Journal Articles
Sengupta, D., Mathews, M., Bridges, L., D’Costa, R., & Bastian, B. L. (2024). Sustainability orientation of generation Z and its role in their choice of employer - A comparative qualitative inquiry of India and United States. Administrative Sciences, 14(10), 249.
Bastian, B. L., Wood, B.P., & Ng, P.Y. (2023). The role of strong ties in empowering women entrepreneurs in collectivist contexts. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 15(1), 122-146.
Abdelwahed, N. A. A., Bastian, B. L., & Wood, B. P. (2022). Women, entrepreneurship, and sustainability: The case of Saudi Arabia. Sustainability, 14(18), 11314.
al Hakim, G., Bastian, B. L., Ng, P. Y., & Wood, B. P. (2022). Women’s empowerment as an outcome of NGO projects: Is the current approach sustainable? Administrative Sciences, 12(2), 62.
Ng, P.Y., Wood, B. P., & Bastian, B. L. (2022). Reformulating the empowerment process through women entrepreneurship in a collective context. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(9), 154-176.
al Hakim, G., Bastian, B. L., Ayanian, M. S., & Sarkis, N. (2022) Leadership and human resource management during crisis. Arab Economic and Business Journal, 14(2), 138-149.
Nair, R., Viswanathan, P. K., & Bastian, B. L. (2021). Reprioritising sustainable development goals in the post-COVID-19 global context: Will a mandatory corporate social responsibility regime help? Administrative Sciences, 11(4), 150.
Wood, B. P., Ng, P. Y., & Bastian, B. L. (2021). Hegemonic conceptualizations of empowerment in entrepreneurship and their suitability for collective contexts. Administrative Sciences, 11(1), 28.
Venugopalan, M., Bastian, B. L., & Viswanathan, P. K. (2021). The role of multi-actor engagement for women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship in Kerala, India. Administrative Sciences, 11(1), 31.
Bastian, B. L., El Khoury, C. M., Issa, I. A. P., & Ghattas, P. (2020). Key success factors of social entrepreneurs in Lebanon. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 16(3), 329-357.
Bastian, B. L., Metcalfe, B. D., & Zali, M. R. (2019). Gender inequality: Entrepreneurship development in the MENA region. Sustainability, 11(22), 6472.
Bastian, B. L., Sidani, Y.M., & El Amine, Y. (2018). Women entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa: A review of knowledge areas and research gaps. Gender in Management, 33(1), 14-29.
Bastian, B. L., & Tucci, C.L. (2017). Entrepreneurial advice sources and their antecedents: Venture stage, innovativeness and internationalization. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 11(2), 214-236.
Bastian, B. L, & Zali, M. R. (2016). The impact of institutional quality on social networks and performance of entrepreneurs. Small Enterprise Research, 23(2), 151–171.
Bastian, B. L., & Zali, M.R. (2016). Entrepreneurial motives and their antecedents of men and women in North Africa and the Middle East. Gender in Management, 31(7), 456-478.
Bastian, B. L., & Maoula, A. (2016). Corporate governance and firm disclosure in the MENA region. MENA Business Law Review, 1, 47-52.
Zali, M. R., Bastian, B. L., & Qureshi, S. (2013). Promoting innovation in the MENA region: The role of social norms and individual factors in entrepreneurial networks. International Journal of Business and Globalization, 11(4), 413-426.
Bogers, M., Afuah, A., & Bastian, B. L. (2010). Users as innovators: A review, critique, and future research directions. Journal of Management, 36(4), 857-875.
Bastian, B. L., Al Dajani, H., Metcalfe, B. D., Ng, P. Y., & Wood, B. P. (Eds.). (2023). Women entrepreneurship and the UN SDGs [Special Issue]. Administrative Sciences.
Metcalfe, B. D., Bastian, B. L., Garavan, T., Ng, P. Y., Wood, B. P., T., Faruq Ahmad, A. U., Beattie, R., Lawless, A., Makarem, Y., Senapathy, M., & Alsayyed, N. (Eds.). (2021). Women leading social and economic change: Towards feminized thinking and spatial praxis [Special Issue]. Administrative Sciences.
Bastian, B. L., Akobo, L., Durglishvili, N., Metcalfe, B. D., Ngunjiri, F. W., & Samier, E. (Eds.). (2020). Women, empowerment and entrepreneurship development in emerging economies and the Global South [Special Issue]. Administrative Sciences.
Edited Monographs
Metcalfe, B. D., Bastian, B. L., & Al-Dajani, H. (Eds.). (2021). Women, entrepreneurship and development in the Middle East. Routledge.
Chapters in Monographs
Bastian, B. L., & Wood B. (in press). Streamlining qualitative approaches for researching women in collectivist cultures: making findings relevant, impactful and contributory. In H. Neergaard, N. Birdthistle, & A. Flynn (Eds.), Handbook of research methods: Women in entrepreneurship and family business. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wood, B., Ng, P.Y., & Bastian, B. L. (in press). Streamlining qualitative approaches for researching women in Arab-Muslim cultures: Makings findings relevant, impactful and contributory. In H. Neergaard, N. Birdthistle, & A. Flynn (Eds.), Handbook of research methods: Women in entrepreneurship and family business. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ng, P.Y., Bastian, B. L., & Wood, B. (2024). Lebanon: Fig holding and SDG#1 no poverty. In N. Birdthistle (Ed.), Attaining the 2030 sustainable development goal of no poverty (Family businesses on a mission) (pp. 55-68). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Bastian, B. L., Langworthy, M., & Wood, B. P. (2024). Women as shock absorbers in turbulent times. In C. Henry, J. Ballantine, S. Yousafzai, & R. Narendran (Eds), Women’s entrepreneurship in a turbulent era (pp. 189-205). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Wood, B., & Bastian, B. L. (2024). A transformative marketing for the future of the Arab world. In Y. Sidani (Ed.), Routledge Handbook on Business and Management in the Middle East (pp. 262-278). Routledge.
Bastian, B. L., & Mehrotra, A. (2024). New evaluation, assessment tactics, and tools: An example from Bahrain. In N. Azoury, & G. Yachchouchi (Eds), Governance in higher education: Global reform and trends in the MENA region (pp. 171-208). Palgrave Macmillan.
Bastian, B. L., Ng, P.Y., & Wood, B.P. (2023). Lebanon: Technica International – SDG#5 gender equality and women's empowerment. In N. Birdthistle, & R. Hales, (Eds.), Attaining the 2030 sustainable development goal of gender equality (Family businesses on a mission) (pp. 95-104). Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds.
Bastian, B. L., & Hill, S. (2021). Gender differences in entrepreneurship in Lebanon. In B. D. Metcalfe, B. L. Bastian, & H. Al-Dajani (Eds.), Women, entrepreneurship and development in the Middle East. Routledge.
Metcalfe, B. D., Bastian, B. L., & Al-Dajani, H. (2021). The mosque and the satellite: Exploring the multi-level and multi-agency dynamics of women's entrepreneurship development in the Middle East. In B. D. Metcalfe, B. L. Bastian, & H. Al-Dajani (Eds.), Women, entrepreneurship and development in the Middle East. Routledge.
Metcalfe, B. D., Bastian, B. L., & Al-Dajani, H. (2021). Conclusion: Research pathways for entrepreneurship development in the MENA region. In B. D. Metcalfe, B. L. Bastian, & H. Al-Dajani (Eds.), Women, entrepreneurship and development in the Middle East. Routledge.
Bastian, B. L., Hill, S., & Metcalfe, B.D. (2021). Gender, culture and entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). In U. Gülich, A. Bullough, T. S. Mannalova, & L. Schjoedt (Eds.), Women entrepreneurship and culture: Socio-cultural context, traditional family roles and self-determination (pp.20-46). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bastian, B. L., Richter, U. H., & Tucci, C.L. (2018). Natural resources and the resource-based view. In G. George, & S.J.D. Schillebeeckx (Eds.), Managing natural resources: organizational strategy: Behaviour and dynamics (pp. 186-211). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bastian, B. L. (2017). Empowerment against all odds: Women entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa. In Information Resources Management Association. Entrepreneurship: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (pp. 1975-1987). IGI Global.
Bastian, B. L. (2017). Empowerment against all odds: Women entrepreneurs in the Middle East and North Africa. In P. W. Zgheib (Ed.), Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation in the Middle East (pp. 105-121). IGI Global.
Bastian, B. L., & Akkaoui, Y. (2015). Entrepreneurship ecosystem in Lebanon. Challenges and opportunities. In D. Niccolo (Ed.), Start-ups and start-up ecosystems: Theories, models and successful cases in the Mediterranean area. Asers Publishing.
Bastian, B. L., Zali, M. R., & Mirzaei, M. (2015). Institutional framework conditions and entrepreneurial attitudes and motivations. In D. Niccolo (Ed.), Start-ups and start-up ecosystems: Theories, models and successful cases in the Mediterranean area. Asers Publishing.
Bastian, B.L., Wood, B.A. and Vershinina, N. (2025). Sawubona [Editorial]. Gender, Work and Organization.
Hennekam, S., Hayward, S.M., & Bastian, B. L. (2024). Neurodiversity, gender, and work. [Commentary]. Gender, Work and Organization.
Wood, B. P., Vershinina, N., & Bastian, B. L. (2024). Moving forward with gender, work and organization [Editorial]. Gender, Work and Organization, 31(6), 2305-2308.
Wood, B. P., Ng, P.Y., & Bastian, B. L. (2023). Guest editorial: Gender and entrepreneurial family business – decision-making, agency and empowerment. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 15(4), 317-324.
Conference Proceedings
Bastian, B. L. (2017). The impact of gender inequality on the entrepreneurial intentions. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), 16463.
Bastian, B. L. (2016). Political risk and natural resources: An empirical investigation of related technology strategy. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1), 13581.
Bastian, B. L. (2014). Antecedents of advice sources: Venture stage, innovativeness and internationalization. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), 15368.
Bastian, B. L., Bogers, M. L. A. M., & Tucci, C. (2012). The impact of governance uncertainty on technology diversification. Paper presented at DRUID Summer Conference 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Bastian, B. L., & Bogers, M. L. A. M. (2012). The impact of governance uncertainty of innovation outcomes. Paper presented at Strategic Management Society Conference 2012.
Bastian, B. L., Tucci, C., & Bogers, M. (2011). Natural resource constraints and innovation. Paper presented at DRUID Summer Conference 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Bastian, B. L., & Tucci, C. (2010). An empirical investigation on the effects of political risk on technology strategies of firms. Paper presented at DRUID Summer Conference, London, UK.
Bastian, B. L. (2010). Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance: Testing the moderating impact of market and learning orientation. Paper presented at RISE Days at International University of Singapore.
Bogers, M. L. A. M., Afuah, A., & Bastian, B. L. (2009). Users as innovators: A review, theoretical framework, and future research directions. Paper presented at 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2009, Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Bogers, M. L. A. M., Afuah, A., & Bastian, B. L. (2007). Users as innovator: A review, future research directions, and a framework for explaining the locus of innovation. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris, France.
Afuah, A., Bastian, B. L., & Bogers, M. L. A. M. (2006). Why do users innovate? A transaction cost economics perspective. Paper presented at Academy of Management meeting 2006, Atlanta, United States.
Bastian, B. L. (2009). Technological innovation strategy in natural resource based industries (Publication No. 4410) [Doctoral dissertation, Swiss Federal Technology Institute of Lausanne]. EPFL Infoscience.