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Effective Learning : Time Management

Here you can find some useful study strategies, tips and inspiration.


Energy Management

The secret to the effective time management is the energy management. How? Identify the high-value tasks that deserve most of your energy every day and allocate your energy starting from them.

Productivity strengths

You might be a morning person or a night owl, work better in a group or alone... Just take into account such personal preferences and use them as productivity strengths.


Take breaks

Use your breaks to their fullest potential. Take your time to disconnect from your work for a while.

Attention Management

Another substitute for the time management strategies. How? Notice what is distracting you and intentionally refocus it back to the task.


Don’t procrastinate!

Instead of putting off, try doing the things you don’t like first. This will give you the sense of accomplishment and will allow you to focus your energy on other tasks. Learn more here.


Reduce stress

Stress hinders learning. Take breaks to exercise, draw, take a few deep breaths or do something creative will help you change your focus for a while, lower your stress level and refocus on your studying.


Multitasking might work for some people, but keep in mind that doing several things at a time might leave you unable to be fully present for anything. To avoid multitasking track your time or to make a to-do list.

Find a Routine

Determine what time of day works best for you and dedicate that time to studying.



Reward yourself

Don’t be afraid to treat yourself for a little motivation. Buy a coffee or get some study snacks, take breaks for a small walk, reading, or watching (only one episode) of your favorite TV show.

Track your time

If you are not sure where your time goes, try to keep track of your time. You can use an app on your smartphone, write in a journal, etc.


Tyranny of the urgent

If something is needed to be done right at the moment, ask yourself is it something truly important, or it is just urgent. Stay focused on what you need to accomplish and spend your attention (and your time) wisely.

Get enough sleep

Make sure you get enough hours of sleep. It's hard to accomplish, but it will help you be more focused and productive the next day.
