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Special Collection: Limited edition books. Examples:

What is a Limited Edition Book?

A numbered edition is a limited edition where the total number of copies in the print run is notated on the book.  This is usually written as the current number over the total number in the printing. (ie: “This book is copy number 35/700”).

A publisher may release a deluxe edition which contains additional features (extra illustrations, extra stories, etc). [2]

The works of Voltaire : a contemporary version

The works of Voltaire : a contemporary version ; with notes by Tobias Smollett, revised and modernized ; new translations by William F. Fleming and an introd. by Oliver H. G. Leigh. A critique & biography / by John Morley.

Voltaire, 1694-1778

Call number: PQ2075 .W67 1901

Publisher: E. R. DuMont,

Year: 1901

Subject: Voltaire, 1694-1778 Translations into English.

HOLDINGS: Vols. 1-42

"Of this edition there have been 700 copies printed, of which this is No. 285"

Raphael's Sistine Madonna

Memoirs of an American lady


[2] Limited edition books. AbeBooks