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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Lucci, Diego

Diego Lucci


Philosophy and Psychology Department

  Lucci, Diego

  BAC 305

  (+359 73) 888 479



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Corneanu, S., Goldberg, B.I., & Lucci, D. (Eds.). (2022). Philosophy, Religion, and Science in Seventeenth-Century England. Special issue of the Journal of Early Modern Studies, 11(1).

Lucci, D. (2021). John Locke's Christianity. Cambridge University Press.  

Lucci, D., Reynolds, S. H., & Cerman, I. (Eds.). (2016). Casanova: Enlightenment philosopher. Voltaire Foundation. 

Hudson, W., Lucci, D., & Wigelsworth, J. R. (Eds.). (2014). Atheism and deism revalued: Heterodox religious identities in Britain, 1650-1800. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Bernardini, P. L., & Lucci, D. (2012). The Jews, instructions for use: Four eighteenth-century projects for the emancipation of the European Jews. Perspectives in Jewish intellectual history: Vol. 1. Academic Studies Press.

Castiglioni, L. (2009). Lettere dalla Francia (1784) e Viaggio in Inghilterra (1784-85) [In Italian] [Letters from France (1784) and travel in England (1784-85)]. Biblioteca di Cultura Moderna e Contemporanea: Vol. 4. (D. Lucci & P. Bernardini, Eds.). Città del Silenzio.

Lucci, D. (2008). Scripture and deism: The Biblical criticism of the eighteenth-century British deists. Studies in early modern European culture: Vol. 3. Peter Lang. 

Bernardini, P. L., Lucci, D., & Voghera, G. L. (Eds.). (2006). La memoria del male. Percorsi tra gli stermini del Novecento e il loro ricordo [In Italian] [The memory of evil: A journey through the genocides of the twentieth century and their remembrance]. Cleup.

Edited Journals

Corneanu, S., Goldberg, B.I., & Lucci, D. (Eds., & Intro.). (2022). Philosophy, religion, and science in seventeenth-century England [Special issue]. Journal of Early Modern Studies, 11(1).

Chapters in Monographs

Lucci, D. (2022). Locke’s reasonable Christianity: A religious enlightener’s theology in context. In A. Tomaszewska (Ed.), Between Secularisation and Reform: Religion in the Enlightenment (pp. 237-265). Brill.

Lucci, D. (2018). Political scepticism, moral scepticism, and the scope and limits of toleration in John Locke. In Bill Rebiger (Ed.), Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (pp. 109-143). De Gruyter.

Lucci, D., & De Franco, C. (2018). L’importanza della cultura nel processo di integrazione europea [In Italian] [The importance of culture in the European integration process]. In A. Bove, C. De Franco, & A. Di Nardo (Eds.), Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Europei. Venticinque anni di idee, progetti, sperimentazioni e speranze, da Uqbar a HUB [Italian institute for European studies: Twenty-five years of ideas, projects, experimentations and hopes, from Uqbar to Hub] (pp. 276-291). Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Europei.

Bernardini, P., & Lucci, D. (2016). Casanova on suicide. In Casanova: Enlightenment philosopher (pp. 135–155). Voltaire Foundation.

Lucci, D. (2014). Henry Dodwell the younger’s attack on Christianity. In W. Hudson, D. Lucci, & J. R. Wigelsworth (Eds.), Atheism and deism revalued: Heterodox religious identities in Britain, 1650-1800 (pp. 209–228). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Lucci, D., Hudson, W., & Wigelsworth, J. R. (2014). Introduction: Deism and atheism revisited. In W. Hudson, D. Lucci, & J. R. Wigelsworth (Eds.), Atheism and deism revalued: Heterodox religious identities in Britain, 1650-1800 (pp. 1–11). Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 

Lucci, D. (2014). The suppression of the Jesuits and the Enlightenment discourse of Jewish emancipation: Two parallel historical phenomena. In J. Bernauer & R. A. Maryks (Eds.), The tragic couple: Encounters between Jews and Jesuits (pp. 87–102). Brill.

Lucci, D. (2014). William Wollaston’s religion of nature. In W. Hudson, D. Lucci, & J. R. Wilgelsworth (Eds.), Atheism and deism revalued: Heterodox religious identities in Britain, 1650-1800 (pp. 119–138). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Lucci, D. (2013). Augustine and deism. In K. Pollman & W. Otten (Eds.), The Oxford guide to the historical reception of Augustine, 430-2000. Part 3 (pp. 378–381). Oxford University Press.

Lucci, D. (2012). Religione naturale ed ebraismo nel revival settecentesco del deismo di Herbert di Cherbury [In Italian] [Natural religion and Judaism in the eighteenth-century revival of Herbert of Cherbury’s deism]. In P. Amodio, E. D’Antuono, & G. Giannini (Eds.), L’etica come fondamento. Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Lissa [Ethics as foundation: Studies in honor of Giuseppe Lissa] (pp. 213–218). Giannini.

Lucci, D. (2011). Allosemitismo ed emancipazione ebraica [Allo-Semitism and Jewish emancipation]. In E. D’Antuono (Ed.), Vita ebraica e mondo moderno. Esperienze, memoria, “nuovo pensiero” [In Italian] [Jewish life and the modern world: Experiences, memory, “new thinking”]. Cultura filosofica e scienze umane (Vol. 15, pp. 17–34). Giannini. 

Lucci, D. (2010). David Hume. In A. Prosperi (Ed.), Dizionario storico dell’Inquisizione [In Italian] [Historical dictionary of the Inquisition] (Vol. 2, pp. 755-756). Edizioni della Normale.

Lucci, D. (2010). Isaac Newton e il newtonianesimo [In Italian] [Isaac Newton and newtonianism]. In A. Prosperi (Ed.), Dizionario storico dell’Inquisizione [Historical dictionary of the Inquisition] (Vol. 2, p. 1114). Edizioni della Normale.

Lucci, D., & Bernardini, P. L. (2009). Introduzione [In Italian] [Introduction]. In L. Castiglioni, Lettere dalla Francia (1784) e Viaggio in Inghilterra (1784-85) [Letters from France (1784) and travel in England (1784-85)]. Vol. 4: Biblioteca di cultura moderna e contemporanea (pp. 15-64.). Città del Silenzio.

Lucci, D. (Ed.). (2006). Introduzione [In Italian] [Introduction]. In P. Bernardini, D. Lucci, & G. L.Voghera (Eds.), La memoria del male. Percorsi tra gli stermini del Novecento e il loro ricordo [The memory of evil: A journey through twentieth-century genocides and their memory]. Vol.1: Primo Levi project proceedings (pp. 9-22). Cleup.

Journal Articles

Lucci, D. (2024). Locke on religious enthusiasm as a form of madness [Special issue]. Filosofiya – Philosophy, 33(3), 241-252.

Lucci, D. (2024). John Toland’s argument for religious toleration in Nazarenus. Roczniki Filozoficzne, 72(3), 163 – 197.

Lucci, D. (2022). Locke and the Socinians on the natural and revealed law. Journal of Early Modern Studies [Special issue: Philosophy, religion, and science in seventeenth-century England], 11(1), 115-147.

Hessayon, A., & Lucci, D. (2022). The supposed burning of the Racovian Catechism in 1614: A historiographical myth exposed. History, 107(374), 25-50. doi:10.1111/1468-229X.13197

Lucci, D. (2021). Separating politics from institutional religion: The significance of John Locke’s theory of toleration. Dialogue and Universalism, 31(2), 67-87.

Lucci, D. (2021). The biblical roots of Locke's theory of personal identity. Zygon, 56(1), 168-187.  

Lucci, D. (2020). Reconciling Locke’s consciousness-based theory of personal identity and his soteriology. Locke Studies, 20, 1-39.

Lucci, D. (2020). The Enlightenment and Asia: Recent historiographical perspectives. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 7(3), 473-479.

Lucci, D. (2020). Locke and the Trinity. Studi Lockiani. Ricerche Sull’età Moderna, 1, 11-38.

Lucci, D. (2019). The law of nature, mosaic Judaism, and primitive Christianity in John Locke and the English deists. Entangled Religions, 8.

Lucci, D. (2019). From Unitarianism to Deism: Matthew Tindal, John Toland, and the Trinitarian controversy. Études Epistémè, 35.

Lucci, D. (2018). Ante-Nicene authority and the Trinity in seventeenth-century England. Intellectual History Review, 28(1), 101-124.

Lucci, D. (2018). John Locke on atheism, catholicism, antinomianism, and deism. Etica e Politica, 20(3), 201-246.

Lucci, D. (2017). Deism, freethinking, and toleration in Enlightenment England. History of European Ideas, [Special issue: Religious Toleration in the Age of Enlightenment], 43(4), 345–358.

Lucci, D. (2015). American political and social life in Luigi Castiglioni’s “Travels in the United States of North America” (1790). Cultural Intermediaries. Études Internationales Sur Le Dix-Huitième Siècle, (15), 101–121.

Lucci, D., & Wigelsworth, J. R. (2015). “God does not act arbitrarily, or interpose unnecessarily:” Providential deism and the denial of miracles in Wollaston, Tindal, Chubb, and Morgan. Intellectual History Review, 25(2), 167–189.

Lucci, D. (2014). Reassessing the crisis of the Trinity in early modern England. Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, 19, 153–163. 

Lucci, D. (2013). An eighteenth-century skeptical attack on rational theology and positive religion: “Christianity not founded on argument” by Henry Dodwell the Younger. Intellectual History Review, 23(4), 453–478.

Lucci, D. (2012). English deism in history and historiography. La Frusta.                                                                  

Lucci, D. (2010). Discussing deism: An attempt to resolve a conflict of interpretations. Nuova Rivista Storica, 94(1), 157-170.

Lucci, D. (2009). Nota sui recenti studi sul deismo inglese [In Italian] [A note on the recent studies on English deism]. Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, 14, 1-6. 

Lucci, D. (2008). Judaism and the Jews in the British deists’ attacks on revealed religion. Hebraic Political Studies, 3(2), 177-214. 

Lucci, D. (2007). Judaism and natural religion in the philosophy of William Wollaston. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 30(3), 363-387.

Lucci, D. (2006). Ebraismo e grecità nell’Italia tardomoderna. Studio sul ‘Saggio sugli Ebrei, e sui Greci’ di Giuseppe Compagnoni [In Italian] [Judaism and Greek culture in late-eighteenth-century Italy: A study on Giuseppe Compagnoni’s ‘Essay concerning the Jews and the Greeks’]. Studi Veneziani, 52(2), 473-542.

Lucci, D. (2006). La presenza ebraica nel mondo occidentale in età moderna: Recenti prospettive storiografiche [In Italian] [The Jewish presence in the western world in the early modern age: Recent historiographical perspectives]. Il Pensiero Politico, 39(1), 275-282.

Lucci, D. (2006). Relazione dell’attività di ricerca sul tema: La critica biblica nelle radici e negli sviluppi del deismo britannico [Report on the topic: Biblical criticism in the origins and developments of British deism]. Logos: Rivista Di Filosofia, 372–373.

Lucci, D. (2005). Cristianesimo e islam secondo John Toland. Cristianesimo originale, concezioni islamiche e tolleranza religiosa nel ‘Nazarenus’ (1718) [In Italian] [Christianity and Islam in John Toland’s thought: Original Christianity, Islamic concepts and religious toleration in ‘Nazarenus’ (1718)]. Atti dell’Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche, 116, 349-370.

Lucci, D. (2005). Filosemitismo e apocalittica nell’ermeneutica biblica di Isaac Newton [In Italian] [Philo-semitism and apocalyptics in the biblical hermeneutics of Isaac Newton]. Materia Giudaica, 10(1),135-150.

Lucci, D. (2005). Fra mito e realtà storica. Sulla presenza ebraica in America centrale e meridionale nell’epoca moderna [In Italian] [Between myth and historical reality: The Jewish presence in Central and South America in the early modern age]. Cultura Latinoamericana, 7, 329-350.

Lucci, D. (2005). Il pensiero unico contro la libertà di pensiero. Assimilazione, esclusione e antagonismo dell’attività intellettuale nel sistema consumistico contemporaneo [In Italian] [Free-market thought versus freedom of thought: The assimilation, exclusion and antagonism of intellectual work in contemporary consumer society]. Crisi e conflitti.                           

Lucci, D., & Bernardini, P. L. (2005). Politica e filosofia in Giacomo Casanova: Quattro inediti [In Italian] [Politics and philosophy in Giacomo Casanova’s thought: Four unpublished works]. Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione di Storia, 2, 251-270.

Lucci, D. (2005). La tolleranza come ‘latitude’. Origini e importanza del latitudinarismo inglese del Seicento [In Italian] [Toleration as ‘Latitude:’ The origins and significance of seventeenth-century English latitudinarianism]. Annali di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea, 11(1), 215-229.

Lucci, D. (2004, April). Ebraismo e antichi paganesimi. Il sincretismo religioso di Herbert di Cherbury e i suoi influssi sugli studi storico-religiosi del Seicento [In Italian] [Judaism and ancient pagan religions: Herbert of Cherbury’s religious syncretism and its influence on seventeenth-century historical religious studies]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 70(1), 19-45.

Lucci, D. (2004). Magna Charta universitatum and european culture: Renewing the continental system of higher education and overcoming the crisis of European conscience: Magna Charta Prize. Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum.

Lucci, D. (2002). Tendenze filosemite nella cultura inglese del Seicento [In Italian] [Philo-semitic tendencies in seventeenth-century English culture]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 68(2), 19-41.

Lucci, D. (2002). Tendenze filosemite nella cultura inglese del Seicento [Philo-semitic tendencies in seventeenth-century English culture]. La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, 68(2), 19–41.

Lucci, D. (2001). John Toland e la cultura ebraica [In Italian] [John Toland and Jewish culture]. Atti dell’Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche, 112, 157-172.

Book Reviews

Lucci, D. (2024). [Review of the book Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England: Puritans, Papists and Projectors, by Koji Yamamoto (Ed.), (Manchester University Press, 2022)]. Journal of British Studies, 1–2.

Lucci, D. (2024). [Review of the book Atheists and atheism before the Enlightenment: The English and Scottish experience, by Michael Hunter (Cambridge University Press, 2023)]. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 75(3), 595–597.

Lucci, D. (2024). [Review of the book John Locke's Theology: An ecumenical, irenic, and controversial project, By Jonathan S. Marko (Oxford University Press, 202)]. Heythrop Journal, 65(3), 338-340.

Lucci, D. (2023). [Review of the book The quest to save the Old Testament: Mathematics, hieroglyphics, and providence in enlightenment England (Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology), by David Ney (Lexham Academic, 2022)]. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History74(3), 686–688.

Lucci, D. (2023). [Review of the book The philosophers and the Bible: The debate on sacred Scripture in early modern thought: 333 (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History), by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino and Pina Totaro (Eds.), (Brill, 2022)]. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History74(2), 441–443.

Lucci, D. (2022). [Review of the book A forgotten Christian deist: Thomas Morgan (The Enlightenment World), by Jan van den Berg, (Routledge, 2021)]. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History73(4), 894–896.

Lucci, D. (2021). [Review of the book Locke on persons and personal identity, by Ruth Boeker (Oxford University Press, 2021)]. Journal of Early Modern Studies, 10(2), 119-122.

Lucci, D. (2021). [Review of the book Freedom of speech, 1500-1850, by Robert G. Ingram, Jason Peacey & Alex W. Barber (Eds.) (Manchester University Press, 2020)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 72(4), 895-897.

Lucci, D. (2021). [Review of the book Pascal: Reasoning and belief, by Michael Moriarty (Oxford University Press, 2020)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 72(4), 902-904.

Lucci, D. (2021). [Review of the book Casanova in the Enlightenment: From the margins to the centre, by Malina Stefanovska (Ed.) (University of Toronto Press, 2020)]. English Studies, 102(3), 391-393.

Lucci, D. (2020). [Review of the book Locke and Biblical hermeneutics: Conscience and scripture, by Luisa Simonutti (Ed.) (Springer, 2019)]. Studi Lockiani. Ricerche sull’età moderna, 1, 239-241.

Lucci, D. (2020). [Review of the book John Locke: The philosopher as Christian Virtuoso, by Victor Nuovo (Oxford University Press, 2017)]. Studi Lockiani. Ricerche sull’età moderna, 1, 235-237.

Lucci, D. (2020). [Review of the book Priest of nature: The religious worlds of Isaac Newton, by Rob Iliffe (Oxford University Press, 2017)]. History, 105(365), 333-336.

Lucci, D. (2020). [Review of the book L’umano al tempo del disumano. Percorsi dell’ebraismo europeo del Novecento, by Emilia D’Antuono (Lithos, 2017)]. European Journal of Jewish Studies, 14(1), 163-164.

Lucci, D. (2019). [Review of the book Let there be Enlightenment: The religious and mystical sources of rationality, by Anton M. Matytsin & Dan Edelstein (Eds.) (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018)]. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 6(3), 537-540.

Lucci, D. (2019). [Review of the book The infidel and the professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the friendship that shaped modern thought, by Dennis C. Rasmussen (Princeton University Press, 2017)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 70(1), 200-201.

Lucci, D. (2018). [Review of the book John Selden and the western political tradition, by Ofir Haivry (Cambridge University Press, 2017)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(4), 888-889.

Lucci, D. (2018). [Review of the book Arguments against the Christian religion in Amsterdam, by Saul Levi Morteira, Spinoza's rabbi, & Gregory Kaplan (Trans.) (Amsterdam University Press, 2017)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(2), 431-432.

Lucci, D. (2018). [Review of the book Reassessing the Radical Enlightenment, by Steffen Ducheyne (Ed.) (Routledge, 2017)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(2), 440-442.

Lucci, D. (2018). [Review of the book L’ateismo dei moderni. Filosofia e negazione di Dio da Spinoza a d’Holbach, by Gianluca Mori (Carocci, 2016)]. Journal of Early Modern Studies-Romania, 7(2), 118-124.

Lucci, D. (2018). [Review of the book Storia religiosa della spazio romeno, I and II/4. La Chiesa Romena nel contest transilvano, by Luciano Vaccaaro (Ed.) (Centro Ambrosiano, 2016)]. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 69(1), 134-135.

Lucci, D. (2017). [Review of the book La Bisanzio dei Lumi: L’Impero bizantino nella cultura francese e italiana da Luigi XIV alla Rivoluzione, by Eric Nelson (Peter Lang, 2016)]. History, 102(351), 512-514.

Lucci, D. (2017). [Review of Enlightenment: A very short introduction, by John Robertson (Oxford University Press, 2015)]. H-Albion, H-Net Reviews.

Lucci, D. (2017). [Review of the book The Catholic Enlightenment: The forgotten history of a global movement, by Ulrich L. Lehner (Oxford University Press, 2016)]. Intellectual History Review, 27(2), 275-277.

Lucci, D. (2015). [Review of the book Natural law and toleration in the early Enlightenment, by Jon Parkin (Oxford University Press, 2013)]. History, 100(343), 745–747. 

Lucci, D. (2014). [Review of the book La morale di Locke. Fra prudenza e mediocritas, by Giuliana Di Biase (Carocci, 2012)]. Locke Studies, 14, 273–275.

Lucci, D. (2014). [Review of the book Dalla patria allo stato. Bertrando Spaventa, una biografia intellettuale, by Fernanda Gallo (Laterza, 2012)]. Nuova Rivista Storica, 98(3), 1161–1165.

Lucci, D. (2013). [Review of the book Christian Hebraism in the reformation era (1500-1660): Authors, books, and the transmission of Jewish learning,  by Stephen G. Burnett (Brill, 2012)]. Intellectual History Review, 23(2), 279–281.

Lucci, D. (2012). [Review of the book Pensieri sulla libertà civile, (1759), by Peter Forsskål & Elisa Bianco (Ed.) (Liberilibri, 2012)]. Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, 17

Lucci, D. (2011). [Review of the book The Hebrew republic: Jewish sources and the transformation of european political thought, by Eric Nelson (Harvard University Press, 2010)]. Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, 6(1). 

Lucci, D. (2011). [Review of the book Philosemitism in history, by Jonathan Karp & Adam Sutcliffe (Eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2011)]. Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, 16

Lucci, D. (2011). [Review of the book Trials of the Diaspora: A history of anti-semitism in England, by Anthony Julius (Oxford University Press, 2010)]. La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, 77(1–2), 304–307.

Lucci, D. (2011). [Review of the book Varieties of seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century English radicalism in context, by Ariel Hessayon & David Finnegan (Eds.) (Ashgate, 2011)]. Reviews in History.

Lucci, D. (2011). [Review of  the book New studies on Lex Regia, by Fabrizio Lomonaco (Peter Lang, 2011)]. Bollettino Del Centro Di Studi Vichiani, 41(2), 82–85.

Lucci, D. (2010). [Review of the book Le rive fatali di Keos. Il suicidio nella storia intellettuale europea da Montaigne a Kant, by P. Bernardini]. Cromohs: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography, 15.

Lucci, D. (2010). [Review of the book Gli ebrei e la destra. Nazione, Stato, identità, famiglia by Paolo Bernardini, Gadi Luzzatto Voghera and Piergabriele Mancuso (Eds.) (Aracne, 2007)]. Il Pensiero Politico, 43(1), 138–139.

Lucci, D. (2009). [Review of the book The Religious Enlightenment: Protestants, Jews, and Catholics from London to Vienna, by David Sorkin (Princeton University Press, 2008)]. La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, 75(1–2), 262–264.

Lucci, D. (2009). [Review of the book The Anthropology of the Enlightenment  by L.Wolff & M. Cipolloni (Eds.) (Stanford University Press, 2007)]. Il Pensiero Politico, 42(2), 260–261.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of book The anthropology of the Enlightenment, by L.Wolff & M. Cipolloni (Eds.)]. Il Pensiero Politico, 42(2), 260-261.

Lucci, D. (2008). [Review of the book Connecting the covenants: Judaism and the search for Christian identity in eighteenth-century England, by David B. Ruderman (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007)]. La Rassegna Mensile Di Israel, 74(3), 241–244

Lucci, D. (2008). [Review of the book Enlightenment contested: Philosophy, modernity, and the emancipation of man 1670-1752, by J. I. Israel (Oxford University Press, 2006)]. Nuova Rivista Storica, 92(2), 581-585.

Lucci, D. (2008). [Review of the book Gold tried in the fire: The prophet theaurau John Tany and the English Revolution, by A. Hessayon]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 74(1), 273-275.

Lucci, D. (2008). [Review of the book Vested voices: Literary transvestitism in Italian literature, by E. Passannanti & R. Riccobono, (Eds.)]. Annali d’Italianistica, 26, 447-448.

Lucci, D. (2008). [Review of the book Sulla Guerra, by Michael Walzer (Laterza, 2006)]. Crisi E Conflitti.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of the book Antisemitismo a sinistra, by G. L.Voghera]. Crisi e conflitti.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of the book Felicità e libertà, by B. de Fontenelle & P. Amodio (Eds.)]. Nuova Rivista Storica, 91(3), 36-39.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of the book Judaism and Enlightenment, by A. Sutcliffe] (Cambridge University Press, 2005, 1st ed. 2003). La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 73(1), 134-137.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of the book La leggenda dell’ebreo assassino. Percorsi di un racconto antiebraico dal medioevo ad oggi, by T.Caliò (Viella, 2007)]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 73(3), 132-136.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of the book La scrittoio di Anthony Collins (1676-1729): I libri e i tempi di un libero pensatore, by G. Tarantino]. Il Pensiero Politico, 40(3), 590-591.

Lucci, D. (2007). [Review of the book La società dell’incertezza, by Z. Bauman]. Crisi e conflitti.

Lucci, D. (2006). [Review of the book Dialoghi sul suicidio, by G. Casanova & P. Bernardini (Eds.)] (Aracne, 2005)]. Nuova Rivista Storica, 90(3), 55-59.

Lucci, D. (2006). [Review of the book La religione del laico, by E. H. di Cherbury & S. Muratore (Eds.) (L’Epos, 2006)]. Rassegna di Teologia, 47(5), 787-793.

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book Forza centrifuga. Studi sul federalismo meridionale, by S. Lucchese (La Città del Sole, 2005)]. La Frusta.

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book Il corpo e il potere. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma di Pier Paolo Pasolini, by E. Passannanti (Troubador, 2004)]. Psichiatry on line Italia, 11(9).

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book Il mito della scuola unica, by C. L. Glenn & E.Buzzi (Eds.) (Marietti, 2004)]. Crisi e conflitti.

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book  L’intellettuale militante. Critica sociale e impegno politico nel Novecento, by M. Walzer (Il Mulino, 2004). La Frusta.  

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book Luigi Castiglioni nel Paese degli uomini liberi, by G. Di Capua & L. Saibene (Rubbettino, 2005)]. Il Pensiero Politico, 39(3), 495.

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book Poem of the roses: Linguistic expressionism in the poetry of Franco Fortini, by E. Passannanti (Troubador, 2004)]. Annali d’Italianistica, 23, 380-382.

Lucci, D. (2005). [Review of the book Storia degli ebrei in Italia, Dall’emancipazione ad oggi, by G. Carocci (Newton & Compton Editori, 2005)]. La Frusta.

Lucci, D. (2004). [Review of the book Federalismo, socialismo e questione meridionale in Gaetano Salvemini, by S. Lucchese (Lacaita, 2004) ]. La Frusta.

Lucci, D. (2004). [Review of the book  Il Vangelo: Un documento ebraico, by L. Baeck, D. Vogelmann & V. Vogelmann (Eds.) (Giuntina, 2004)]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 70(2), 173-177.

Lucci, D. (2003). [Review of the book Antisemitismo e identità ebraica. Scritti 1941-1945, by H. Arendt & M. L. Knott (Ed.) (Edizioni di Comunità, 2002)]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 69(3), 176-179.

Lucci, D. (2003). [Review of the book Giovanni Gentile e la “questione ebraica”, by R. Faraone]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 72(1), 221-227.

Lucci, D. (2003). [Review of the book La veglia della ragione, by P. Bernardini (Edizioni Biografiche, 2002)]. Psichiatry on line Italia, 9(10).

Lucci, D. (2001). [Review of the book Il Ghetto di Varsavia. Cento foto scattate da un soldato tedesco nel 1941, by J. J. Heydecker (Giuntina, 2000)].  La Frusta.   

Lucci, D. (2001). [Review of Luther Blissett, Q (Einaudi, 2000)]. La Frusta.

Lucci, D. (2000). [Review of the book La cultura ebraica all’epoca di Lorenzo il Magnifico, by D. L. Bemporad & I. Zatelli (Eds.) (Olschki, 1998)]. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 66(1), 141-143.