Note: List only the sources that you have actually used in the research, i.e. do not include sources for background or further information (as in the bibliography).
Works Cited Entries Elements
Alfar, Cristina L…
Stuessy, Joe, and Scott Lipscomb…
Christopher, Kameron R., et al. …
Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar of Motives. [...]
---. A Rhetoric of Motives. [...]
This Is Our Music: Free Jazz, the Sixties, and American Culture…
“Beat Poetry and the San Francisco Poetry Renaissance.”
Sociology of Sport Journal
EBSCO E-book Central
edited by Simon Hornblower et al.
Example: 6th ed.
Example: vol.1, no. 1
Example: Oxford UP
Page numbers (preceded by ‘p.’ or ‘pp.’ in Works Cited list, in in-text – omitted); use an en dash (–), NOT a hyphen (-).
Example: pp. 158–164
URL (without http:// or https://);
DOI (preferred);
DOI (digital object identifier) usually identifies journal articles but can also be found on other types of publications. DOI provides a permanent internet address for the item making it easy to locate. Usually has the following structure:
Note: Always use the DOI address if it is available. If it is not, give the URL, but don’t forget to use a stable URL or the permalink (if you use an online database). Remove http:// or https://.
Note: Each element should be followed by the corresponding punctuation mark shown above.
The MLA Handbook (8th ed.) encourages users to adhere to the common scholarly abbreviations for both in-text citations and in the works-cited page.
Publisher Names
Cite publishers’ names in full as they appear on title or copyright pages (e.g. W. W. Norton or Liveright Publishing).
Omit articles and business abbreviations (like Corp., Inc., Co., and Ltd.).
Use the acronym of the publisher if the company is commonly known by that abbreviation (e.g. MLA, ERIC, GPO). For publishers who are not known by an abbreviation, write the entire name.
Use only U and P when referring to university presses (e.g. Cambridge UP or U of Arkansas P).