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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Elveren, Adem

Adem Elveren


Economics Department

  Elveren, Adem

  MB 243

  (+359 73) 888 404



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Elveren, A.Y. (2021). Askerî harcamalar ve ekonomi: Eleştirel bir yaklaşım. İletişim Yayınları. 

Elveren, A. Y. (2019). The economics of military spending: A Marxist perspective. Routledge. Available in Panitza Library.

Elveren, A. Y. (2018). Brain drain and gender ınequality in Turkey. Palgrave Pivot.

Edited Monographs

Dedeoğlu, S., & Elveren, A. Y. (Eds.). (2015). 2000’ler Türkiye’sinde sosyal politika ve toplumsal cinsiyet [Social policy and gender in Turkey in the 2000s]. İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.         

Dedeoğlu, S., & Elveren, A. Y. (Eds.). (2012). Türkiye’de refah devleti ve kadın [The welfare state and woman in Turkey]. İletişim Yayınevi. 

Dedeoğlu, S., & Elveren, A. Y. (Eds.). (2012). Gender and society in Turkey: The impact of neo-liberal policies, political Islam and EU accession. I.B. Tauris Publishers.

Chapters in Monographs

Elveren, A. Y., & Topbaş, D. (2024). A macroeconomic perspective on gender, economic crises, inequality, and informality. In Routledge Handbook of the Informal Economy (pp. 301–319). Routledge.

Elveren, A. Y., & Göksel, I. (2024). A macroeconomic perspective on gender, growth, and informality. In Routledge Handbook of the Informal Economy (pp. 287–300). Routledge.

Elveren, A.Y. (2024). John Kenneth Galbraith on the Military–Industrial Complex. In L. Fiorito, S. Scheall, & C. E. Suprinyak (Eds.), Research in the history of economic thought and methodology: Including a symposium on John Kenneth Galbraith: Economic structures and policies for the twenty-first century (Research in the history of economic thought and methodology (Vol. 41C, pp. 73-92). Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds.

Elveren, A.Y., Toksöz, G., & Durmaz Bodur, N. (2023). Türkiye’den beyin göçünün toplumsal cinsiyet boyutu. In D. Danış (Ed.), Gitmek ve Dönmek Arasında: Türkiye’de Yeni Nesil Beyin Göçü Türkiye’de Yeni Nesil Beyin Göçü. Nika Yayınevi.

Elveren, A.Y. (2023). Savuma iktisadında heterodoks yaklaşımlar: Genel bir değerlendirme. In A. Y. Önal, Y. Yücel, Ö. A. Erol, & M. Kahveci (Eds.), Yaşam Odaklı Bir Ekonomi İçin Makro İktisat ve Maliye Politikaları Gülay Günlük Şenesen’e Armağan. Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı.

Elveren, A.Y., Agartan, T.I., & Durmaz Bodur, N. (2023). The Turkish welfare state system: A special focus on human capital development. In C. Aspalter (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook to welfare state systems towards global social policy science, 2nd  edition. Routledge.

Elveren, A.Y., & Çelik, E.U. (2023). Türkiye’de askerî harcamalar ve savunma ekonomisi: 1923-2023. In Ö. F. Çolak (Ed.), Yüzyılın Ekonomisi Cilt 3 İktisadi Gelişim ve Sektörler. Efil Yayınevi.

Dudu, S., & Elveren, A.Y. (2023). Beyin göçü. In G. Kaya (Ed.), Cumhuriyetin Göçlerle Dolu Yüzyılı 100 Başlıkta Göç Yazıları. Cem Yayınevi.

Elveren, A.Y. (2022). The political economy of militarism. In I. Ness, & Z. Cope (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of economic imperialism. Oxford University Press.

Çelik, E.U., & Elveren, A.Y. (2022). Askerî harcamalar: Ekonomik büyüme ve gelir eşitsizliği. In Ö.F. Çolak, & L.F. Arda Özalp (Eds.), Refah Ekonomisi ve Eşitsizlik. Efil Yayınevi.

Elveren, A.Y., Cantekin, K., & Elgin, C. (2021). Financing the welfare state in Turkey. In C. Aspalter (Ed.), Financing welfare state systems in Asia. Routledge. Available in Panitza Library.

Elveren, A.Y., & Toksöz, G. (2018). Türkiye'de beyin göçü yazını ve bir alan araştırması [The brain drain literature in Turkey and a survey]. In E. Karadoğan (Ed.), Gürhan Fişek’in İzinde Ortak Emek Ortak Eylem. Siyasal Kitabevi.

Elveren, A.Y. (2017). Functional finance and social security: Rereading Abba Lerner. In P. Cooney, A. Davis, J. Huato, P. Quick, G. Schneider, R. Vasudevan, & M. Vernengo (Eds.), Imperiled Economies (pp. 61-68). Dollars & Sense.

Elveren, A.Y., & Agartan, T.I. (2017). The Turkish welfare state system: With special reference to human capital development. In C. Aspalter (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook to Welfare State Systems (pp. 317-331). Routledge.

Töngür, Ü., & Elveren, A. Y. (2016). Military expenditures, income inequality, welfare and political regimes: A dynamic panel data analysis. In C. Kollias, & H. E. Ali, Defense Spending, Natural Resources, and Conflict. Routledge.

Dedeoğlu, S., & Elveren, A. Y. (2015). Türkiye’de Sosyal Güvenlik Sisteminin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Açısından Bir Değerlendirmesi. In S. Dedeoğlu, & A. Y. Elveren (Eds.), 2000’ler Türkiye’sinde Sosyal Politika ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet. İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.

Elveren, A. Y., & Şahin, Ş. (2012). Gender Gaps in the Individual Pension System in Turkey.In S. Dedeoğlu, & A. Y. Elveren (Eds.), Gender and Society in Turkey: The Impact of Neo-Liberal Policies, Political Islam and EU Accession. I.B. Tauris Publishers.

Dedeoğlu, S., & Elveren, A. Y. (2012). Introduction: Gender, society and welfare in Turkey. In S. Dedeoğlu, & A. Y. Elveren (Eds.), Gender and Society in Turkey: The Impact of Neo-Liberal Policies, Political Islam and EU Accession (pp. 3-14). I.B. Tauris Publishers.

Elveren, A. Y. (2011). Sosyal güvenlik Krizi: Abba Lerner'ı yeniden okumak [The crisis of social security: Rereading Abba Lerner]. In A. Pınar, A. H. Köse, & N. Falay (Eds)., Kriz ve Maliye Düşüncesinde Değişim: İzzettin Önder’e Armağan (pp. 337-358). Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı.

 Elveren, A. Y. (2010). European employment strategy and Turkey’s adaptation. In M. Kar (Ed.), Avrupa Bütünleşmesi ve Türkiye Ortak Politikalarının Oluşumu ve Uyumlaştırılması (pp. 467-499). Ekin Yayınevi. 

Elveren, A. Y., & Kar, M. (2008). Turkey’s economic integration into the EU: Challenges and opportunities. In P. Phuskele (Ed.), Economic Integration – New Global Dynamics (pp. 112-138). ICFAI University Press.

Journal Articles

Elgin, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2025). An evaluation and comparative analysis of fiscal and macro-financial policies during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Bulgaria in the Balkan context. Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 34(1), 89-112.

Elgin, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2024). Unpacking the economic impact of tourism: A multidimensional approach to sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 478(1).

Elveren, A. Y., Elgin, C., & Töngür, Ü. (2024). The effect of informality on profit rates: the role of feminization of labor. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 1–24.

Elgin, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2024). Wage-productivity gap and discrimination against Syrian refugees: Evidence from Turkey. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 1–13.   

Elveren, A. Y. (2024). Militarization, gender inequality, and growth: A Feminist-Kaleckian Model. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 47(2), 245-262.

Elveren, A. Y. (2023). Does militarization hinder female labor income share?. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 30(1), 55-75.

Bodur, N. D., Dudu, S., Bozkuş, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2023). Gender differences in risk aversion: Evidence from private pension system in Türkiye. Women’s Studies International Forum, 101.

Elveren, A. Y., Töngür, Ü., & Myers, T. (2023). Military spending and economic growth: A post-Keynesian model. Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 18(2), 51-65.

Akçagün-Narin, P., & Elveren, A. Y. (2023). Financialization and militarization: An empirical investigation. Review of Radical Political Economics, 56(1), 70-100.

Elveren, A. Y., Davis, C., & Budd, J. (2023). Panel data analysis of the effects of female labor force participation on profit rates. International Econometric Review, 14(3), 97-106. 

Cantekin, K., Elgin, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2023). Persistency of military spending and fiscal policy responses to Covid-19. Critical Military Studies, 9(4), 568–581.

Elveren, A. Y., Moghadam, V.M., & Dudu, S. (2022).  Militarization, women’s labor force participation, and gender ınequality: Evidence from global data. Women’s Studies International Forum, 94.

Elgin, C., Elveren, A. Y., Özgür, G., & Dertli, G. (2022). Military spending and sustainable development. Review of Development Economics, 26(3), 1466-1490.

Cantekin, K., Elgin, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2022). Evolution of the relationship between incarceration and the labor market in the United States, 1945-2016The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 47(1-2), 114-137.

Elveren, A. Y., & Moghadam, V. M. (2022). Militarization and gender inequality: Exploring the impact. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy43(4), 427–445.

Elveren, A. Y., & Kirmizioglu, H. (2022). Financial development and female labor income share: Evidence from global data. World Journal of Applied Economics, 8(1), 35-49.

Elveren, A. Y. (2022). Military spending and profit rate: A circuit of capital model with a military sector. Defence and Peace Economics33(1), 59–76.

Dudu, S., &  Elveren, A. Y. (2021). Yurda dönüşün emek piyasalarına yansımaları. İktisat ve Toplum, 11(132), 37-42. 

Elgin, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2021). Informality, inequality, and feminization of labor. Women's Studies International Forum, 88.

Elveren, A. & Taşıran, A. (2021). Soft modeling of military expenditure, income inequality, and profit rate, 1988–2008. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 27(3), 405-430.

Elgin, C., Elveren, A.Y., & Bourgeois, J. (2021). Informality, inequality and profit rate. Applied Economics Letters, 28(12), 1017-1020.

Özgür G, Elgin C, Elveren AY. (2020). Is informality a barrier to sustainable development? Sustainable Development, 29(1), 45-65. 

Elveren, A. Y., & Toksöz, G. (2019). Hidden gender dimensions of the brain drain: The case of TurkeyNew Perspectives on Turkey60, 33–59.

Elveren, A. Y., & Hsu, S. (2018). The effect of military expenditure on profit rates: Evidence from major countries. World Journal of Applied Economics, 4(2), 75-94.

Elveren, A. Y. (2018). The pious predator state: The new regime in Turkey. Challenge61(1), 85–91.

Töngür, Ü., Elveren, A.Y. (2017). The nexus of economic growth, military expenditures, and income inequality. Quality and Quantity, 51(4), 1821-1842.

Elveren, A. Y., Marr, C., & Renard, Y. (2017). Feminization of labour and profit rates: Evidence from OECD countries. Applied Economics Letters24(7), 481–484.

Elveren, A.Y., & Özgür, G. (2016). The effect of informal economy on income inequality: Evidence from Turkey. Panoeconomicus, 63, 293-312. 

Elveren, A.Y., & Hsu, S. (2016). Military expenditures and profit rates: Evidence from OECD countries. Metroeconomica, 67(3), 551-577.

Töngür, Ü., & Elveren, A. Y. (2016). The impact of military spending and income inequality on economic growth in Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics27(3), 433–452.

Töngür, Ü., & Elveren, A. Y. (2015). Military expenditures, income inequality, welfare and political regimes: A dynamic panel data analysis. Defence and Peace Economics26(1), 49–74.

Töngür, Ü., Hsu, S., & Elveren, A. Y. (2015). Military expenditures and political regimes: Evidence from global data, 1963-2000. Economic Modelling, 44, 68-79.

Şahin, Ş., & Elveren, A. Y. (2014). A minimum pension guarantee application for the individual pension system in Turkey: A gendered approach. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy35(3), 242–270.

Elveren, A. Y. (2014). Women’s labour force participation and pay inequality: Evidence from panel cointegration. Applied Economics Letters21(12), 862–865.

Töngür, Ü., & Elveren, A. Y. (2014). Deunionization and pay inequality in OECD countries: A panel granger causality approach. Economic Modelling, 38, 417-425. 

Derin-Güre, P., & Elveren, A. Y. (2014). Does income inequality derive the separatist terrorism in Turkey? Defence and Peace Economics25(3), 311–327.

Elveren, A. Y. (2013). A critical analysis of the pension system in Turkey from a gender equality perspective. Women’s Studies International Forum, 41, Part 1, 35-44. 

Elveren, A. Y. (2012). Military spending and income inequality: Evidence on cointegration and causality for Turkey, 1963–2007. Defence and Peace Economics23(3), 289–301.

Elveren, A. Y., Örnek, I., & Akel, G. (2012). Internationalisation, growth and pay inequality: a cointegration analysis for Turkey, 1970–2007. International Review of Applied Economics26(5), 579–595.

Aksoğan, G., & Elveren, A. (2012). Türkiye’de savunma, sağlık ve eğitim harcamaları ve gelir eşitsizliği (1970-2008): Ekonometrik bir inceleme [Defence expenditures, education and health expenditures and income inequality in Turkey, 1970-2008: An econometric analysis]. Sosyoekonomi, 17(17), 263-280. 

Şahin, Ş., & Elveren, A. Y. (2011). Assessing a minimum pension guarantee for the voluntary IPS in Turkey. International Social Security Review, 64(3), 39-61.

Elveren, M. A., & Elveren, A. Y. (2010). Türkiye’de refah rejiminin dönüşümü ve bireysel emeklilik sistemi [The transformation of the welfare regime in Turkey and the individual pension system]. Mülkiye Dergisi, 34(266), 243-258.

Elveren, A. Y.  (2010). Wage inequality in Turkey: Decomposition by statistical regions, 1980-2001. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 22(1), 55-72.

Şahin, Ş., Rittersberger-Tılıç, H., & Elveren, A. Y.  (2010). The individual pension system in Turkey: A gendered perspective. Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 21(77), 115-142.

Elveren, A. Y., & Galbraith, J. K. (2009). Pay inequality in Turkey in the Neo-Liberal Era, 1980-2001. European Journal of Comparative Economics, 6(2), 177-206.

Bozkuş, C., & Elveren, A. Y. (2008). An analysis of gender gaps in the private pension scheme in Turkey. Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 19(69), 89-106. 

Elveren, A. Y. (2008). Assessing gender inequality in the Turkish pension system. International Social Security Review, 61(2), 39-58.

Kar, M., & Elveren, A. Y. (2008). Özel Emeklilik Sistemlerinde Cinsiyete Dayalı Gelir Farkı: Türkiye Örnegi [Gender-based earning differentials in private pension systems: The case of Turkey]. TİSK Akademi, 3(5), 68-99.

Elveren, A. Y. (2008). Social security reform in Turkey: A critical perspective. Review of Radical Political Economics, 40(2), 212-232.