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Thesis Information: Finding Thesis

Locating Previous Theses in the Library Catalog

You can search Senior Theses or Master Theses theses through the library catalog. Make sure to choose Senior Theses from the Subject filter on the left of the screen.

You can search by:

  • student’s name
  • supervisor's name
  • title
  • keywords

Each document has a unique call number.

Accessing print theses

Some theses are in print format and you can read them in the library only. You need to find the thesis call number. You can borrow up to 3 issues for 2 hours.

Accessing electronic theses

1. Search for the thesis in the catalog. Find the resource you need and open it. Most of the these have two links: 

2. Click on Electronic senior thesis file to or download the file in zip.

3. Click on Digital collections access to read the thesis online. Available within the university network only.


Location Previous Theses in the Library Digital Collections

Digital Collections

You can find the online these in our Digital collections Repository. 

1. Do to Digital Collections from the Library web page

2. Click on American University in Bulgaria.

3. Click on Senior theses.

4. Browse by: issue date, title, author, supervisor, or subject. 

NB. Keep in mid that you can access the Digital Collections only within the AUBG wifi student network.

Find International e-Thesis Sources

  • Proquest - you can read the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge
  • DART-Europe - a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses
  • OCLC – Advance search (content option)
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations - institutions and students are offered an innovative approach to driving additional traffic to ETDs in institutional repositories. The goal is to help make students’ theses and dissertations as widely visible and cited as possible. Make sure to access the database though the university network or log in off-campus first. 

Off-campus Access to e-Resources

Off-campus access to Panitza Library electronic resources is available only to current AUBG students due to licensing agreements.

Click on all our databases or One Search (EDS) to get access to our electronic resources remotely. Apple users are recommended to use Google Chrome to browse the off-campus databases.

What are my credentials?


            (e.g. mkg172@studin.aubgin.local)

  • Password - enter the same password you use to log in to your AUBG email 

Disclaimer: Sometimes there is a problem with the DNS server. Some DNS services do not resolve properly IP addresses for our platform. When this happens, the browsers are unable to connect to our proxy server. Unfortunately, this is beyond our reach. On this link, you can find information on how to resolve the DNS problem. Our suggestion is to try directly step 3 "Change DNS Server".

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