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Effective Learning : Procrastination

Here you can find some useful study strategies, tips and inspiration.


Take the smallest step possible

Even if you don’t feel motivated try to do the smallest thing possible for your project, assignment or a goal. The first step is always difficult, after you begin with the smallest, you could actually feel more inspired to do something more.

Minimize distractions

Before starting make sure you turn off your phone, social media websites, clean your desk or whatever might make you feel tempted to check and do during your work time.

Work in small doses

Focusing on small tasks at a time can help. Start with fifteen minutes at a time, so you can increase it to thirty minutes, an hour, or more.

Think of the outcome

Thinking of or even visualizing the outcome you want can help you concentrate your energy into the process of achieving this goal.



Find an accountability partner

Ask some of your friends to check up on you and do the same for them. Getting some help in the battle against procrastination can be effective.


Deep work

Deep work requires concentration and perspiration. To achieve it you need interest in what you are working on, a clear mind, and time without distractions.

Forgive yourself

If you call yourself a procrastinator it’s hardly likely to overcome this habit. So, forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past and focus on making small progress every day.


Set goals for the day

Don’t leave things for “when you have time”. White them down, make a to-do list, set specific and feasible goals for the day.


Procrastinate the right way

A study showed  that if you procrastinate only for a while before completing a task, this can increase your creativity. But keep in mind that if you leave it for the last minute, this won’t be very creative. So, it’s all about the balance.

Reasons for procrastinating

Pay attention to when you are procrastinating and try to notice your behavior and feelings. Procrastination might be a result of something else. Often perfectionism, anxiety or stress are involved.

Use time-blocking

Instead of multi-tasking try to divide your daily schedule into blocks of 15 or 30 minutes, each dedicated for one particular task.







 “Procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder.” — Mason Cooley
