Panitza Library provides access to numerous electronic databases. You can access them through the Library web page via the university network or remotely. For a complete list of all the databases, check the tab Databases. You can browse by title, or by subject.
Print Books
Generally, these are discipline-specific materials, covering the areas of study at AUBG, as well as additional research materials and resources for leisure reading. You can browse them in the Library Catalog. You can borrow up to 20 books for 21 days.
As a senior student you can also use our Interlibrary loan service (ILL) and borrow books, book chapters, copies of journal articles, conference papers, that are not owned by Panitza Library. You can get up to three materials per academic year through ILL. Learn more here.
Electronic Books
Panitza Library maintains a comprehensive collection of e-books. Currently, we are subscribed to three collections, specifically designed for academic libraries, provided by the leading companies ProQuest, EBSCO, and Elsevier.
Print Journals: The print journals collection contains peer-reviewed journals, magazines and newspapers in various disciplines. Most of the print periodicals can be used only within the Library. However, some popular magazines and journals of high interest can circulate for 3 days. Each item has a stamp on the front page to define its lending category. All journals can be located in the library catalog. The current journals are on the Ground floor (shelved alphabetically) and the bound journals and newspapers are located in the periodicals compact shelves in the basement.
Electronic Journals: A substantial number of periodicals is available online through the subscribed databases. To find a journal, go to the library search box at the top of this page and click the EDS (One Search) tab. Vast amount of journals you will find in the ProQuest Central database as well.
You can explore the verious databases we offer by clicking on the Databases tab above the search bar on the library web page. Browse by database title or subject.
Audio-Visual Collection
Panitza Library holds a small collection of DVDs and CDs. Most of them are located on open shelves on the Ground floor. The DVDs and the CDs (with the exception of the Reserve items) are available for a 3-day loan.
Reference Materials
Panitza Library holds a collection of authoritative and scholarly reference materials both in print and electronic formats. Explore Britannica Academic and Oxford Reference Online.
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