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AUBG Faculty Bibliography: Bernaciak, Magdalena

Magdalena Bernaciak

Associate Professor 

Political Science and European Studies Department. 

  Bernaciak, Magdalena

  BAC 313

  +359 73 888 487



  Google Scholar


Chapters in Monographs

Bernaciak, M. (2017). Coming full circle? Contestation, social dialogue and trade union politics in Poland. In S. Lehndorff, T. Schulten, & H. Dribbusch (Eds.), Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises (pp. 151–172). ETUI aisbl.   

Bernaciak, M., Gumbrell-McCormick, R., & Hyman, R. (2017). Trade unions in Europe: Challenges and responses. In S. Marino, J. Roosbald, & R. Penninx (Eds.), Trade unions and migrant workers. New contexts and challenges in Europe (pp. 90–115). Edgar Elgar.

Bernaciak, M. (2017). Introduction: Social dumping and the EU integration process. In M. Bernaciak (Ed.), Market expansion and social dumping in Europe (pp. 1–22). Routledge.

Bernaciak, M. (2010). East-West European labour transnationalism(s): Rivalry or joint mobilisation? In A. Bieler & I. Lindberg (Eds.), Global restructuring, labour and the challenges for transnational solidarity (pp. 33–47). Routledge.

Edited Books

Bernaciak, M., & Kahancová, M. (Eds.). (2017). Innovative union practices in Central-Eastern Europe. ETUI aisbl.

Bernaciak, M., Galgòczi, B., & Drahokoupil, J. (Eds.). (2015). Foreign investment in Eastern and Southern Europe after 2008. Still a lever of growth?. ETUI aisbl. 

Bernaciak, M. (Ed.). (2015). Market expansion and social dumping in Europe. Routledge.

Journal Articles

Bernaciak, M., & Trif, A. (2023). Multiple strategies but small gains: Trade union revitalization and power resources in Central Eastern Eurpoer after 2008. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 29(1), 83-102.

Trif, A., Bernaciak, M., & Kahancová, M. (2023). Trade union revitalization in hard times: a mission impossible? European Journal of Industrial Relations, 29(1), 3-6.

Marino, S., Bernaciak, M., Mrozowicki, A., & Pulignano, V. (2019). Unions for whom? Union democracy and precarious workers in Poland and Italy. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40(1), 111-131.

Bernaciak, M., & Lis, A. (2017). Weak labour, strong interests: Polish trade unions and the integration of EU energy and service markets. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(3), 432–448.

Bernaciak, M. (2016). Polish trade unions and social dumping debates: Between a rock and a hard place. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 22(4), 505–519.

Bernaciak, M. (2015). All roads lead to decentralization? Collective bargaining trends and prospects in Central and Eastern Europe. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 21(3), 373–381.

Bernaciak, M., Gumbrell-McCormick, R., & Hyman, R. (2014). Trade unions in Central-Eastern Europe: Crisis as an opportunity? Warsaw Forum of Economic Sociology, 5(2), 7-28.

Bernaciak, M., & Müller, T. (2013). European wages and collective bargaining under pressure. International Union Rights Journal, 20(4), 17–19.

Bernaciak, M. (2013). Labour solidarity in crisis? Lessons from General Motors. Industrial Relations Journal, 44(2), 139–153.

Bernaciak, M. (2013). Social dialogue revival or ‘PR corporatism’? Negotiating anti-crisis measures in Poland and Bulgaria. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. 19(2), 239–251.

Bernaciak, M., Duman, A., & Šćepanović, V. (2011). Employee welfare and restructuring in the public sector: Evidence from Poland and Serbia. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 17(4), 365–380.

Bernaciak, M., & Šćepanović, V. (2010). Challenges of upgrading: The dynamics of East Central Europe’s integration into the European automotive networks. German Journal of Industrial Relations/ Industrielle Beziehungen, 17(2), 123–146.

Bernaciak, M. (2010). Cross-border competition and trade union responses in the Enlarged EU: Evidence from the automotive industry in Germany and Poland. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16(2), 199–135.

Working Papers

Bernaciak, M. (2015). Beyond the CEE ‘Black Box’: Crisis and industrial relations in the new EU member states. ETUI aisbl.

Bernaciak, M. (2012). Social dumping: Political catchphrase or threat to labour standards?. ETUI aisbl.

Bernaciak, M. (2010). Employee welfare and collective bargaining in exposed and protected sectors: Evidence from Poland and Serbia. Publication, Dissemination and Dialogue Centre (PUDIAC) of RECWOWE.

Bernaciak, M. (2008). Labour cooperation or conflict in the enlarged EU? Trade union responses to the rise of the automotive industry in Central-Eastern Europe. ETUI aisbl.


Bernaciak, M., Gumbrell-McCormick, R., & Hyman, R. (2014). European trade unionism: From crisis to renewal?. ETUI aisbl.

Bernaciak, M., Gumbrell-McCormick, R., & Hyman, R. (2014). Trade unions in Europe. Innovative responses to hard times. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Book Reviews

Bernaciak, M. (2013). [Review of the book Paradoxes of internationalization. British and German trade unions at Ford and General Motors 1967–2000, by T. Fetzer]. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(4), 831.

Bernaciak, M. (2012). [Review of the book One Company, diverse workplaces – the social construction of employment practices in Western and Eastern Europe, by M. Kahancová]. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(2), 382.

Bernaciak, M. (2012). [Review of the book Social failures of EU enlargement. A case of workers voting with their feet, by G. Meardi]. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 18(3), 359.