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Software Engineering : Patents

What is a patent?

See Patent Information Tour  from European Patent Office

Selected Patent Offices

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

The page contains the full text of all the treaties administered by WIPO with information on the countries which have ratified them. Also accessible are press releases from 1997 onwards, WIPO standards and a catalogue of publications. Additionally access is offered to WIPO industrial property statistics 

Free Patents Online

Access to a database of freely available full text patent records. The database currently holds all patents published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) since December 1976.These can be searched by keyword or browsed by patent number. 

European Patent Office

This site includes news, information about courses and seminars, and Patent information of all 18-member states of the European Patent Organization

Patent Databases


There are more than 46 million patent links from five patent offices:
1. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
2. European Patent Office
3. US Patent Office
4. Japanese Patent Office
5. UK Intellectual Property Office 

ISI Web of Science 

Includes 28 million patents from 40 patent-issuing authorities.

Subject Guide

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Nikolina Ivanova-Bell
Panitza Library
8 “Svoboda Bachvarova” street
Scaptopara Campus
Blagoevgrad 2700
Website Skype Contact: nicky.ivanova.bell