Although it is not as popular as APA or MLA, the Chicago Manual of Style is widely used in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
This guide is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition, published in 2024.
In academic writing, it is important that you cite every idea, information, or data that you have borrowed or derived from another text. In this way, you give recognition to the original author and avoid plagiarism.
Note: There are several ways that you can use to integrate the ideas of others within your text.
The Chicago Manual of Style uses a footnote system with corresponding numbers. This enables the reader to see the full bibliographic details of the source on the page where the reference is made. The complete list of resources used (bibliography) is given at the end of the work.
The Chicago Manual of Style uses two systems for layout and presentation:
This guide presents the Notes & Bibliography Style.