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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Ivanov, Serguey

Serguey Ivanov - In Memoriam

Associate Professor

History and Civilizations Department




Ivanov, S. (2016). Основные вопросы теории местных редакций старославянского языка IX – XV веков (на примере сербской редакции). Avangard Prima. 

Ivanov, S., et al. (2015). Симеонов сборник (по Светославовия препис от 1073 г.): Том 3. Гръцки преписи [In Bulgarian] [Simeon’s miscellany: Vol. 3. Greek Sources: Coislinianus graecus 120, Vaticanus graecus 423, Coislinianus graecus 258, Ambrosianus graecus L 88 sup., trans. from Medieval Greek into Bulgarian by S. Ivanov, & P. Yaneva] (2nd ed.). Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House.  

Ivanov, S. (Ed., Scient. Comment., & Trans.) (2009). King Symeon’s Florilegium [Miscellany: Vol. 3. Greek Sources: Coislinianus graecus 120, Vaticanus graecus 423, Coislinianus graecus 258, Ambrosianus graecus L 88 sup., trans. from Medieval Greek into Bulgarian by S. Ivanov, & P. Yaneva]. St. Dionysius Areopagitus Foundation.

Ivanov, S. (Ed.). (2001). Reader in digital preservation of medieval manuscripts & early printed books. BAS.

Ivanov, S. (Ed.). (2000). Религиите по света: От възникването до съвременните секти [In Bulgarian] [The world's religions], by N. Smart. Планета 3.

Ivanov, S., & Dobreva, M. (Eds.).(1998). Приложения на информационните технологии в библеистиката [In Bulgarian] [Application of information tech­no­lo­gies to biblical studies]. Институт по математика и информатика - БАН.

Ivanov, S. (Еd.) (1997). Религиите [In Bulgarian] [Religions]: Vol. 3. Библиотека за учителя. Prosveta.

Иванов, С. А. (1995). Систематично изложение на православното догматическо богословие. Екстрем.

Ivanov, S. (Ed.) (1994).  Помагало по български език: За II кл. [In Bulgarian] [Bulgarian Language for the 2nd Year School Stu­dents] by Z. Delieva & B. Nemchov. Фокус.

Ivanov, S., et al. (1993). Симеонов сборник [по Светославовия препис от 1073 г.]:  Том 2. Речник-индекс. [In Bulgarian] [Florilegium (Miscellany), by the AD 1073 copy of Svjatoslav: Vol. 2. Vocabulary-Index]. BAS.

Ivanov, S., et al. (1991). Симеонов сборник [по Светославовия препис от 1073 г.]:  Том 1. Изследвания и текст [In Bulgarian] [Florilegium (Miscellany), by the AD 1073 copy of Svjatoslav: Vol. 1. Studies and Text]. BAS.

Ivanov, S., Raleva, T. (Eds.). (1985). Кирило-Методиевите традиции в славянските езици: [Първи полско-български сборник] [In Bulgarian]. Софийски Университет „Св. Климент Охридски”.

Chapters in Monographs

Ivanov, S. (2015). Йосиф Флавий и неговото време. In М. Славова ((Ed.) Йосиф Флавий: Автобиография. Юдейски древности (pp. 7-15). Фондация „Българско историческо наследство“. 

Ivanov, S. (2014). Сравнително религиознание в liberal arts университет: Религиозност и/или духовност? [In Bulgarian] [Comparative religious studies in the liberal arts college: Religiousness or spirituality?]. In Gerdzhikova V., Panova N., & Iliev D. (Eds.), Studia Classica Serdicensia. Volume 3: Литература, култура, действителност (pp. 113-126). St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.

Ivanov, S. (2011). Относно християнската терминология в славянските езици, в частност в български [In Bulgarian]. In История, култура и религия на Балканите и в Средиземноморието (Vol. 5, pp. 115-131). УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий”.

Ivanov, S. (2010). Nineteenth-century Bulgarian translations οf the Bible. In P. M. Kitromilídis & Á. Tampáki (Eds.), Greek-Bulgarian Relations in the Age of National Identity Formation (p. 337). Institute for Neohellenic Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation.

Ivanov, S. (2004). The hidden meaning of the Greek phemi, phaino, phos, and phone in the Slavic 1073 Svetoslav/s (Symeon’s) Florilegium. In V. Gergjikova & E. Marinova (Eds.), Cultura Animi, in Honor of Anna Nikolova (pp. 38-48). St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.

Ivanov, S. (2003). Elements of Old and New Testament theology of light in the extant copy of King Symeon’s Florilegium (Miscellany): The Izbornik of 1073 and its Greek original. In  Slavia Orthodoxa: Language and Culture: A jubilee volume in honour of professor Rumyana Pavlova (pp. 165-170). St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.

Ivanov, S. (1998). Judaism. In Social Education [Central Commission for Struggle against Antisocial Behavior of the Young of the Ministerial Council of Bulgaria], (Vol. 1, pp. 38-43). 

Ivanov, S. (1997). Introduction [In Bulgarian]. In Religions: Vol. 3. Teacher’s Library (pp. 7-8). Prosveta.

Ivanov, S. (1997). Judaism [In Bulgarian]. In Religions: Vol. 3. Teacher’s Library  (pp. 20-22). Prosveta.

Ivanov, S. (1997). Protestantism [In Bulgarian]. In Religions: Vol. 3. Teacher’s Library, Social Education (pp. 15-16). Prosveta.

Ivanov, S. (1995). God: God and world, man and God: The fall and salvation. In S. Gerdzhikov, Illustrated Textbook in Philosophy for High Schools (2nd еd., pp. 21-27). Еkstrem.

Ivanov, S.(1994). Aftermath and importance of NDE effects. In S. Gerdzhikov, Смъртен опит: Сънуване, рискуване, умиране [Experience of Death] (pp. 149-157). Екстрем.

Ivanov, S. (1994). Christianity: Epoch and beginnings: God-Creation-Man-Christ: The fall and salvation: Conclusion. In S. Gerdzhikov,  Кратка илюстрована философия: [Учебник] за професионални училища [Philosophy: Textbook for high schools] (pp. 29-36). Екстрем.

Ivanov, S. (1988). About systematic description of the so-called recensions of the old church Slavic lan­guage. In Tradycje Cyrila I Metodego w jezykach I literaturach slo­wian­skich

Journal Articles

Иванов, С. (2013). Изборник 1073: Теология и славянска имперска история [In Bulgarian] [Old slavic florilegium of AD 1073: Theology and slavic imperial history]. Език и Литература [Старобългарска литература и руската ръкописна традиция, в памет на проф. Р. Павлова], 12, 60–71.

Ivanov, S. (2011). Дублираните пасажи в Изборника от 1073 г. [In Bulgarian] [Double Passages in Symeon's Florilegium of AD 1073]. Годишник на Софийския университет „Св. Климент Охридски”, Център за славяно-византийски проучвания „Иван Дуйчев” [Annuaire de l’Univerite de Sofia “St. Clement of Ohrid”, Centre de Recherches Slavo-Byzantines “Ivan Dujcev”], 96(15), 173-180.

Иванов, С. А. (2006). Язык идеологии и реальность жизни (на примере перевода некоторых богословских терминов). Вопросы филологии, 22, 159–166.

Ivanov, S. (1998). Юдаизъм [Judaism]. Обществено възпитание [Social Education], 37(1), 38-43.

Ivanov, S. (1988). Linguistic palaeoslavistics at the 10th International Congress of Slavists. Старобългаристика [Palaeobulgarica], 1, 120-123.

Ivanov, S. (1987). Contrastive approach in organization of university theoretical courses in Russian morphology. Bulgarian Russistics, 5.

Ivanov, S. (1987). Russian “Case-prepositional system” of native Russian language speakers in a Bul­ga­ri­an language environment. Съпоставително езикознание [Contrastive Linguistics], 12(2), 12-18.

Ivanov, S. (1985). A. A. Potebnya, 1835-1891 [On occasion of 150 years of the birth of the great Uk­ra­i­nian linguist and thinker]. Съпоставително езикознание [Contrastive Linguistics], 10(5), 116-121.

Ivanov, S. (1983). О некоторых основных задачах описания сербской редакции древнеболгарского литературного языка ХІІ–ХV веков [In Russian] [About some main problems of description of the Serbian recension of the Old church Slavic language in 12-15 centuries AD. Старобългаристика [Palaeobulgarica], 7(1), 81–90.

Conference Proceedings

Ivanov, S. A. (2017). Humanities in the liberal arts curricula: The intellectual heritage of classical antiquity in today’s classroom. In Proceedings of IAC-TLEl in Budapest 2017 (pp. 78-85). Budapest: Czech Institute of Academic Education.

Ivanov, S. A., & Miron, C. C. (2016). Teaching an innovative content in a liberal arts general education course: Goals, challenges, and achievements. In Proceedings of IAC-TLEl in Budapest 2016 (pp. 18-35). Bratislava: Czech Institute of Academic Education.

Ivanov, S. A. (2016). Educational class-room methodologies/technologies in a liberal arts/general education course (Humanities). In Proceedings of IAC-GETL 2016 (pp. 62-76). Budapest: Czech Institute of Academic Education.

Ivanov, S. (2015). Multimedia in teaching the traditional content in a liberal arts course (on the example of ‘The Bible as literature’). In P. Yaneva (Ed.) Proceedings of the Innovative Education of the 21st Century. Technologies and Innovative Methodology in Higher Education: Challenges and Good Practices Conference [EU Project BG051PO001-3.3.06-0045, Sofia University] (pp. 91-100). Sofia: Полиграфюг АД.

Ivanov, S. (2014). East/west theological discords of the ninth century AD through the prism of modern psycholinguistics. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Conceptualizing Modernity in the Central and Southeastern European Cultures: Notions, Discourses and Languages (pp. 5, 14, 17, 31-40, 68-69). Timisoara, Romania.

Ivanov, S. (2014). Theology of the vernacular: SS Cyril & Methodius. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Bulgarian Studies. Vol. 9: Round table on Cyril and Methodius Studies [Трети международен конгрес по българистика. Кн.9: Кръгла маса „Кирилометодиевистика”, 23-26 май 2013]. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.

Ivanov, S. (2013). Theology of the vernacular: “Psycholinguists” of the 9th Century AD. In Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics. Section: Language & Social Context. Discourse Analysis. The Dialogue, June 26-29 2013 (p. 96). Moscow, Russia.

Градинарова, А. А., & Спасова, Р. А. (Eds.). (2012). Темные места в славянских переводах новозаветного текста и современная лингвокультурология. In Русистика: язык, культура, перевод. Юбилейная международная научная конференция. София: Изток-Запад.

Ivanov, S. (2011). Theology of light in New Testament passages in the Simeons’/Svjatoslav’s Florilegium (Izbornik) of AD 1073”. In Proceedings of the 22nd  World Byzantine Studies Congress. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (2011). Какво е начало? Първата причина на втората причина. In Научна конференция в памет на проф. Димитър Бояджиев. Studia Classica Serdicensi: Musarum Semper Amator, 1, 211-218.

Ivanov, S. (2010). Comparative religion studies in a liberal arts curriculum: Religiosity and/or spirituality?. In Proceedings of the Conference Culture, Literature, Reality [in honor of Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov]. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (2009). On Christian terminology in Slavic languages: Specifically in Bulgarian. In Proceedings of the International Conference Cultures & Languages in the Balkans, Mediterranean аnd East. Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (2009). What is beginning? The first cause of the second cause. In Proceedings of the International Conference Musarum Semper Amator. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (2009). Древните езици в студентска аудитория: Текстовете на Библията [Ancient languages for university students]. In 5-та Международна конференция „Езикът: Феномен без граници, 12-14 юни [Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Тhe Language: A Phenomenon without Frontiers] (pp. 235-238). Варна, Медицински университет.

Ivanov, S. (2008). Translations of the Bible in the epoch of the Bulgarian National Revival. In Proceedings of the Conference Greek-Bulgarian Relations in the Time of the Formation of National Identities. Athens, Greece.

Ivanov, S. (2007). Racism in post-communist Bulgaria: The case of the Roma. In Annual Congress of  SIETAR-Europa, Society for Intercultural Education & Research. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (2007). Translation & ideological dogma (Biblical quotations in Svjatoslav’s / Symeon’s Miscellany of AD 1073). In Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Teachers of Russian Language & Literature (MAPRYAL), World of Russian Word and Russian Word in the World: Vol.5. Russian Language in Comparison with Other Languages; Translation as Interaction of Languages and Cultures (pp. 347-354). Sofia: Heron Press.

Ivanov, S. (2006). Double passages in Symeon's Florilegium of AD 1073. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Byzantium and the Slavs". Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov S. (2005). Language of ideology and human reality of life. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Language & Culture. Moscow, Russia.

Ivanov, S. (2005). Religious ideology in its language dimensions. In Proceedings of the National Conference of the Department for Classical & Modern Philology "Word - Classical & Modern" (Vol. 2, pp. 86-91). Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.

Ivanov, S. (1999). Issues in the development of digital resources for the Southeast Medieval studies. In Proceedings of the 6th Joint Meeting of Bulgarian and North American Scholars, Bulgarian Studies at the Dawn of the 21st Century: A Bulgarian-American Perspective. Blagoevgrad, The American University in Bulgaria. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1998). Contemporary re­li­gi­ous situation in Bulgaria. In Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of the Sla­vic Studies (AAASS). Boca Raton, FL.

Ivanov, S. & Dobreva, M. (1998). Issues in electronic publishing on the Medieval Slavic and Byzantine world. In F. Rowland & J.W.T. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of an ICCC/IFIP Conference (pp. 55-64). Budapest, Hungary.

Ivanov, S. (1996). Eastern Orthodox Biblical exegesis and some basic principles of textual linguistics. In Proceedings of the 3rd Sofia Readings in Slavistics, Linguistics and Poetics [In Honor of Roman Jacobson]. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1988). Езиковедската палеославистика [In Bulgarian]. In 10th International Congress of Slavonic Studies (pp. 120-125). Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1987). Interlanguage and the typological distance between languages. In 2nd International Cong­ress of Applied Psycholinguistics (ISAPL). Kassel, Germany.

Ivanov, S. (1986). About some peculiarities in the Bulgarian language system. In Convention for Lin­guists on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Plovdiv University. Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1986). Contrastive approach to the organization of university theoretical courses in Russian morphology. In 5th International Congress of Международная Ассоциация Преподавателей Русского языка и литературы (MAPRYAL). Budapest, Hungary.

Ivanov, S. (1986). Once again about the typological proximity/distance between Bulgarian and Rus­si­an languages. In Convention for Young Linguists. Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1986). System and structure of the Old Church Slavic local recensions. In Convention for Linguists on the Occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Higher Pedagogical Institute in Shumen. Shumen, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1985). An aspect of evaluation of Medieval Slavic manuscripts. In Proceedings of the 4th Bulgarian-Belo­russian Conference on Contrastive Evaluation of the Bulgarian and Belorussian Lan­gauges. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1985). A contribution to a systematic description of Old Church Slavic local recensions. In Tradycje Cyrila I Metodego w iezykach I literaturach slo­wianskich Conference. War­saw, Poland.

Ivanov, S. (1985). Formation of the Serbian recension of the Old Church Slavic language from point of view of the theory of linguistic contacts. In 1st Polish-Bulgarian Symposium, Cyrillo-Methodian Traditions in Slavic Lan­gauges (pp. 157-169). Sofia: Bulgaria.

Ivanov, S. (1983). Typology of the linguistic situations in Medieval Bulgaria, Serbia and Russia from the Old Church Slavic standpoint. In Convention for Linguists Language Links be­tween Bulgarians and Russians through the Ages. Primorsko, Bulgaria.

Book Reviews

Ivanov, S. (1987). [Review of the book Historical grammar of Russian language, by V.V. Ivanov]. Български език [In Bulgarian] [Bul­ga­ri­an Language], 37(5).

Ivanov, S. (1984). [Review of the book Guide to the Slavonic languages in 3 vols, by R.G.A. de Bray]. Съпоставително езикознание [In Bulgarian] [Contrastive Linguistics], 3, 108-111.

Ivanov, S. (1980). [Review of the book Структурализмът: Метод и идеология: Очерк върху структурализма на Клод Леви-Строс, oт С. Аврамова] [In Bulgarian] [The structuralism as method and ideology, by S. Avramova]. Съпоставително езикознание [Contrastive Linguistics], 5, 100-101.

Ivanov, S. (1977). [Review of the book Russian phraseology, by A. I. Molotkov]. Съпоставително езикознание [Contrastive Linguistics], 2, 101-103.

Ivanov, S. (1977). [Review of the book Slovenska frazeologiia, by J. Mlacek]. Съпоставително езикознание [Contrastive Linguistics], 2, 101-103.

Encyclopedia Entries

Ivanov, S. (2005). Greek orthodox church. In Encyclopedia of the Developing World. Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.


Ivanov, S., & Ianeva, P. (Trans.) (2008). Спасителна книга: Гръцкият оригинал на Симеоновия сборник: Книга, произхождаща и съставена от различни речи и душеполезни разкази, наречена "Спасителна" [In Bulgarian] [Simeon’s miscellany (According to Svetoslav’s copy of 1073): Vol.3, Greek sources]. [Original work published in 1073]. 

Aldanov, M. A. (1994). Самоубийство [In Bulgarian] [Suicide]. (S. Ivanov, Trans.). Пегас.


Ivanov, S. A. (1993). St Cyril and St Methodius’ theology of the vernacular: A historical, linguistic and theological evaluation: Their heritage in ninth century Bulgaria. The Orthodox Theological Seminary “St Vladimir”.

Ivanov, S. A. (1983). Formation of Serbian literary written tradition up to 15th century AD-old church Slavic influence [Doctoral dissertation]. Sofia University “St. Clement of Ohrid”.

Ivanov, S. A. (1978). Slavic phraseological unit. Sofia University “St. Clement of Ohrid”.