Read the special edition for AUBG's 30th Anniversary: The American University...Where? by Prof. Philips.
Bibliographic record:
Phillips, Robert Jr. (2021). The American University...Where?/ Dr. Robert Phillips Jr. ; cover by M. Georgiev. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria: American University in Bulgaria. 96 p.
Call Number LF5085 .P48 2021
See the list of publications of the AUBG faculty. This online institutional collection is an updated version of the 2011 Faculty Bibliography, printed by Panitza Library. Included in this online bibliography are citations of publications of current, former, and emeritus faculty.
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Users can find the following within this collections
Dudley, R. & Dudley, R. [photographer]. (2007). American University in Bulgaria Blagoevgrad [guidebook]. American University in Bulgaria.
Call Number DR54.A64 2007
Phillips, Robert Jr.. (2021). The American University...Where? / Dr. Robert Phillips Jr.; cover design by Martin Georgiev. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria: American University in Bulgaria. 96 p.
Call Number LF5085.P48 2021
Panitza library. (2011). Faculty accomplishments bibliography: Fall 2010-Fall 2011. Ed. E. Bogusheva. Reklamna Kushta "Maksimus". 242 p.
Call Number Z5083.A64 F3 2011
Roth, M. M. (2005). Erziehung zur demokratie?: Amerikanische Demokratisierungshilfe im postsozialistischen Bulgarien. Waxmann. Call Number JN9609.R68 2005
The stairs within our minds: AUBG writer's guild. (2016). The stairs within our minds : AUBG writer's guild. Smilkov EOOD: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. 89 p.
Call Number PN500 .S83 2016
Watkins, J. [President]. (2002). 2000-2001 president's report. American University in Bulgaria. AUBG Office for Development and University Relations. Call Number LD891.A14 2002
AUBG Agora: student government publication.1994-2003.
AUBG literary magazine.1993-2000.
AUBG Newsletter.1994-1999.
AUBG Aspecter : student publications organization.1993-2002.
AUBG Today The Newsletter of the American University in Bulgaria. 2003-2017.
AUBG VOX.1998-2000.
defacto. 2006-2014.
Fly in the Head. 2004-2016.
I View: open to the world. 2008-2010.
InFocus: [AUBG students' first photography magazine]. 2007-
Verve: AUBG's monthly magazine of news, ideas and lifestyles. 2004-2014.
Writing Center Newsletter. 2015.
AUBG Art club: theatre productions 2009 [videorecording] (2009). American University in Bulgaria, Art Club. 2 DVDs.
Call Number PN2024.B58 A15 2009 DVD
Balkanska banitza [videorecording]: AUBG's first movie. AUBG art club presents. (2007). Blagoevgrad, American University in Bulgaria. Art Club. DVD, 25 min.
Call Number PN1993.B58 A15 2007 DVD
In September 1991, the American University in Bulgaria opened its doors with a first-year class of 208 students and 16 full-time faculty members. The first American-style, undergraduate institution in Eastern Europe, AUBG is a unique cooperative venture established with the support of the US and Bulgarian Governments.
Quick Facts & History about AUBG
"This anniversary is the perfect moment to not only praise the achievements of the past, but also look to the future". AUBG President Dr. David Evans
Periodical articles and book chapters on the history and development of the University
[When off campus, please enter your credentials to access materials]
A poet and a president: Letters to the editor. (1998, Jul 2), New York Times [online]. New York, New York Times Company.
Alexandrova, B. (2005). AUBG Library's practices and shared experiences: A key factor in the emancipation of Bulgarian libraries. In Libraries, globalisation, and cooperation (papers from the international conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria, 3-5 November 2004) (pp. 55-60).
American councils for international education: Former president of Bulgaria promotes global education. (2019, May 14). Targeted News Service.
American university brings surprises for students, teachers. (1992, Jan 22).The Christian Science Monitor.
American University in Bulgaria mourns death of founder John K Menzies. (2022, March 29).The Sofia Globe.
Amthor, R. F., & Metzger, S. A. (2011). Neoliberalism, globalization, and the American universities in Eastern Europe: Tensions and possibilities in ‘exported’ higher education. Globalizations, 8(1), 65-80.
Arsenova, I. Образованието по журналистика в България след Болонския процес [Journalistic Education in Bulgaria after the Bologna Process]. In Медийна среда, публична и стратегическа комуникация. [Media Environment, Public and Strategic Communication]. УНСС. ( pp.10 -20). [ISBN-13: 978-619-232-086-7].
Ashmore, M. (1992). Orendorf replaces Lave as president of AUBG. The Maine Campus. 110 ( 9). 1, 15.
AUBG's rising impactors scholarship to support young change makers of Bulgaria. (2019, Feb 11). Targeted News Service. [Washington, D.C].
Benoit, T. (1997, Dec 20). Searching for light in the Bulgarian darkness. Bangor Daily News.[Bangor, Me].
Benoit, T. (1997, Dec 22). Visit to Bulgaria unsettles university students, faculty. Bangor Daily News.
Bergman, K. (1992, Jan 22). American university brings surprises for students, teachers. The Christian Science Monitor. [Boston, Mass].
Blias, M. (2010). Taking those first small steps. Nieman Reports, 64(3), 86–87.
Blaber, Z., & Brady, D. (2018). Student attitudes toward аcademic dishonesty at an American-style Liberal-arts University in Bulgaria. Educational Alternatives, 16, 69-89.
Bogdanova, Z. (2012). Междукултурни аспекти на младежката краткосрочна трудова миграция по програмата „Work and Travel“. [Intercultural aspects of the youth short-term labour migration in the Framework of “Work and Travel” program]. Българска етнология, 3-4, 118-135.
Bordewich, F. M. (1999, Dec.). Best bargain in the Balkans. Reader's Digest, 155, 161-171.
Borisova, T. (2002). Working locally, thinking globally in the beginning of library management and leadership. Science & Technology Libraries, 23(2-3), 151-160.
Branson, L. (1991, May 8). Eastern Europe's first American university set up in Bulgaria, with assistance from the U. of Maine. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 37(34), 2.
Bush winds up European tour in Bulgaria. (2007, Jun 10). New York Times [online]. New York.
Bush, G. W. (2007). Remarks at the American University in Bulgaria in Sofia. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 43(24), 792–793.
Bulgarian university gets "American" foodservice. (2013). Foodservice Director, 26(9), 14 (Sep 15, 2013).
Catto, H. E. (2021). Part 6. US information agency. In Ambassadors at Sea (pp. 301-364). University of Texas Press.
Chambers, J. B. (1999). The American University in Bulgaria as an entrepreneurial university. Higher Education in Europe, 24(1), 101-108.
Christozov, D., Galletly, J. E., Karagiozov, V., & Bonev, S. (2007). Learning by doing: The way to develop computer science professional. In Proceedings of the 2nd Informatics Education Europe Conference (pp. 53-59). Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chuleva, G., & Phillips Jr, R. (2004). Educating for democracy: Designs for learning in the Balkans and beyond. Peer Review, 6(2),12.
Clayton, M., & Ramos, C. D. (1999, December 7). Bulgarians get a taste of US-style college. Christian Science Monitor, 92(9), 16.
Crawford, A. (2010, May 10). Greensburg architect puts stamp on American university in Bulgaria. McClatchy - Tribune Business News.
Crombois, J. F. (2009). Curriculum development in European Studies at the American University in Bulgaria: Challenges and prospects. Scientific Works of the University of Ruse, 48, 140-146.
DeDominicis, B. E. (2013). Personnel performance evaluation systems in non-profit academic multinational Institutions: The American University in Bulgaria and The Catholic University of Korea. Management Education: An International Journal, 12(4), 25-40.
DeDominicis, B. E. (2020). Grand strategy, hybrid warfare and public diplomacy: Cold war propaganda blowback legacies for Bulgaria and beyond. Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings .15(1). 67. ISSN 1941-9589 online.
DeDominicis, B. E., & Santa, T. (2002). WAC in Bulgaria: Benefits and challenges. Language and Learning across the Disciplines. 5(3).
Digital Silk & American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) launch an immersive digital experience to grow the University’s applications online. (2022, September 27). PRWeb Newswire.
Dimi Panitza: Emigre journalist and creative force at Reader's Digest who did much to promote democracy in his native Bulgaria after communism. (2011, Aug 12).The Times.
Doder, D. (1991, May 26). University of Maine expands_in Bulgaria. Chicago Tribune. [Chicago, Ill].
Educating the children of communism in Bulgaria, an American university offers a liberal-arts degree and a window to the world. (1993, Dec 08). The Christian Science Monitor. [Boston, Mass].
Evans, D. R. (2020). How is Bulgaria like New England?. New England Journal of Higher Education. [January 21, 2020].
Evans, D. R. (2022). Уверени в отличното образование и преживяване на студентите [Confident in an excellent education and student experience]. Forbes. [Sept.-Oct.]
Fawcett, K. (1993). An American in Blagoevgrad finds a new breed of competition. Communication World, 10(4), 23.
Firkatian, M., & Feinstein, S. (2002). Action research in international educational settings: Bridging the Gap at the American University of Bulgaria. Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research, 5(2), 50-50.
First cohort of the sustainability leadership and innovation program present projects to bring lasting change. (2019, Feb 06). Targeted News Service. [Washington, D.C].
Henderson, K. (1995, Jun 12). Free press brings bribery squeeze: [final edition].The Plain Dealer.
Hike, M. (1992). AUBG board of directors gives update. Maine Campus, [April 17, 1992].1,19.
Hikel, B. (1992). AUBG board of directors give update. The Maine Campus. 109 (68). 1, 19.
Holderness, M. (1994). Life's little necessities: Automating the smaller library. Information World Review, (94), 18.
Glay, G. (1991. UMaine sister university founded in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. The Maine Campus. 109 (22). 1.
Graham, T. F. (2016).Taking root in foreign soil: Adaptation processes of imported universities (Order No. 10141538).The George Washington University. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Graves III, W., Nyce, J. & Golden, J. (2009). Advances in library administration and organization. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (pp. 55, 57, 68).
IMF issues remarks at American university in Bulgaria. [Remarks by Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva]. (2021, Sep. 9). Targeted News Service.
In Bulgaria,students bone up on Pax Americana. (1998, May 22). New York Times (Online), New York: New York Times Company.
Interim president leaving City university. (2005, Jun 06). PR Newswire. [New York].
Kamm, H. (1993, Jul 19). American university flourishes in Bulgaria UMaine official serves as interim president. Bangor Daily News. [Bangor, Me].
Karagiozov, V., Christozov, D., Galletly, J., & Bonev, S. (2008). Facilities and support for teaching computer science at the American University in Bulgaria. In Fourth International Scientific Conference–Computer Science (pp. 635-640).
Kleypas, K. & McDougall, J. (2012). The American-style university at large : Transplants, outposts, and the globalization of higher education. Lexington Books. (pp. 258, 264, 269).
Kristof, Nicholas D. (2006, Mar 24). Peace Corps. New York Times Company [online]. New York.
Laverty, E. B., & Laverty, R. P. (1993). The American University in Bulgaria: Institution-building in a developing democracy. Maine Policy Review, 2(3), 69-84.
Ladika, S. (2013). After the curtain fell. International Educator, 22(1), 30-37.
Long, K. A. (2020). The Globalization of the American University Abroad, 1990–2019. In The Emergence of the American University Abroad (pp. 119 -156). Brill Sense.
Lewis, A., & Reeves-Ellington, R. (1999). A Choice of strategies for Eastern European business education: The Case of Bulgaria. In Management Education in Countries in Transition (pp. 119-125). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
McAleer, P., & Troev, T. (2003, Jan 27). Making the most of local talent: Bulgaria: An EMBA programme set up in Sofia aims to nurture the region's growing business culture. Financial Times. [London (UK)].
McDonald, M. (1995, May 04). UMaine, Bulgaria funding rankles students. Bangor Daily News. [Bangor, Me].
Milošević, T. (2004). Melting the ice: Project of students of American university in Bulgaria.Temida,7(4), 63-64.
Musha, J. (2004). Exporting the ruined university: The story of an American university abroad. The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 37(1), 40-46.
Moyseeva, Y. (2007, Jun 11). US President Bush lays wreath, meets veterans in Bulgaria. The Sofia Echo [Sofia, Bulgaria].
Mower, J. (1994). News libraries in Eastern Europe help a newly free press find its power. American Libraries, 25(2), 182.
Mihail Nedelchev .(2017). Академични и междуакадемични общности – условие за толерантност и развитие [Academic and Inter-Academic Communities – Condition for Tolerance and Development]. Списание за университетска култура, 35,108-115.
Obituary: David Flanagan. (2021, Oct 24). Sun Journal.
On a campus in Bulgaria, every reason for optimism. (2009, May 28). New York Times (Online), New York: New York Times Company.
Pagovski, Z., Yakova, L., Dimitrijevska, T., & Naydenova, E. (2009). Lead, empower, change: Identification of the problems and needs of youth in Blagoevgrad. American University in Bulgaria. Blagoevgrad. 27 p.
Phillips Jr, R. (2004). The American University in Bulgaria and US Agency for International Development relationship. International Journal of Public Administration, 27(11-12), 883-891.
Phillips, S. & K. Kinser. (2018). Accreditation on the edge : Challenging quality assurance in higher education. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Phipps, B. J., Vredeveld, G., & Voikova, A. (2002). Economic education reform in Bulgaria. [ch. 7]. In Reforming Economics and Economics Teaching in the Transition Economies: From Marx to Markets in the Classroom (p.131).
Poirot, Clifford.(1998, Jan 08). Financing questions in Bulgaria. Bangor Daily News. [Bangor, Me].
Purcell, W. M., Henriksen, H., & Spengler, J. D. (2019). Universities as the engine of transformational sustainability toward delivering the sustainable development goals: “Living labs” for sustainability. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.40(5). 612-623.
Purinton, T. & Skaggs, J. (2017). American universities abroad: The leadership of independent transnational higher education institutions. The American University in Cairo Press. (pp.11, 20)
Ramos, C. D. (1999, Dec 07). Teachers and students find their niche. The Christian Science Monitor. [Boston, Mass].
Rauch, C. (1998, May 02). Maine shares success in Bulgaria. Bangor Daily News. [Bangor, Me].
Recent findings from American University in Bulgaria highlight research in education (Virtual reality simulations for presenting cultural-historic content in e-learning for kids). (2022, November 16). Education Letter, 336.
Reeves-Ellington, R. H. (1996). Liberal arts business education in Bulgaria: a vehicle for change. International Education, 25(2), 5.
Reeves-Ellington, R. (1998). A mix of cultures, values, and people: An organizational case study. Human organization, 57(1), 94-107.
Reeves, R. (1999, Feb 23). Education has a greater impact than bombs: [city edition]. Buffalo News. B3.
Reeves, R. (1999, Mar 01). Building a bridge with books. Detroit Free Press.[Detroit, Mich].
Richarson, H. (1998, Jan 27). AUBG maligned. Bangor Daily News.
Sadkovich, J. (1999). Weathering a Soros storm. Times Higher Education Supplement, 1372, 15.
Santa, T. (2009). Writing center tutor training: What is transferable across academic cultures. Zeitschrift Schreiben, 22(7), 1-6.
Samuilova, S. (2021). Българо-американски контакти в сферата на образованието и науката след края на Студената война [Bulgarian-American Relations in the Field of Education and Science after the End of the Cold War]. История, 29(2), 177-187.
Sardamov, I. (2007). Liberal learning in the age of audiovisual pollution. Peer Review, 9(1), 22–23.
Scanlan, L. H. (1994, Nov 20). Bulgaria a nation in waiting Bulgarians wait, lost in the powerlessness created by the Russian economic void. They wait for an uncertain future - overcome by hopelessness and pessimism: [final edition]. Virginian - Pilot. [Norfolk, Va.]
Sima, M., Grigorescu, I., Bălteanu, D., & Nikolova, M. (2022). A comparative analysis of campus greening practices at universities in Romania and Bulgaria: Sharing the same challenges?. Journal of Cleaner Production, 373(11).
Slantcheva, S. (2005). The private universities of Bulgaria. In Private Higher Education (pp. 183-186). Brill Sense.
Sofianou-Mullen, F., & Mullen, J. W. (2012). Critical thinking, critical writing in composition courses at the American University in Bulgaria. In The American-style university at large: Transplants, outposts, and the globalization of higher education (pp. 257-270).
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US "dismayed" over Turkmenistan student travel ban. (2009, Oct 05). Dow Jones Institutional News. [New York].
U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria. (2022, May 19). Assistant Secretary Donfried’s Remarks at Gala Reception at American University of Bulgaria.
Vangelov, I. (2000). Security at AUBG: The challenge of working in a multi-ethnic society in the Balkans. Campus Law Enforcement Journal, 30(6), 27,29,31-32,33.
Watkins, J. M. (2000). Responding to war: An educational imperative. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 6(2), 47-52.
Watkins, J. M. (2010). The Alliance of universities for democracy: from vision to reality. AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy, 1(1), 10-17.
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Wilkinson, K. J. (1997). Reinventing the common law in post‐communist Bulgaria: A personal view from the classroom. The Law Teacher, 31(3), 326-334.
Woodard, C. (1993, Dec 12). American university in Bulgaria filling a niche education:. Los Angeles Times. [Valley edition].
Woodard, C. (1998, January 30). American U. in Bulgaria accused of communist-style management. Chronicle of Higher Education, 44(21), A37.
Woodard, C.. 1996. Eastern European academics make the case for the liberal arts. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 43(12). (Nov 15): 1.
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Author: Toshka Borisova