   

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., Bonev, S., & Eastergard, A. (2009). The design of a new program in informatics. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference: Computer Science (Vol. 2. pp. 366-371). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Genchev, O., & Galletly, J. E. (2009). XPDL: Bringing business and software together. In B. Rachev &, A. Smrikarov (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies Workshop for PhD Students in Computing, CompSysTech 2009 (pp. 31-36). Rousse, Bulgaria.

Stanoev, K., & Galletly, J. E. (2009). Experiences with the Facebook API. In 3rd International Scientific Conference FMNS-2009 (pp.86-91). Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2008). Facilities and support for teaching computer science at the American University in Bulgaria. In Proceedings of the 4th International Bulgarian-Greek Scientific Conference Computer Science and International Workshop Biocomputing (Pt. 2. pp. 635-640). Kavala, Greece.

Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2007). Learning by doing: The way to develop computer science professional. In Proceedings of the 2nd Informatics Education Europe Conference (pp. 53-59). Thessaloniki, Greece.

Matev, K., & Galletly, J. E. (2006). Ant colony optimization. In International Conference: Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Matev, K., & Galletly, J. E. (2006). Solving a variant of the minimum-interference frequency assignment problem using ant colonies. In 3rd International Scientific Conference: Computer Science. Istanbul, Turkey.

Bonev, S., Galletly, J. E., Christozov, D., & Karagiozov, V. (2005). Computer science curriculum in a liberal art institution: Transition from ACM/IEEE curriculum model 1992 to 2001. In 2nd International Scientific Conference Computer Science. Khalkidhiki, Greece.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Christozov, D., & Bonev, S. (2005). E-learning in a liberal arts institution: An open source solution: The AUBG experience.In Scientific Conference Computer Science’2005 (pp. 218-223). Kavala, Khalkidhiki, Greece.

Penchev, S., Galletly, J. E., & Stefanovich, M. (2005). Virtual reality reconstruction of a stone: Age dwelling. In D. Triantis & F. Vailiantos (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference of World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Technological Educational Institute of Athens and Technological Educational Institute of Crete (pp. 86-89). Athens, Greece.

Rozsa, A.-G., Galletly, J. E., & Stefanovch, M. (2005). Software tools for archaeological excavations. In Proceedings of the 2005 WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education. Athens, Greece.

Kolovski, V., Jordanov, S., & Galletly, J. E. (2004). An electronic learning assistant. In B. Rachev, A. Smrikarov (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning) CompSysTech'04. Rousse, Bulgaria.

Lakinski, N., & Galletly, J. E. (2004). HERMES: A new approach to pedagogical operating systems. In International Scientific ConferenceComputer Science”. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Kiryakov, Y., Yordanov, O., & Galletly, J. E. (2004). Self-affine properties of a computer network model. In International Conference Automatics and Informatics. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., Dimitrova, J., Gyulev, I., & Gabuja, E. (2004). An open source solution for course content management. In 2nd National Conference on New Technologies in Education and Training (pp. 96-105). Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Karagiozov, V., Galletly, J. E., & Filtchev, L. (2004). Using a Web-based course content management system for electronic instruction. In National Conference on e-Learning in Higher Education. Kiten, Bulgaria.

Kiriyakov, Y., & Galletly, J. E. (2003). Aspect-oriented programming: Case study experiences. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning), CompSysTech'03 (pp. 184-189). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Kolovski, V., & Galletly, J. E. (2003). An e-Portfolio system for student outcomes assessment. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies: e-Learning, CompSysTech '03 (pp. 591-596). Varna, Bulgaria.

Galletly, J. E., & Stefanovich, M. (2003). Technologically-assisted training meets challenges of the past: Archaeology and virtual reality. In International Conference on New Technologies in Education and Vocational Training. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Kolovski, V., & Galletly, J. E. (2003). Towards e-Learning via the semantic web. In International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, CompSysTech’03. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Krastev, A., & Galletly, J. E. (2003). Do we really need EJB? In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning), CompSysTech'2003. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Elmasllari, E., & Galletly, J. E. (2002). Getting the message across: The CNET computer networks simulator. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER-2002) (pp. 79-84). Varna, Bulgaria.

Elmasllari, E., Boychev, M., & Galletly, J. E. (2002). A tale of two operating systems: Personal perspective. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER-2002) (pp. 123-128). Varna, Bulgaria.

Tipi, H., & Galletly, J. E. (1999). Comparative experiences using the BON method with Eiffel and Java. In Proceedings of the Eastern European Conference on the Technology of Object Oriented Languages and Systems, TOOLS EE 99. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Galletly, J. E. (Ed.). (1999). Proceedings from the international conference on TOOLS Eastern Europe ’99. AUBG Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Tipi, H., & Galletly, J. E. (1999). Experiences using design by contract with Eiffel and Java. In Proceedings of the Eastern European Conference on the Technology of Object Oriented Languages and Systems, TOOLS EE 99. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Ikonomou, A., Galletly, J. E., & Daniel, R. (1998). Solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems using tabu search. In 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Manufacturing (pp. 311-323). Prague, Czech Republic.

Rudowski, R., Sladowski, D., Radomski, R., & Galletly, J. E. (1997). The development of a multimedia database, INVITTOX (in vitro methods for toxicology), and an associated World-Wide Web information service provider. In L. F. M. van Zutphen, & M. Balls (Eds.), Animal alternatives, welfare, and ethics: Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (Vol. 21, pp. 499-505). Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Chua, C., Daniel, R., Galletly, J. E., Ikonomou, A., & Tan, M. (1996). The Vehicle routing problem: A comparison of a genetic algorithm and a tabus search implementation. In Combinatorial optimization: Recent advances in theory and practice: An International Biennial Conference (pp. 127-128). London, UK.

Ikonomou, A., Galletly, J. E., & Daniel, R. (1996). A heuristic approach for a resource-constrained job shop scheduling problem with buffer times. In Proceedings of the 15th  Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group. Liverpool, UK.

Ikonomou, A., Daniel, R., & Galletly, J. E. (1996). A tabu search algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem with minimal and maximal buffer times. In Combinatorial optimization: Recent advances in theory and practice: An International Biennial Conference (pp. 149-150). London, UK.

Galletly, J. E., Schrunder, C., & Bicheno, J. (1995). Fuzzy decision support: Just-in-time? In Preprints of the 2nd International Workshop on Learning in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. Budapest, Hungary.

Galletly, J. E., Maksymowicz, A., Magdon, M., & Maksymowicz, I. (1995). Genetic algorithm approach for the Ising model. In 11th  SMM Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Venezia, Italy.

Galletly, J. E., & Carew, O. (1995). Modelling the immune system with parallel cellular automata. In 8th International Symposium on System Modelling and Control. Zakopane, Poland.

Galletly, J. E., Daniel, R., & Ikonomou, A. (1995). Recent heuristic methods in production scheduling. In Proceedings of DEXA ‘95 Conference (pp. 63-76). London, UK.

Galletly, J. E., Schrunder, C., & Bicheno, J. (1993). An expert system using fuzzy logic for JIT/Lean manufacturing implementation. In EUFIT '93 1st European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies. Aachen, Germany.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). Applying evolutionary techniques to artificial neural networks. In International Seminar on Bioinformatics, International Centre of Biocybernetics (World Health Organization). Warsaw, Poland.

Galletly, J. E., & Bicheno, J. (1992). Teaching operations management with computer simulation games. In Conference on (CHEER) Computers in Higher Education Economics Review. London, UK.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). The use of transputers in building artificial neural networks. In International Seminar on Bioinformatics, International Centre of Biocybernetics (World Health Organisation). Warsaw, Poland.

Galletly, J. E. (Ed.). (1991). Proceedings of international conference on parallel processing. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: KFUPM Press.

Galletly, J. E. (1991). Occam and the transputer. In International Conference on Parallel Processing. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Daryanani, S., Butcher, W., & Galletly, J. E. (1989). Cognate language learning using hypertext. In International Conference on the Evaluation of CALL programs. Exeter, Devon, UK.

Galletly, J. E., Wong, A., & Butcher, W. (1989). Intelligent analyses of comprehension replies using Prolog. In International Conference on the Evaluation of CALL programs. Exeter, Devon, UK.

Galletly, J. E., & Edwards, M. (1989). Modula‑2: To teach or not to teach? In Proceedings of Plymouth International Conference Modula 2. London, UK.

Lim-How, J., Butcher, W., & Galletly, J. E. (1987). An elementary syntax checker for French sentences. In Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Exeter, Devon, UK.

Galletly, J. E., Duboc, J., et al. (1971). Evidence for the production of the S resonance in annihilations at 1.2 GeV/c. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High-Energy Physics. Bologna, Italy.

Galletly, J. E., Duboc, J., et al. (1971). Mass structure in the D region. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Meson Resonances and Related Electromagnetic Phenomena. Bologna, Italy.

Galletly, J. E., Duboc, J., et al. (1970). Analysis of and resonances produced in annihilations at 1.2 GeV/c. In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics. Kiev, Ukraine.

Galletly, J. E., Donald, R., et al. (1970). Comparison of a Veneziano model with the reaction pp ® KK at low energy. In Proceedings of the International Conference of High Energy Physics. Kiev, Ukraine.

Case Study

Galletly, J. E., & Miree, L. (2012). Scrums, sprints, spikes and poker: Agility in a Bulgarian software company. [Case Study 9B12M007]. Ivey Publishing.

Book Reviews

Galletly, J. E. (2000). [Review of the book Helmetmounted displays and sights]. Kybernetes, 29(4), 523–529.

Galletly, J. E. (2000). [Review of the book Wavelength division multiple access optical networks]. Kybernetes, 29(4), 523–529.

Galletly, J. E. (1998). [Review of the book Evolutionary algorithms in theory and practice: Evolution strategies, evolutionary programming]. Kybernetes, 27(8), 979–980.

Galletly, J. E. (1998). [Review of the book Neural Networks: An introduction]. Kybernetes, 27(8), 978–979.

Galletly, J. E. (1998). [Review of the book In search of clusters: The coming battle in lowly parallel computing]. Kybernetes, 27(4), 453–455.

Galletly, J. E. (1998). [Review of the book Parallel programming: An introduction]. Kybernetes, 27(4), 452–453.

Galletly, J. E. (1996). [Review of the book Second generation expert systems]. Kybernetes, 25(3), 67-68.

Galletly, J. E. (1996). [Review of the book SDL '93: Using objects]. Kybernetes, 25(2), 74-75.

Galletly, J. E. (1996). [Review of the book Genetic programming: On the programming of computers by means of natural selection]. Kybernetes, 25(2), 73-74.

Galletly, J. E. (1996). [Review of the book Dynamic, genetic and chaotic programming - The Sixth Generation]. Kybernetes, 25(1), 78-79.

Galletly, J. E. (1996). [Review of the book Neural networks for optimization and signal processing]. Kybernetes, 25(1), 77-78.

Galletly, J. E. (1994). [Review of the book Engineering real-time systems]. Kybernetes, 23(5), 70-71.

Galletly, J. E. (1993). [Review of the book Neural networks for signal processing]. Kybernetes, 22(7), 64.

Galletly, J. E. (1993). [Review of the book Object-oriented methods]. Kybernetes, 22(5), 67-68.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). [Review of the book Fractals and chaos]. Kybernetes, 21(7), 66-67.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). [Review of the book Intelligent systems - State of the art and future directions]. Kybernetes, 21(7), 66.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). [Review of the book CASE - Using software development tools (2nd ed.)]. Kybernetes, 21(6), 61-62.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). [Review of the book Biocomputers - The next generation from Japan]. Kybernetes, 21(5), 66.

Galletly, J. E. (1992). [Review of the book Expert systems for experts]. Kybernetes, 21(1), 62-63.

Galletly, J. E. (1991). [Review of the book A perspective on intelligent systems: A framework for analysis and design]. Kybernetes, 20(7), 65-66.

Galletly, J. E. (1991). [Review of the book Languages for parallel architectures: Design, semantics, implementation models]. Kybernetes, 20(7), 64-65.

Galletly, J. E. (1991). [Review of the book Compiling functional languages]. Kybernetes, 20(4), 65.

Galletly, J. E. (1991). [Review of the book Crafting knowledge-based systems - Expert systems made realistic]. Kybernetes, 20(3), 65-66.

Galletly, J. E. (1990). [Review of the book New generation computer systems]. Kybernetes, 19(3), 64-65.


Galletly, John Edward. (1971). A study of some reactions in antiproton-proton annihilations near 1.2 GeV/c with the production of at least on Ko1-meson. Liverpool University.