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How to find citations: Faculty Aid: Mendeley

Mendeley for Students and Faculty

Mendeley brings your research to life, so you can make an impact on tomorrow. Search over 100 million cross-publisher articles and counting.

Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley Reference Manager is a free web and desktop reference management application. It helps you simplify your reference management workflow so you can focus on achieving your goals.

With Mendeley Reference Manager you can:

  • Store, organize and search all your references from just one library.

  • Seamlessly insert references and bibliographies into your Microsoft® Word documents using Mendeley Cite.

  • Read, highlight and annotate PDFs, and keep all your thoughts across multiple documents in one place.

  • Collaborate with others by sharing references and ideas.

Mendeley Cite

Mendeley Cite add-in for Microsoft® Word allows you to easily insert references from your Mendeley library into your Word document, change your citation style and generate a bibliography - all without leaving your document.

You can use Mendeley Cite to:

  • Search for references in your Mendeley library and insert them into the document you're working on.
  • Select and insert individual or multiple references at once.
  • Create a bibliography of all the references you've cited.
  • Change to any of your preferred citation styles in just a few clicks.
  • Cite without having Mendeley Reference Manager open or even installed - once you sign in to Mendeley Cite, your Mendeley library is downloaded from the cloud.
  • Keep sight of your Word document at all times - Mendeley Cite opens as a separate panel in Word alongside your document window, not over it.

Mendeley Cite is a free, simple add-in for Microsoft Word versions 2016 and above, with the Microsoft Word app for iPad® and with Microsoft Word Online. 

Support and trainings

Reference assistance hours:

Monday - Friday  8:00 - 17:00.

Inquiries are received and responses made in-person in the library, electronically by mail, electronic form, phone (888 354, 888341), or through the chat.


Ask a Librarian

Profile Photo
Nikolina Ivanova-Bell
Panitza Library
8 “Svoboda Bachvarova” street
Scaptopara Campus
Blagoevgrad 2700
Website Skype Contact: nicky.ivanova.bell
