Тодорова, Т. (2022). Оливър Уилямсън – Новатор на 20 век и основател на новата институционална икономика [Oliver Williamson – An innovator of the 20th century and founder of the new institutional economics]. Университетско Издателство „Св. Климент Охридски”.
Тодорова, Т. (2022). Приобщаването на България към Европейския съюз [Bulgaria’s accession in the EU]. Университетско Издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“.
Тодорова, Т. (2021). Икономика на транзакционните разходи: Държавата, пазарът и съвременната организация [Transaction cost economics: The state, the market and the modern organization]. Университетско Издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“.
Todorova, T. (2020). Multinational corporations and transaction costs. KSP Books.
Todorova, T. (2010). Problems book to accompany mathematics for economists. Wiley-Blackwell.
Chapters in Monographs
Todorova, T. (1999). Developing communication technologies and transaction costs. In Current economic and financial problems of the economy (pp. 28-32). Икономически Университет Варна [Varna University Publishing House].
Todorova, T. (1998). Computer crime and business organizations. In Economic mechanism in the conditions of an inflationary economy (pp. 39-57). Икономически Университет Варна [Varna University of Economics, Publishing House].
Journal Articles
Todorova T., & Myftarallari B. (2024). Factors determining the average price level: A combined microeconomic and macroeconomic approach. Economies, 12(5), 121.
Todorova, T. (2024). Corporate culture and corporate strategy: Some economic aspects of the modern organization. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 25(1), 147 – 158.
Todorova, T. (2023). Baumol on excess capacity. History of Economic Ideas, 31(2), 127-145.
Todorova, T., & Vasilev, A. (2022). A new institutional approach to the study of the Soviet-type economy. Eastern Journal of European Studies, 13(1), 290-308.
Todorova, T. (2022). Foreign trade and macroeconomic effects of exports. Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 13(1), 31-43.
Todorova, T. (2021). Diminishing marginal utility and the teaching of economics: A note. Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, 12(14), 25-31.
Todorova, T. (2021). Some efficiency aspects of monopolistic competition: Innovation, variety and transaction costs. Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 12(24), 82-88.
Todorova, T. (2021). Market power and the incentive to innovate: A return to Schumpeter and Arrow. Journal of Advanced Research in Management, 12(1), 5- 12.
Todorova, T., & Vatoci, B. (2020). Taxation and strategic reaction: A comparison of Cournot, Stackelberg and collusion. Turkish Economic Review, 7(2), 73-90.
Todorova, T., & Kutrolli, M. (2019). An expanded multiplier-accelerator model. Journal of Economics and Political Economy, 6(4), 368-382.
Todorova, T., & Vasilev, A. (2017). Some transaction cost effects of authoritarian management. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 1–20.
Todorova, T. (2016). Transaction costs, market failures and economic development. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 7(3), 672–684.
Todorova, T., & Kalchev, G. (2015). The protective effect of an import quota: Some welfare considerations. Foreign Trade Review, 50(2), 85–98.
Todorova, T. (2015). Is there excess capacity really? Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 6(2 (12) (Winter), 127–143.
Todorova, T. (2015). The transaction-cost roots of market failure. Journal of Advanced Research in Management, 6(1), 30–44.
Todorova, T. (2014). The tragedy of the private: Transaction cost considerations. International Journal of Social Economics, 41(6), 482–492.
Todorova, T. (2013). Solving optimal timing problems elegantly. Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, 4(6), 95–105.
Todorova, T. (2012). The economic dynamics of inflation and unemployment. Theoretical Economics Letters, 2(2), 133–140.
Todorova, T. (2012). Optimal work effort and monitoring cost. Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, 2(6), 146–166.
Todorova, T. (2012). Optimal work effort, income and wage. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 2(1), 121–137.
Todorova, T. (2011). The state as an instrument of transaction-cost economies. Problems of Economic Transition, 54(7), 31–48.
Todorova, T. (2011). Adverse effects of transaction costs in East European economies. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 2(1), 34-50.
Todorova, T., & Dzharova, V. (2010). Optimal time and opportunity cost of job search in low-income groups: An out-of-the-job search model. Modern Economy, 1(3), 195-205.
Todorova, T. (2010). Vertical integration in high-transaction cost sectors: The case of the Bulgarian pharmaceutical industry. Journal of Advanced Research in Management, 1(2), 127-138.
Todorova, T. (2010). World demand as a determinant of immiserizing growth. iBusiness, 2(3), 255-267.
Todorova, T. (2007). The Coase theorem revisited: Implications for economic transition. Atlantic Economic Journal, 35(2), 189-201.
Todorova, T. (2006). Rental rate and the dynamics of the market price of capital. Икономически изследвания [Economic Research], 15(3), 58-68.
Todorova, T. (2004). Quality aspects of economic transition: The effect of inferior quality on the market. Икономически изследвания [Economic Research], 13(2), 59-78.
Todorova, T. (2004.). Фирмата в контекста на теорията за транзакционните разходи [In Bulgarian] [The firm in the context of transaction cost theory]. Икономическа мисъл [Economic Thought], 49(1), 55-74.
Todorova, T. (2003). Преди и след Коуз: Ролята на транзакционните разходи [In Bulgarian] [Before and after Coase: The role of transaction costs]. Икономическа мисъл [Economic Thought], 48(6), 26-31.
Todorova, T. (2000). Transaction costs and multinational corporations. Годишник Икономически Университет Варна [Annual Book Varna University of Economics], 72, 340-387.
Working Papers
Todorova, T. (2016). Some efficiency aspects of monopolistic competition: Innovation, variety and transaction costs (EconStor Preprints No. 148367).
Vasilev, A., & Todorova, T. (2016). Some transaction cost effects of authoritarian management (EconStor Preprints No. 145297). Leibniz.
Todorova, T. (2014). The Transaction-cost roots of market failure (MPRA Paper No. 66757). Munich.
Todorova, T. (2013). Solving optimal timing problems elegantly.
Todorova, T. (2013). An easy way to teach first-order linear differential and difference equations with a constant term and a constant coefficient (MPRA Paper No. 48187). Munich.
Conference Proceedings
Todorova, T. (2022). Oliver Williamson: Founder of the New Institutional Economics. In Proceedings of the “Economics and Economic Theory: Problems and Interactions.” National Research Conference Commemorating the 85th Anniversary of the Economics Department. Varna: Varna University of Economics.
Todorova, T. (2020). The Effectiveness of online teaching in the conditions of a pandemic. In Proceedings of the “Digital +/- Presence” Fulbright Bulgaria Hybrid Conference. Sofia.
Todorova, T. (2015). Some efficiency aspects of monopolistic competition: Innovation, variety and transaction. In Proceedings of the “Innovations in the Economy” Conference, New Bulgarian University. Sofia.
Todorova, T. (2000). Economic essence of transaction costs. In Proceedings of the Conference Young Scholars Science in Support of Business and Society (pp. 100-113). Varna: Varna University Publishing House.
Todorova, T., & Yackimova, I. (2000). MNCs in Central and Eastern Europe: A challenge for development and sustainable growth: The Bulgarian case. In Proceedings of the 4th International Fulbright Conference Globalization and Cross-cultural Differences (pp. 108-118). Sofia: Fulbright American-Bulgarian Commission.
Todorova, T., & Iliev, I. (1999). The role of wholesalers in international distribution: Transaction cost effects, logistics in the transition economy. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Logistics in the Changing World (pp. 234-244). Saint Constantine, Bulgaria.
Todorova, T. (1999). Developing communication technologies and transaction costs. In Current Economic and Financial Problems of the Economy (pp. 28-32). Varna University, University Publishing House.
Todorova, T. (1998). Computer crime and business organizations. In The Economic Mechanism in the Conditions of an Inflationary Economy (pp. 39-57). Varna University of Economics, University Publishing House.
Williamson, O. E. (2005). The economics of governance. (T. Todorova, Trans.). [Richard T. Ely Lecture], AEA Papers and Proceedings, 95(2), 1-18.
Coase, R. (2003). The nature of the firm. (T. Todorova, Trans.). Икономическа мисъл [Economic Thought], 48(6), 32-49.
Encyclopedia Entries
Todorova, T. (2023). Price discrimination. In EconPedia. KSP Publishers.
Todorova, T. (2023). New institutional economics. In EconPedia. KSP Publishers.
Todorova, T. (2023). Market failures. In EconPedia. KSP Publishers.
Todorova, T. (2001). Transaction cost model of the transnational corporation: Testing in the Bulgarian market conditions. Department of International Economic Relations, Varna University of Economics.